The best all-terrain strollers

Nowadays, many manufacturers are doing their best to make their new models of strollers more compact with as small weight as possible. Undeniably, such models are great for travelling especially by plane and exploring cities. Still, with the majority of these strollers, you will not be able even to go to the park or stroll along the street with an old and cracked pavement. In order to do it, you will need an all-terrain stroller.

As the name suggests, an all-terrain stroller is capable of dealing with absolutely different types of terrains. Such strollers are usually featured by large wheels and large tyres which are sometime filled with air. Yet, the design of wheels is not everything for a stroller to be called an all-terrain one. An all-terrain model should have an appropriate suspension system which will cushion the ride.

In this article, I am going to provide you with information about a selection of the best all-terrain models available on the market right now. Here, you will find joggers, three-wheeled all-terrain strollers as well as the strollers with a four-wheel design. If you are a parent of several children or you are planning to extend your family soon, you will benefit from the choice of the best all-terrain strollers for a growing family. Finally, I will tell you more about the way such strollers should be chosen in the first place.

Do you need an all-terrain stroller?

First of all, if you are going to become a parent for the first time and you are not sure whether you need an all-terrain stroller at all, I am sure you need to understand the functionality of such strollers before you start looking for the best model for your family.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, parents living in the countryside as well as those visiting natural sights on a regular basis will not be able to make do without an all-terrain stroller of a high quality at all. Do not think that you will somehow be able to manage to go through gravel, sand or bumpy terrain with a compact lightweight stroller with small wheels and flat tires. It simply will not work at all and you will and up not just carrying your child but also transporting a folded stroller in your hands.

Another situation in which a good all-terrain stroller is an absolute necessity is snowy weather. In case you are residing in the area prone to harsh winters with a large amount of snow, you should think about investing in an all-terrain stroller with the best wheels. Note that this is true regardless of whether you are residing in the urban area or in the rural one.

Of course, every parent who would like to go jogging absolutely has to purchase an all-terrain stroller. Yet, you should make sure this one is of the jogging type since not all of the all-terrain models are suitable for this kind of sport. At the same time, do not think jogging on the smooth roads doesn’t require the use of a stroller with all-terrain wheels. In such a case, they are needed not for making your way through some difficult terrain. Their aim is cushioning the ride for your baby minimising any shocks which can’t be absorbed appropriately if a stroller is not of the all-terrain type.

Finally, all-terrain strollers are very much needed for parents who, even though living the city, spend some time in the parks and beaches. As I have just told, it will not be possible to use a lightweight stroller on such terrains.

These are just some of the most popular situations in which an all-terrain stroller is an absolute must-have. There can be many other cases, for example, living in the city with some shabby damaged pavements or with a great number of roads covered by paver blocks. Even though for many umbrella strollers paver blocks are not a great deal, your baby will be shacking badly in one’s seat while you will be pushing a stroller on such a pavement. This is especially not recommended for newborn children.

The best three-wheeled all-terrain strollers

Currently, a three-wheeled design is regarded to be the most efficient for all-terrain models of strollers. For that reason, jogging strollers are always made with three wheels.

Pay your attention to this group of strollers not only if you want to go jogging or hiking with your baby, but also when you need a stroller for dealing with a large amount of snow. Actually, jogging strollers are considered to be the best for getting through thick layers of snow and ice.

At the same time, you should be aware of the fact not all of the all-terrain strollers with there wheels were designed for jogging. In case you are searching exactly for a jogging stroller, you should pay your attention to the description of a model checking whether it really mentions the category of jogging stroller. Note that the word jogger is even used in the names of some brands which are actually offering different types of strollers some of which are all-terrain models with three wheels without a jogging function.

1. BOB Alterrain PRO

BOB Alterrain PROTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
An all-terrain jogging stroller convertible into a travel system75 lbsThe newest model in the BOB’s series of jogging stroller with an improved functionality and an even better suspension system. Perfect for jogging sessions, off-terrain trips and super snowy winters. Can be used from the very start after attaching one of the compatible infant car seats.

The BOB series of jogging strollers has been regarded as one of the most successful one on the market for several years already. One of the latest models in the range of BOB joggers is Alterrain PRO. This stroller is one of the most expensive in this collection since it is really a new one, however, it is quite similar to some of the previous models of this brand. Yet, BOB Alterrain PRO is an upgraded version of BOB’s iconic joggers mixing the best features and improvements with a more fashionable up-to-date appearance.

Of course, the most crucial parts of an all-terrain jogging stroller are its wheels and suspension which are amazing in BOB Alterrain PRO. The wheels of these stroller are really large with the front wheel of 12 inches and the rear wheels of 16 inches. The front wheel is equipped into a swivelling mechanism with a lock which will let you to better adjust the stroller to the type of a terrain you are going through. The wheels have pneumatic tires which are pretty thick increasing the comfort of the ride.

The BOB’s joggers have always been known for their advanced suspension systems, however, in this new stroller in the series the suspension was upgraded even more. This system is called SmoothShox and it will cushion the ride perfectly.

BOB Alterrain PRO is equipped into a large toddler seat which can be used with children up to the moment when they reach the weight of 75 lbs which is a lot. For many kids it means the age of four to five. Unlike many other joggers, BOB Alterrain PRO can be used with babies starting from the age of 8 weeks with a toddler seat. Still, it means using the stroller for walks rather than jogging or off-road trips. This are recommended for children starting from the age of 8 months.

The stroller is also suitable for newborn babies after attaching an infant car seat. So far, you will be able to use BOB Alterrain PRO with the seats produced by Chicco, BOB/Britax as well as Peg Perego, however, the manufacturer is planning to extend the list of adapters for this stroller.

