Baby Jogger City Mini GT Stroller Review

For some time now, the Baby Jogger City Mini GT has enjoyed one of the top ratings in its group. It gets praised by parents all over for its ability to handle all types of terrains, fast folding with one hand, and its lightweight structure.

Thanks to the options of travel system and deep recline, it can be used for babies up to 65 pounds. And if having a reversible seat is not a problem to you, it might as well be the only stroller you’ll ever need.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Stroller

Baby Jogger City Mini GT is incredibly maneuverable

What I especially love about the Baby Jogger City Mini GT is how incredibly maneuverable it is, certainly above the average in its group. Its forever-air style tires, combined with its front wheel suspension, make pushing this stroller surprisingly easy. You don’t even need more than one hand!



Don’t let its name or its three wheels fool you, though. Despite being made by Baby Jogger, the Baby Jogger City Mini GT is actually not a jogging stroller, as surprising as it may be. If you are looking for a jogging stroller, take a look here.

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT actually is pretty much a regular everyday stroller, perfect for running your daily errands or for a nice power walk at your local park. It has no trouble going over rougher terrains like gravel, grass, or mulch, handling it way better than regular models. After folding it, you can easily fit it in the trunk of any car. There is also a double version available, actually.

An adjustable, comfortable back rest

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT’s seat is pretty big which provides the baby with great comfort. The back rest is 53 cm high, the seat is 24 cm deep and 30cm wide, the foot rest is 25 cm long. Which brings the total length of this stroller to whopping 102 cm.

The back rest can be freely adjustable, its height can also be regulated just by pulling a strap on the back, which by itself is easily adjustable too, allowing you to pull it out all the way and not have the back rest move together with it. Unlike in some strollers, when you push down the back rest here, it does go down all the way. When pushed up again, however, it does not actually go up all the way to the vertical position, leaning back a little instead. It is something you may have also observed in the Bugaboo Bee, if it’s something you care about.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Back

The back rest of Baby Jogger City Mini GT is 53 cm high

If you lift the back rest, the fabric folds on the sides pretty nicely, and there was never any trouble with it getting in the way, at least when it comes to me. There’s also a net that goes behind the child in order to protect them from insects as well as tiny junk bouncing up from the ground sometimes. Sadly, the net has holes in it that are big enough for insects to get through, which completely beats its purpose. But at least it can provide some air circulation on hotter days. It also comes with a wind cover for particularly windy days that can be easily found under the stroller’s handle, attached with Velcro patches under the back rest. There’s a satchel behind the back rest, too, where you can easily put small things like bottles, nappies and so on.

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT’s fabric is actually pretty unusual, in a way feeling kind of glossy. Although I wouldn’t exactly say it looks ugly, there is something that bothers me about it. On the plus side, you won’t get things stuck there and cleaning is easy. On top of that, thanks to being pretty thin this pushchair is also fairly easy to fold.

Another thing I loved about the Baby Jogger City Mini GT is all the different colors you can choose from!

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018

Baby Jogger City Mini GT is pretty much a regular everyday stroller

Big Convertible Canopy

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT comes with a beautiful big canopy, among the best I’ve seen, actually. When extended halfway, the top can cover as much as a fully extended normal top. This obviously provides your child with a much better protection from the elements than any other pram, sides included. When the cover is down all the way, it pretty much covers your baby completely, which can be pretty convenient when the sun is shining right into the pram with your baby in it. Too bad that your child won’t get to see anything, and this is why I used it only when my baby was asleep.

Still, at least there are two small holes in the cover for taking a peek, one for the cover being halfway folded and another for the cover extended all the way. This is something that I’d say every pram out there should have, so that the babies inside them could get to admire the world outside when on a walk. The parents can benefit from it as well, since it allows them to take a peek and check up on their baby inside. Which is exactly why I loved having those holes on the Baby Jogger City Mini GT so much!

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Canopy

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT comes with a beautiful big cover


The Baby Jogger City Mini GT’s regular seat can be used for babies that are already able to sit upright and their neck and head control is developed, which is about six months of age. It has a weight capacity of 65 pounds, with the maximum head height being 26 inches, which makes it perfect for older kids or for really tall toddlers.

The seat comes with nice Nylon padding that is pretty comfortable, plus cleaning it is quite easy. The straps in the five point harness also come with padded covers, which ensures that the baby has a safe, comfy ride in there. There are voices coming from some parents, thought, that this harness is actually pretty easy for kids of four or five to open on their own, so you better watch out for that.

The seat comes with nice Nylon padding that is pretty comfortable

The back rest can recline pretty deeply, which provides the baby with a comfy nap during their stroll, just remember that even at its lowest, it is still not completely flat, which means it’s probably not suitable for newborns if you ask me. In order to recline the seat back, you have to use a strap with a buckle, which might not be the most technically advanced mechanism, but it still does its job.