The quality of the toddler seat of this stroller was improved a lot. The seat is covered by a special compression padding which is more spongy and comfy than regular paddings. The material of the seat is easy to clean and yet, it is water repellent, so that it will not get soaked with water if you are suddenly caught by the rain with your baby. The manufacturer also added an extra support pillow to the lower part of the seat which makes the ride even safer for babies as they have more support.

I am more than glad to see the harness in this stroller is of the non-rethreading type which is a way easier to adjust than a typical one. Pay your attention to the canopy of BOB Alterrain PRO as well as it is absolutely gigantic covering almost entire body of your baby no matter whether the seat is reclined or not. The canopy is also made of the waterproof material.

BOB Alterrain PRO offers parent a huge storage basket with a special cover closed with a zipper. This one will be really handy especially if you are going to walk with your baby in the winter. Parents will be able to use a pouch for small items such as a phone or a wallet.

Keep in mind that this model has an improved folding mechanism. Even though the fold itself is still rather large, it can be done now with one hand. In addition to it, the fold is now self-standing.

The most important features of BOB Alterrain PRO

Pay your attention to these lists of the most crucial details and function of BOB Alterrain PRO which should be considered before you decide to purchase this stroller.


  • a model suitable for jogging and off-road exploration;
  • large wheels of the highest quality;
  • an advanced suspension system;
  • a toddler seat with a large weight capacity;
  • the toddler seat is suitable for babies starting from the age of eight weeks;
  • convertible into a travel system;
  • compression padding and an additional support pillow;
  • a no-thread harness;
  • an extremely large canopy;
  • washable water-repellent fabrics;
  • can be folded with one hand;
  • reflective elements;
  • a large storage basket with a cover;
  • a number of additional pockets for storage;
  • two-types of brakes including a handbrake;
  • a wrist strap.


  • a rather bulky fold;
  • rather heavy;
  • somewhat expensive.

Do you need BOB Alterrain PRO?

BOB Alterrain PRO is not a cheap stroller, however, it can be a great investment for many parents especially since it can be used from the first day up to the preschool age.

I will particularly recommend this stroller to parents who would like to be sure their child is absolutely safe during jogging sessions. With the fantastic seat with super comfy padding and non-rethreading harness, a wrist strap, two brakes and a huge canopy, your baby will absolutely enjoy the ride.

This stroller will also be an amazing purchase for parents residing in the areas featured by rather harsh winters with a large amount of snow. This stroller will be able to deal not only with snowy pavements but also with the fields all covered by snow.

2. BOB Gear Rambler

BOB Gear RamblerTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
An all-terrain jogging stroller convertible into a travel system75 lbsOne of the most lightweight and compact jogging strollers offered by BOB. It is featured by three wheels of the equal size with pneumatic tires, great suspension and a parking brake. The stroller is compatible with a variety of infant car seats offered by the top manufacturers.

As I have just mentioned, so far, BOB is one of the best brands when it comes to all-terrain strollers designed for jogging. There are several models in the series and actually each of them could have been on this list, I have introduced the newest one to you in the previous section which is based on the design of some other BOB’s joggers including many improvements. BOB Alterrain PRO is an absolutely amazing stroller however, it costs nearly 600 USD without a discount and it is featured by a rather large fold and weight. If you are willing to get one of the BOB’s products but are hope to find something cheaper or you are really not sure about the weight of the Alterrain PRO model, I will recommend you to try BOB Gear Rambler.

Unlike the Alterrain PRO model weighing 33 lbs, BOB Gear Rambler weighs only 25 lbs which is a pretty small weight when it comes to the jogging models. Even though the weight of this stroller is very reduced, it can still hold a baby weighing up to 75 pounds.

As you can imagine, because of such an overall weight, this stroller has smaller wheels than the Alterrain PRO model. Unlike many other jogging strollers, this one has all of the wheels of the same size equal to 12 inches. Still, it is more than enough for convenient jogging and hiking. You will still be able to use this stroller for snowy weather as the experts recommend strollers with the wheels of at least 8.5 inches for this purpose and as you can see, BOB Gear Rambler has a way larger wheels than this minimum requirement. The rear wheels can be easily removed whenever you want to get a smaller fold of this stroller.

Actually, the folding mechanism of BOB Gear Rambler includes two steps which is making it a bit more complex than the folding mechanism of the Alterrain PRO model.

This stroller is also equipped into a great suspension system and a swivelling mechanism with a lock in its front wheel. Actually, there is also a special tracking system in the front wheel of the stroller which can be adjusted. The tires of this stroller are filled with air which is making them particularly efficient for dealing with rather difficult terrains.

BOB Gear Rambler is a convertible stroller which can be transformed into a travel system. Since this model has already been on the market for some time, it is compatible with a large variety of models of infant car seats offered by the most popular brands such as Nuna, maxi Cosi, Graco, Chicco, Peg Perego, Cybex and of course Britax and BOB Gear.

The toddler seat of this stroller is particularly comfortable since it can be reclined to an almost upright position as well as an almost flat position. Furthermore, the seatback of this seat was designed with the use of special materials providing your child with extra ventilation. The air flow is also improved due to a peek-a-boo window located on the stroller’s canopy. The seat has a five-point harness which is of a no-rethread type. Note that the entire canopy and seat are made of a special material with a reflective pattern. Needless to say, it is just perfect for jogging in the darkness.

The canopy of BOB Gear Rambler is really impressive and it is made of the material with UPF 50+ protection. For extra protection of your baby, the manufacturer has added a wrist strap to this model.

For your convenience, you will find a large basket for storage in this stroller.

The most important features of BOB Gear Rambler

Check this list of the convenience and safety features of BOB Gear Rambler and don’t forget to consider several drawbacks of this model before making your final decision of purchasing this model.


  • an all-terrain stroller with a jogging function;
  • large easily removable wheels with pneumatic tires;
  • convertible into a travel system after attaching one of the popular models of infant car seats of the top manufacturers;
  • a convenient and safe toddler seat which can be used even with pre-schoolers;
  • a large canopy with a peek-a-boo window;
  • a no-rethread harness system;
  • a wrist strap;
  • a material with a reflective pattern;
  • a large storage basket.


  • even though the seat of Rambler is featured by a large weight capacity, some parents find it somewhat too small;
  • some parents found the harness a bit too tight.

Do you need BOB Gear Rambler?

BOB Gear Rambler is a great all-terrain stroller for the parents who are interested in purchasing a model featured by the highest quality and great functionality. BOB Gear Rambler is more affordable than other BOB joggers, with its price of around 400 USD. At the same time, this jogging stroller is more compact and lightweight than other BOB strollers. Even though its rear wheels are smaller than the wheels of some other jogging models, they are still more than enough for going through pavements and fields covered by snow.

BOB Gear Rambler can be used as a convertible stroller which makes it a great all-terrain stroller for everyone who needs a model which can be used from the very birth of the child.

3. Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight

Joovy Zoom 360 UltralightTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
An all-terrain jogging stroller convertible into a travel system75 lbsAn all-terrain stroller with a jogging functionality available for a relatively small price. The model is characterised by a small weight if compared to other strollers of this type and can be converted into a travel system. Even without an infant car seat attached to the frame, the stroller’s toddler seat can be used with infant babies who are at least three months old.

In case you are searching for a good all-terrain stroller which can be used as a jogger, you might have already noticed such models are generally featured by a rather high price. Even the previous models on my list of the best all-terrain strollers are pretty pricey. Even though such a high price is a very usual thing for good all-terrain joggers, there are still several amazing models which are relatively cheap.

Certainly, there is always a risk of getting a product of a lower quality for a lower price, however it is not always like that. For instance, such a stroller as Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight is loved by many parents around the world who were able to get a great jogging stroller for their family and safe a nice sum of money.

The price of this model of a stroller is around 300 USD which is really not a lot for a jogger of a high quality especially since this stroller can also be converted into a travel system. Actually, this make Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight a great stroller for families who would like to make the most of their purchase. The stroller itself is equipped into a large toddler seat with a large weight capacity of 75 lbs. At the same time, you can transport your baby in this stroller starting from the age of three months which is not popular among the stroller of this type.

The seat of Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight has a super large canopy. Note that the peek-a-boo window of this model is made of plastic. Depending on the situation it can be either an advantage or a disadvantage. Of course, for babies living in the areas with hot summers, the plastic cover will prevent them from getting an extra flow of fresh air. At the same time, if you are living in a location prone to snowy winters, this plastic window will be useful for providing your baby with extra protection.

One of the problems of many inexpensive strollers of different categories is the quality of their wheels. Yet, the wheels of Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight are of an excellent quality allowing you to benefit from its jogging functionality to the maximum extent. The stroller is featured by a three-wheel design with the front wheel of 12 inches and a swivelling mechanism with a lock. The rear wheels of this stroller are 16 inches. The whe4els are using air-filled tires. Pay your attention to a great bonus added to this stroller by its manufacturer which is an air-pump. Fortunately, you will not have to purchase it separately or worry you will not have one in case of any accident with the tires.

Of course, the suspension of the stroller also means a lot. The quality of the suspension of Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight is also of the highest quality which is needed for cushioning the ride of your child.

As I have just mentioned, this stroller is a quite lightweight model of a jogger as it weighs only 25 pounds which is less than the majority of options presented in this article.

Bear in mind that the price of this stroller also includes a parent organiser with two cup holders as well as a pocket with a zipper. The pocket is handy for storing small possessions and is great for people living in areas featured by snowy winters. As you can imagine, the cover will protect your things from getting damaged by snow.

These are just some of the great things offered by Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight which is available for a very attractive price.

The most important features of Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight

Let’s look at a short summary of the most crucial aspects of Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight which will help you to understand better what kind of quality you can get for such a small price.


  • an affordable model;
  • large wheels with air-filled tires;
  • an air-pump is included into the price;
  • a swivelling mechanism with a lock in the front wheel;
  • a great suspension system;
  • a relatively lightweight when compared to other joggers;
  • the price includes a parent tray which is equipped into a special pocket with a cover;
  • the toddler seat can be used with babies starting from the age of three months up to the moment they reach the weight of 75 pounds;
  • can be converted into a travel system with the use of one of the popular models of infant car seats.


  • the handlebar is rather high while it cannot be adjusted;
  • the fold is large;
  • there is a bar blocking the access to the storage basket which is otherwise quite spacious.

Do you need Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight?

Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight is one of the best choices for parents who are looking for an affordable jogger of a high quality or a really multifunctional terrain stroller. Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight comprises all of these features successfully offering the highest quality to parents. It is especially good for snowy terrains and winter weather due to its plastic peek-a-boo window, large canopy as well as the closure of the pocket on the parent tray which is handy for storing your wallet or a smartphone. By the way, this parent tray is also included into the price.

Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight can be used right from the birth of your baby due to its compatibility with various infant car seats. You can also transport a child who is already three months old in Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight without any additional accessories.

4. Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller

Chicco TRE Jogging StrollerTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
An all-terrain jogging stroller convertible into a travel system55 lbsAn all-terrain jogging stroller available for a very affordable price packed with great features for safety and comfort some of which are not available even in exclusive models. The jogger is featured by super large wheels and adjustable suspension system which can be changed according to the terrain you are using your stroller on. Includes a wrist strap and two types of brakes.

If you can afford paying a bit more for your all-terrain stroller, however, you are still looking for an affordable inexpensive product, one of the greatest models you can find on the market is Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller. This jogger is available for the price below 400 USD, however, it can still be purchased for a smaller price if you happen to come over a discount.

Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller is a truly exclusive stroller as it has a large variety of great features some of which are not available even in the most expensive strollers. This is what makes Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller so attractive in the first place.

A truly unique feature of Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller is its advanced suspension system. Of course, all of the all-terrain strollers and especially joggers of a high quality are equipped into a suspension system which was designed according to rather stringent standards. Still, the suspension of Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller is truly unique as it can be adjusted to the type of terrain you are going to use it one. Some of the models of joggers, for example, a couple of BOB’s jogging strollers will let you adjust the suspension to the weight of your baby, however, the Chicco manufacturer used a different approach and made this stroller’s suspension adjustable to the surface it is used on. Needless to say, this increases the manoeuvrability and the overall easiness of using the stroller a lot.

Another amazing feature which is, albeit not exclusive, it still rather rare in jogging strollers as well as in the strollers of other types, even though it is extremely useful. This feature is a handbrake which makes a stroller a way safer for running down the hill than the joggers which are not equipped into one. There is a parking brake as well in this stroller.

Other great safety features of Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller are a five-point harness, reflective elements, a wrist strap and a large canopy. The fabric of this canopy as well as the fabric of the seat is waterproof which is particularly useful for parents who are looking for an all-terrain stroller for the use in a location featured by rather snowy winters.

The weight capacity for the toddler seat of Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller is 55 pounds whereas the minimum age when you can start using this stroller with your baby is six months. prior to that moment, you will be able to use Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller as a travel system with one of the models of infant cars eats offered by this brand. The models compatible with Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller are all of the infant car seats of the KeyFit and Fit2 collections which are regarded to be the safest ones designed by Chicco. Pay your attention to the fact these models of infant car seats are based on the Click Connect mechanism developed by Chicco which allow you to attach them to the frame without purchasing any additional adapters.

Of course, while many parents are more than happy to have stroller which is ready for being converted into a travel system, others are not thus happy because of a limited number of seating units available for this model.

Another great feature about Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller is the possibility of folding it in three different ways according to the place where you are going to store it. For example, one of the folds can stand on its own so it will be useful for keeping your stroller at home or in your garage, whereas a super flat one is more handy for transporting the jogger in the trunk of your car.

The most important features of Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller

Are you already intrigued by the quality of Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller? Then you should check a more complete list of its most crucial features which is available below.


  • an affordable price;
  • great for jogging;
  • convertible into a travel system without a use of any extra adapters;
  • large wheels covered with anti-puncture tires;
  • the front wheel is equipped into a swivelling mechanism with a possibility of locking;
  • a special suspension system adjustable to the type of surface you are using the stroller on;
  • is great for snowy winters due to a large waterproof canopy with a plastic peek-a-boo window;
  • the seat is also made of a waterproof material;
  • has an adjustable handlebar;
  • includes a wrist strap;
  • is equipped into a parking brake as well as a handbrake;
  • reflective elements;
  • three types of folds;
  • a large storage basket;
  • the price includes a parent organiser.


  • as I have said, some parents would like to use Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller with an infant car seat of another manufacturer but it is not possible;
  • a heavy model.

Do you need Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller?

Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller is a relatively affordable stroller so parents with a somewhat limited budget will be glad to purchase this model especially due to its extended functionality. As you now know this stroller has a variety of amazing features which are not available in other strollers such as a special adjustable suspension system which can be changed according to the surface you are using your stroller on.

This stroller has more safety features than many other all-terrain models as it is equipped into two types of brakes, a wrist strap, a five-point harness, a huge waterproof canopy and reflective elements.

The only case in which purchasing Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller might not be the best idea is if you have already got an infant car seat of another manufacturer since it will not be compatible with this jogger.

The best four-wheeled all-terrain strollers

According to the experts as well as parents, the best design for all-terrain strollers is the one which is based on three wheels. The majority of such strollers are actually joggers, so purchasing such a one, you will be able to enjoy even more functionality than a regular all-terrain stroller can offer. Of course, as a rule jogging strollers are more expensive than regular all-terrain models, however, as you can see in this article, there are affordable models of a high quality as well.

Still, even if the price is not an issue for you, you might prefer purchasing a four-wheeled stroller rather than a jogging one. One of the common situations in which you might be willing to get a four-wheeled all-terrain stroller rather than a three-wheeled one even though the latter is regarded to be more efficient is when you need to save some space especially in the trunk of your car. Unfortunately, no matter how hard the manufacturers are trying to make their joggers less bulky and their fold more compact, they are never as compact as four-wheeled models. In some cases, the issue of a too large fold might be really rather serious as some joggers are even too large for car trunks.

Of course, there is also no need to push all that heavy and bulky stroller if you are not planning to use it for jogging in the first place. That is why, if you are more interested in the four-wheeled model of an all-terrain stroller, you will find a couple of examples of the best options of that type currently available on the market. Note that there is also a short list of amazing all-terrain strollers for a large family some of which are actually joggers, albeit their design was converted into a four-wheeled one since they are featured by a double configuration of the seating units.