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT’s seat comes with a vented top, which can especially come in handy during hot summer days, thanks to the additional ventilation it provides. When the weather gets colder, on the other hand, it can be closed with the retractable cover there.

It also comes with a leg rest as well as a foot rest for bigger kids, although sadly they cannot be adjusted. Although it isn’t a particularly big issue, it is better to keep that in mind when shopping for a new stroller for your baby.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Canopy and Cover

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT’s seat comes with a vented top

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Travel System

In just few seconds, the Baby Jogger City Mini GT can convert into a travel system. With use of a right adapter, it is compatible with Baby Jogger City GO Infant Car Seat, as well as several other models by different brands.

All you have to do is get the adapters attached to the frame and then click the car seat. Its compatibility with baby car seats allows Baby Jogger City Mini GT to be used even for newborns. It can also be pretty useful for those parents who drive a lot with their baby and their stroller has to allow for quick car-to-stroller transitions.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Car Seat Adapter

Baby Jogger City Mini GT can be used even for newborns

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Travel System can also be bought together with the Baby Jogger City GO Infant Car Seat, or the car seat can be bought separately, and not just the City GO but also many other models, too.

Compatibility With Baby Car Seats

Remember that adapters for car seats are sold separately, though. If you wish to look up the price, here’s the adapter for the Peg Perego and Chicco car seats, which costs more. You can also find other adapters, made for such brands as Nuna, Graco, Britax, Cybex, UPPAbaby, and Maxi-Cosi, so remember to choose wisely!

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Travel System

Baby Jogger City Mini GT can convert into a travel system

Wheels And Suspension

Now the time has come to talk about what truly sets the Baby Jogger City Mini GT apart from all the other regular strollers out there.

It comes with a three wheel design and 8.5 inch all terrain tires that don’t get flat ever. These wheels allow parents to easily roll along on nearly all types of terrains. It also has a front-wheel suspension, which can make the ride smoother and absorb all of the bumps.

Thanks to that, the Baby Jogger City Mini GT not only allows you to run some errands or stroll around the city, but also to roll over grass, gravel, cobblestone, cracked sidewalks, and even dirt roads.

It will give your child a smooth riding experience while also protecting them from all the shocks that might occur.

It doesn’t mean, though, that this stroller would exactly be suitable for long off road strolls, and most certainly you shouldn’t use it to run with your baby, either.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Wheels

Baby Jogger City Mini GT comes with three wheel design and 8.5 inch all terrain tires that don’t get flat ever


The Baby Jogger City Mini GT comes with a hand operated brake which is different from the plain City Mini stroller, which actually has a foot operated parking brake instead.

Unlike most hand brakes, this one isn’t actually located on the handle bar. Its toggle is placed below the handle bar, on the canopy’s right side. On top of its ease of use it is also a perfect solution for those who often wear flip-flops or sandals.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Brake

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT comes with a hand operated brake

Handle Bar

The grip comes with rubber rings that, on top of making it more durable, also make it more convenient to hold as well. The handle bars of strollers usually have a foam cover, which obviously has high chances of tearing at some point. Luckily that’s not a problem here.

Unlike most City Mini strollers, the Baby Jogger City Mini GT comes with a pivoting handle bar that can be adjusted. It also has a truly wide range of the available height settings, which is 30 to 43.5 inches from the ground, allowing people of all the different heights to conveniently push this stroller, without getting back pain or wrist fatigue.

If you ask me, I’d much rather have a telescoping handle bar instead, so that really long-legged parents could get at least a little more free space behind their stroller. At least that way they wouldn’t have to worry about hitting their feet against the back axle all the time. I couldn’t find any reviews complaining about this, though, so maybe it is actually not a problem.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Handlebar

Baby Jogger City Mini GT comes with a pivoting handle bar that can be adjusted

Folding Mechanism

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT folding mechanism, also present in pretty much all of Baby Jogger products that use this feature, is nothing short of amazing. Unless the pram has its satchel full, folding it is just easy.

In order to get the Baby Jogger City Mini GT folded, get its safety harnesses on either side unbuckled and check out if the handle is faced in the same direction as the chassis. All you have to do now is pull it where it says PULL TO FOLD and you’re done. It’s mostly just gravity doing its thing, with a little help from you. It locks automatically when folded, just make sure if the fabric didn’t get stuck in the process.