1. Cybex Balios S Lux

Cybex Balios S LuxTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
An all-terrain stroller convertible into a travel system as well as a pram with a bassinetA toddler seat: 55 lbsAn all-terrain model of the highest quality which will provide you with a great number of functions. It can be used as a travel system with any of the Cybex models of infant car seats without the use of any adapters. As a pram, the stroller can be use either with a bassinet or with a carrycot which can be directly installed on the reversible seat. The model can be used in the triple mode with a Kid Board.

Cybex Balios S Lux is an elegant and stylish all-terrain stroller with extended functionality which was made of the materials of the highest quality and is available for a reasonable price. Actually, the price for this stroller is around 400 USD and it can also be available with a discount. At the same time, when you look at its fashionable appearance, you will even find this price too small for such a great product.

Cybex Balios S Lux is an all-terrain stroller with quite large wheels and advanced suspension. The front wheels in this model are equipped into a swivelling mechanism with a lock which will allow you to get the pivoting motion blocked whenever you need it. The quality of the wheel of this stroller is really great, so you will be able to travel wherever you want with it. The only thing which you should not do with Cybex Balios S Lux is jogging since jogging is allowed only with the models which were designed exactly for jogging. Pay your attention to the fact this stroller will be efficient for dealing with snowed pavements even though it is not a jogging model.

Cybex Balios S Lux is a full-size convertible stroller which can be used in absolutely different ways.

Its toddler seat is featured by the weight limit of 55 pounds and it is quite large. This seat is featured with a huge canopy which will cover the greater part of your baby’s body even if you recline the seat completely. An amazing feature of this seat is that it is reversible so your baby will be able to travel either facing you or facing the world. This seat is appropriate only for babies starting from the age of six months.

Cybex Balios S Lux can be used with newborn babies in three different ways. First of all, it will be enough for you to purchase any model of the Cybex Balios S Lux infant car seats and you will be able to use it directly with this stroller without a need to purchase any adapters. In such a way, you will be able to use this stroller as a travel system right from the birth of your child.

This model is compatible with a special Cybex carrycot which can be attached to the toddler seat. Since the toddler seat is reversible, you will be able to reverse the carrycot as well while changing the mode of the major seat.

Some parents prefer bassinets to carrycots as they allow you to convert the stroller into a real pram which doesn’t require carrying the toddler seat all the time. Such a bassinet can be purchased for this stroller separately.

there is also a number of other amazing features about this stroller. For example, it has an adjustable handlebar with a telescopic mechanism designed in such a way so as you will be able to change the height of the handle single-handedly. This handle is covered with a leatherette material. The bumper bar was made with such a material as well.

For your convenience, the manufacturer added a super large storage basket to this model.

Cybex Balios S Lux is a particularly great model for parents who are searching for an all-terrain stroller of quiet a compact size. It will be able to deal with snow easily while you will be able to use special winter accessories for the extra comfort of your baby. For instance, there is a specially designed Gold Footmuff which can be attached to the toddler seat making your baby protected all the time even if she or he is quite active.

The most important features of Cybex Balios S Lux

Let’s look at the most crucial features of Cybex Balios S Lux which will help you to understand whether purchasing this stroller will be a good idea for your.


  • all-terrain wheels of the highest quality with a swivelling mechanism with a lock in the front wheels and full suspension;
  • compatible with four types of seating units;
  • a convenient toddler seat with a super large canopy a possibility of reversing;
  • can be used with any model of Cybex infant car seats without additional adapters;
  • can be converted into a pram with a bassinet or be used with a carrycot which can be attached directly to the toddler seat;
  • can be used in a double mode with a Kid Board suitable for older children;
  • a telescopic handlebar;
  • a large basket;
  • can be used with great accessories useful during a cold winter for instance, with a Gold Footmuff which is can be attached to the toddler seat;
  • is relatively lightweight when compared to other all-terrain strollers.


  • all of the accessories are sold separately;
  • cannot be used for jogging.

Do you need Cybex Balios S Lux?

I will recommend Cybex Balios S Lux to the parents who would like to get an all-terrain stroller of a premium quality and save a lot of money. Cybex Balios S Lux is exactly like this with its excellent materials, a telescopic handlebar, four seating options as well as a Kid Board, super large canopy and gigantic storage basket as well as a variety of great accessories which can be purchased separately for customising this stroller.

The only thing you should bear in mind is that this stroller is not a jogger even though it can deal with harsh terrains really efficiently.

2. Bumbleride Era

Bumbleride EraTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
An all-terrain stroller convertible into a travel system and a pramA toddler seat: 55 lbsAn eco-friendly all-terrain stroller with a unique design of the toddler seat which can be transformed into a bassinet which is suitable for an overnight sleep. The stroller is made partially of natural materials and partially of recycled ones which is making this stroller an outstanding product on the market. The model is featured by an adjustable handlebar which can be set to a rather low level compared to other strollers.

One of the iconic all-terrain strollers available on the market today is Bumbleride Era. Not only is it known for its great design and functionality, but it is also one of the most eco-friendly strollers available on the modern market. Actually, to be honest, modern manufacturers are not particularly concerned about the environmental impact of their product to the environment, they are more interested in providing babies with a safe product. Yet, the manufacturer of Bumbleride Era was able to develop a stroller which is comprising both the safety needed by your child and eco-friendliness.

This stroller was made without a use of any of the popular harmful chemicals such as Phtalate, BPA and PVC. It is also PFC free and has an OEKO-TEX Standard 100 certificate. When it comes to the production process of this stroller, the manufacturer used recycled PET for the entire fabrics used in Bumbleride Era. 25% of this PET is coming from the recycled fish nets. In addition to it, a special dye process is used which requires a way smaller amount of water than a standard dying process does.

As an all-terrain model, Bumbleride Era is equipped into four large wheels. The front ones are 8.5 inches and they are equipped into a swivelling mechanism with a lock which will help you to adjust these wheels according to the terrain you are going through. The rear wheels have 11.5 inches. By the way, pay your attention to the fact the size of the front wheels is exactly the minimum required size for an all-terrain stroller to be efficient on snowy surfaces. Thus, you will be able to use it without any difficulties during a winter.

Bumbleride Era has a special toddler seat which can be transformed into a basinet. As a toddler seat it can be used with babies who have already gained neck control and up to the moment when they reach the weight of 55 pounds. In order to use the stroller as a pram, you will not have to purchase any extra elements or an entire bassinet. The toddler seat can be simply switched to an infant mode. If you want to switch Bumbleride Era to this mode, you will need to set the backrest of the seat to the flattest position available. The footrest has to be pulled up and a special bassinet fabrics should be used. This fabrics  is already added to the price of the stroller so you will to have to purchase it separately.

In fact the quality of this bassinet is so great that you will be able to use it even for overnight sleeping.

Don’t forget that the stroller is also convertible into a travel system. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of infant car seats compatible with this model so you will really have a great choice.

One of the crucial features of Bumbleride Era is the range of levels to which you can set the adjustable handlebar of this model. Undeniably, it is not the only one stroller offering a large variety of levels of the handlebar height however, in this stroller the minimum one is pretty low being only 26 inches. This is a great thing for really petite parents who might have a trouble with finding an appropriate stroller. Unfortunately even the models with adjustable handlebars do not guarantee you, you will be able to set the handlebar to the level low enough for you to use the stroller comfortably.

Don’t forget about a huge storage basket of this stroller which will provide you with simple access from any side regardless of whether your baby will be sleeping or not. Also, pay your attention to the amazing colour versions of this stroller especially such models as Clay and Sea Glass.

The most important features of Bumbleride Era

Bumbleride Era is not a cheap stroller, so you should make sure you really need it before purchasing. My list of the most essential parameters and functions of this stroller will help you in this task.


  • all-terrain wheels with air-pumped tires and suspension suitable for using the stroller on the bumpy terrains;
  • a toddler seat with a large weight capacity and an oversized canopy;
  • the toddler seat can be set on the frame in the two modes: a parent-facing one and a world-facing one;
  • the toddler seat can be switched to a newborn bassinet mode 3easily and this bassinet is suitable for an overnight sleep;
  • can be used with a variety of infant car seats offered by the most popular manufacturers;
  • a wide range of levels for an adjustable handlebar including a quite low one;
  • includes a hand strap for additional safety;
  • a great accessible storage basket;
  • an eco-friendly and toxin-free model.


  • rather pricey;
  • somewhat heavy.

Do you need Bumbleride Era?

Undeniably, if you concerned about our planet and want to protect your baby against toxic substances, Bumbleride Era will be the best option for you. Even if you are not particularly worried about our Earth, you will still like Bumbleride Era a lot.

Its great design makes it a fantastic all-terrain stroller and the possibility to convert it into other types such as a bassinet or a travel system is amazing. You will not need to purchase any additional elements to transform Bumbleride Era into a pram. Furthermore, the bassinet of this stroller is suitable for an overnight sleep which can prove to be super handy particularly during travelling.

I will particularly recommend this stroller to the petite parents who are struggling to find a model low enough for them to use it conveniently. Still, high parents will also be able to use this stroller easily as it has a really large choice of levels of its handlebar.

The best all-terrain strollers for a growing family

If you already have two young children with a small difference in age or you are planning to have the second child in the nearest future, it doesn’t mean you have to resign from jogging, hiking or exploring rural locations. Fortunately, some manufacturers did their best to create amazing strollers equipped into two seating units or expandable strollers in which you can attach extra seating options which can be used for various type of terrains. Some of such models are multifunctional all-terrain strollers whereas others are jogging models created exactly for the purpose of going in for sport with your child.

Here you have a couple of great options which can prove to be useful for your family.

1. BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie DoubleTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
An all-terrain double jogging stroller convertible into a travel systemA major seat: 50 lbsA double version of one of the most popular joggers offered by BOB. The stroller is featured by a large weight capacity and compatibility with a wide array of top models of infant car seats offered by the most popular and trustworthy manufacturers of accessories for babies. The stroller can deal with absolutely any type of a terrain.

If you do not want to waste your time and money on purchasing several different strollers designed specifically for some particular purposes, you should certainly pay your attention to BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double.

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 is a single jogging stroller which is regarded to be one of the most successful models available on the market. This one has been used by many parents who really love to spend time actively with their children. Even if you are not a real fan of physical activities, you will still find this stroller extremely useful in case you are living in the area with rather snowy and harsh winters.

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double is a double version of this stroller which will allow you to travel through absolutely different types of terrains with two children at a time.

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double was designed with two seating units attached to the frame in a so-called side-by-side mode. Of course, this fact, as well as the fact the stroller itself is of an all-terrain type, made BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double somewhat heavy weighing 33 lbs, however, it is absolutely normal for this type of a stroller. No matter how much BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double weighs, it is still one of the favourite all-terrain and jogging double strollers of many parents.

Actually, such a large weight of the stroller makes it suitable for transporting two quite large kids with a total weight of 100 pounds. Each toddler seat is featured by the capacity of 50 pounds respectively. If you have already made some research on the topic of the double strollers, you should have noticed they are generally featured with a quite small weight capacity. At the same time, the seats are really large suitable for children with a high up to 44 inches. Note that despite such a large size of the toddler seats, this stroller can be used for the babies already starting from the age of 8 weeks. Yet, the minimum requirement for being able to go jogging with your child is 8 months.