As I mentioned, though, if you want to get it completely folded, make sure that the basket is all empty. If you’re in a hurry, it can actually be quite a nuisance. While it is technically possible to get it folded while there’s still some stuff inside, you can’t get it completely flat that way. On the bright side, at least when it’s folded nothing can fall from its basket, which sadly cannot be said about the net pocket, like my cellphone which fell out four times from there before I finally learned not to leave it there.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Folded 2

Baby Jogger City Mini GT folding is quite easy

Maneuverability And Ease Of Use

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT can be easily operated and turned using only a single hand. Maneuvering it is a piece of cake and it can very smoothly roll on terrains of different types: grass, gravel, cobblestone, sidewalks or cracked pavement. It also comes with a hand brake that allows parents to fully control the stroller with a finger. The adjustable handle bar makes the stroller suitable for taller and shorter parents alike.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT Pram And Bassinet Compatibility

There is also another seating configuration offered by the Baby Jogger City Mini GT, which is attaching a bassinet to the frame. It makes this particular stroller really useful for parents with a newborn, since a bassinet can provide the newborn with a proper flat position as well as the best support for their head and spine.

The Deluxe Pram, which is compatible with the Baby Jogger City Mini GT, is truly well equipped. It comes with a vented base, a big canopy with a window made of mesh and a comfy mattress with a cover that can be machine washed.

Whereas a baby car seat will do if you have some errands to run or want to go on a short walk, if you intend to take your newborn baby for long distances strolls, a bassinet is a must have for you.

Baby Jogger has 2 bassinet models for sale, with different looks and prices. If you wish to look them up, here’s Deluxe Pram and here’s Compact Pram.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Basinet

Baby Jogger City Mini GT bassinet is a must have for you


I’m going to be blunt, the basket under the Baby Jogger City Mini GT’s seat just isn’t big enough. Not that it is all bad or anything, but if I were to put a medium sized bag of diapers in there, there wouldn’t be any space left for groceries or my handbag.

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT only comes with a small basket under its seat but luckily there’s also a mesh pocket on the seat’s back.

Thankfully there’s also an extra mesh pocket on the back of the Baby Jogger City Mini GT’s seat, which gives parents a place to keep their personal belongings like a cellphone, wallet or a water bottle. Everyone can always use some extra space to keep their stuff nearby.

There are also some additional accessories like a parent organizer or extra storage space, but sadly they are sold separately at extra charge (see here).

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2018 Size

Pros And Cons


  • Deep, comfy recline
  • Vented seat top especially useful during summer
  • The big canopy provides plenty of shade
  • 2 peekaboo style windows
  • Very agile and can be easily pushed and steered with one hand
  • Wheels go smoothly over different types of terrains
  • Suitable for kids as old as four or five
  • Adjustable handle bar for taller or shorter parents
  • Forever Air style tires
  • Absorbs shocks well on grass and gravel
  • Can be folded in seconds using one hand
  • Can be easily stored and transported in a trunk of a small car when folded
  • Easy cleaning of the fabrics


  • Can’t stand on its own after being folded
  • Peekaboo windows with noisy Velcro closure
  • Storage basket size
  • All accessories are sold separately, like a bassinet or car seat adapters

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT – The Accessories

There are no accessories included with the Baby Jogger City Mini GT by default, but plenty of them can be purchased separately at extra charge. Below I present some of the Baby Jogger’s accessories that I consider to be useful in particular.

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Parent ConsoleParent Console – Provides a single closed pouch, which gives the parents a place to keep their valuables in, as well as 2 beverage holders that can be also used for storage. It is truly a useful piece of accessory, allowing parents to keep all their necessities nearby at all times. If you wish to always have your water bottle at hand during long distance walks, it is a must have for you. Surely beats having to bend down to reach it from the storage pocket located on the seat’s back.
The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Cup HolderCup Holder – This accessory is for those who wish to have a special place to put their coffee or water bottle in.
The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Child TrayChild Tray – With this accessory, your kid can now have their snacks or sip cup always within their reach.
The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Belly BarBelly Bar – This particular accessory is intended to provide the baby with extra safety. It gives the little passenger something comfy to hold on to when on a stroll, while also preventing them from accidentally sliding out.
The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Deluxe PramDeluxe Pram – This allows you to convert your Baby Jogger City Mini GT into an actual pram! It is a perfect choice for newborn babies and for parents who love long walks outside. It places the newborn in an actual flat position, thus providing their head, neck and spine with proper support. It also comes with a big canopy, a pop out sun visor and an apron that provide a cozy, sheltered place for the little ones. There are few different colors to choose from. A cheaper version of this bassinet, Compact Pram, is also available.
The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Weather ShieldWeather Shield – A cover designed to always block rain and wind and keep the passenger all warm and dry while also providing proper air circulation in there.
The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Glider BoardGlider Board – It can be attached to the Baby Jogger City Mini GT’s back and thus provide some room to an older toddler or even a preschooler. It is especially useful for kids who are old enough to walk but still need a break from time to time. They can just get on board when they feel like it, and when not in use it can simply be folded or detached.

All pictures belong to Baby Jogger. Source:

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Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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