For newborn babies use special adapters compatible with the infant car seat you are using.

The seats of BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double have great positions for reclining including an almost straight one. I also love the fact the manufacturer uses a special type of fabrics for the production of these seats which will provide your children with excellent ventilation. The canopy of this stroller is also large and has a peek-a-boo window with a silent magnetic closure.

The wheels of this stroller is really large with the front one of 12.5 inches and the rear ones of 16 inches. This makes BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double suitable for using on any type of terrains including the surfaces covered with a large amount of snow in cas4e you are looking for an all-terrain stroller for winter. The suspension system of this stroller is great for absorbing shocks during the ride.

For the comfort of parents, the manufacturer made the handlebar adjustable with nine positions of height. This is particularly useful for families with parents of a quite large difference in height.

Pay your attention to the variety of storage options provided by this stroller. The major basket is really large and in addition to it, you will find ten different pockets located all over the seats of the stroller. There is also a special pocket for your mobile phone attachable to the handlebar included into the price.

The major features of BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double

As you have noticed, there is a variety of absolutely amazing features of BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double, however, this stroller is pretty pricey. Thus, you should look through this list really carefully in order to decide whether this stroller will satisfy the needs of your family.


  • suitable for using with two children of the same age as well as with the children of a different age;
  • the toddler seats are suitable for children of a wide range of age starting from only eight weeks up to the preschool age;
  • compatible with a great variety of models of infant car seats offered by popular brands;
  • recline mechanisms in the seats are separate;
  • two large separate canopies;
  • can deal with absolutely different types of terrains due to large wheels and an advanced suspension system;
  • an adjustable handlebar with nine levels;
  • a large storage basket;
  • ten additional pockets as well as a special pocket for your phone which can be attached to the handlebar;
  • a wrist strap.


  • rather heavy;

Do you need BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double?

If you are planning to jog or explore natural sights with two children no matter whether they are twins or siblings with a difference in age, BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double is one of the best options you will find on the market. This stroller was designed in such a way as to guarantee your babies and you the smoothest possible ride and great manoeuvrability even though it is rather heavy.

In this case the heaviness is actually the cost you have to pay for the two big seats of this stroller with a large weight capacity and large wheels. Thus, if you don’t mind such a weight, you will be able to enjoy a great functionality of BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double.

2. Thule Urban Glide 2 Double

Thule Urban Glide 2 DoubleTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
An all-terrain double jogging stroller convertible into a travel system which can able used as a pram with a bassinetA major seat: 49 lbs;

A total weight capacity with storage options: 100 lbs.

One of the best multifunctional double stroller with all-terrain wheels designed for jogging. The two spacious toddler seats of this stroller are featured with individual reclining mechanisms and separate canopies. The stroller can be used with twins and sibling of different age as a jogger, a travel system and a pram with bassinets.

Undeniably, whenever the topic concerns all-terrain strollers or joggers, it is impossible to omit the products offered by Thule which has several iconic strollers for sport and off-road trips. I am more than glad to tell you this manufacturer also has double versions of some of its most popular products which can be used successfully for jogging, natural sight exploration and snowy winters with twins or siblings of different age.

One of the greatest products of such a type is Thule Urban Glide 2 Double which is a double version of the Glide 2 model well-known among active parents as a stroller of the highest quality.

The basic design of this stroller is really very closed to the way Thule Urban Glide 2 is designed. Fore instance, it is equipped into the same wheels with the front one of 12 inches and the rear ones of 16 inches. Of course the front wheel is equipped into a swivelling mechanism which also has a lock in the case you don’t want the wheel to pivot. The tires used in this model are filled with air.

One of the greatest features of this stroller which is not available in many other jogging strollers is a hand brake. The hand brake in this stroller has a special twisting mechanism which is different form the typical hand brake used in many bicycles. You can compare this model to the BOB Gear Revolution Flex discussed above which actually lacks such a feature. Apart from this hand brake, the stroller is also using a standard parking brake. If you are not going to use your all-terrain stroller for jogging or hiking in the hills, a hand brake might be more of an additional element for your convenience. Yet, a hand brake is a real safety element when it comes to jogging with your baby as it is a way more easier to use this brake while running and especially, while running down the hill.

Thule Urban Glide 2 Double is equipped into two toddler seats located side-by-side. They have separate recline mechanisms which are infinite allowing you to set the backrest to any level you wish rather than chose the level out of a predefined range. The canopies of the seats are also separate. The manufacturer used a special material with an improved air flow for these seats so that your children will feel maximum comfort during hot summer days. Note that despite the fact the seats are installed side-by-side, Thule Urban Glide 2 Double is narrow enough to let you get through standard pass ways without any difficulties. The maximum weight capacity of each seat is 49 pounds.

Thule Urban Glide 2 Double is not a cheap model, however, it will provide you with anything you might need. This stroller is convertible into a travel system and you will be able to use it with a wide variety of infant car seats. It is also possible to transform this stroller into a pram after attaching special bassinets. In such a way, the stroller can be used with twins and siblings with a small difference in age.

This all-terrain jogging stroller will be particularly useful for parents with a large difference in height since you can easily adjust the height of the stroller via a telescopic handlebar.

The weight of Thule Urban Glide 2 Double is 33 pounds which is standard for double strollers with all-terrain wheels and a jogging function. Of course you might still find it too much especially if you are planning to use the stroller on a daily basis, however, in some cases you just have to use exactly such a type of a stroller regularly.

The most important features of Thule Urban Glide 2 Double

The number of great features of Thule Urban Glide 2 Double is quite large and here you can check the most crucial of them. Don’t forget to look at a couple of drawbacks before you decide to get this model.


  • large wheels with tires filled with air as well as advanced suspension are making the stroller a real all-terrain stroller;
  • ideal for jogging;
  • a swivelling mechanism with a lock in the front wheel;
  • the toddler seats have separate infinite recline mechanisms;
  • large canopies are separate as well;
  • convertible into a travel system and a pram with a bassinet;
  • can be used with a number of models of infant car seats;
  • can be used in a twin mode and as a double model;
  • a spacious basket which can be covered and closed for better protection;
  • includes a hand brake as well as a parking brake;
  • an adjustable telescopic handlebar;
  • a stylish design.


  • rather heavy;

Do you need Thule Urban Glide 2 Double?

I will recommend Thule Urban Glide 2 Double to the parents of two children or those planning to have the second child soon after the birth of the first one if they need an all-terrain model designed for jogging in the first place. If it is your case, then Thule Urban Glide 2 Double will be one of the best possible strollers you can use for this purpose. Especially, pay your attention to the hand brake which is extremely helpful during jogging sessions and still, is a rather rare element not added to the majority of jogging strollers.

Providing you are not looking for a jogging stroller, but you can still afford Thule Urban Glide 2 Double, you can also consider purchasing this model since it is definitely a great all-terrain stroller.


UPPAbaby VISTATypeWeight capacityMain advantages
An all-terrain stroller with a possibility of using with two seating units convertible into a pram with a bassinet and a travel systemA toddler seat:  50 lbs;

Ramble Seat: 35 lbs

An all-terrain stroller featured by a four-wheeled design which can be used in a single mode, a twin mode and a double mode. The stroller can easily handle various types of terrains and can be a perfect investment for parents dealing with uneven surfaces on a regular basis. Due to a special collection using merino wool can be especially good for cold and snowy winters.

It is difficult to imagine any list f the best all-terrain strollers without the iconic model of UPPAbaby VISTA which is one of the favourite all-terrain four-wheeled strollers suitable for a growing family.

Undeniably, double strollers are offering extended functionality, especially in the case when they allow parents to add a bassinet or a travel system mixing the seating options. Still, they are better for the parents who already have two children rather than are still expecting the second child to come. In such a case you definitely do not want to deal with a particularly heavy stroller while one of the seats will be empty. In such a situation, it will be more sensible to invest in a model which can be used both in a single and double mode. And, since you are looking for a real all-terrain stroller, UPPAbaby VISTA can be exactly what you need. Of course, this is a solution exclusively under the condition of you not planning to go jogging or hiking with your babies.

UPPAbaby VISTA is definitely not as bulky as double joggers which are both wide and long. The wheels of this stroller are also a way smaller, however, they are absolutely enough for dealing with rather harsh terrains including pavements and fields covered with snow. The front wheels of this stroller have 8 inches whereas the rear wheels have 11.5 inches. There is a swivelling mechanism in the front wheels with a possibility of locking the pivoting movement whenever you need your stroller to be more stable.

The wheels of UPPAbaby VISTA are not using air-filled tires, however, the tires are pretty thick and great for absorbing shocks an making the ride smooth. These polyurethane tires are designed in order to have an increased mechanical resistance, so as you will not worry about the perspective of getting a puncture.

The best way of using this stroller is when you already have a child and are expecting another one. In such a case you will be able to use seating options designed for younger babies such as a bassinet or an infant car seat in the twin mode  and then switch to the toddler seats which are featured by different weight capacity. While the major seat which is already included into the price has a capacity of 50 pounds the sibling seat is smaller and can accommodate children who still haven’t reached the weight of 35 pounds.

Of course, the stroller can also be used with twins, however, because of that difference between the toddler seat and Ramble Seat, you will not be able to use this stroller in the twin mode when the weight of each of your children exceeds 35 pounds.

Pay your attention to the possibility of using this stroller in a triple mode with a special riding board. Of course, you can also use UPPAbaby VISTA with a single seating unit and a riding board as well.

When it comes to the quality of the seating units available for UPPAbaby VISTA, you should pay your attention to the fact the bassinet compatible with this model was designed in such a way as to allow your child to sleep in it safely during the entire night. You can even use it with a special bassinet stand available which is sold separately as well.

As I mentioned in the quick information about the stroller, UPPAbaby VISTA is presented in several collections one of which was designed with the use of a special fabrics which is based on merino wool. Purchasing UPPAbaby VISTA of this collection will be a great idea for families residing in the areas featured by cold winters.

The most important features of UPPAbaby VISTA

UPPAbaby VISTA is regarded to be one of the most successful models available on the market. It is a favourite stroller of parents of several children as well as the parents who just need a good all-terrain stroller or a full-size 3-in-one stroller. Look at the most crucial features of this model once again.


  • can be used in a single, double, twin and even triple mode;
  • convertible into a travel system and a pram;
  • as a pram is used with a bassinet which is suitable for an overnight sleep and can be used with a special UPPAbaby bassinet stand;
  • the bassinet has a very large canopy which is equipped into its own sun visor;
  • using car seats offered by UPPAbaby for a travel system does not require any additional adapters;
  • the stroller is compatible with the seats offered by other popular manufacturers;
  • the seating units of different types can be mixed in the double mode;
  • a very large number of configurations;
  • an immense storage basket;
  • the price includes a variety of accessories;
  • also available in the merino wool collection.


  • Ramble seat is smaller than the original toddler seat;
  • in some configurations you will not be able to see your second child so they are not particularly practical;

Do you need UPPAbaby VISTA?

UPPAbaby VISTA is definitely one of the most amazing strollers you can purchase today. Still, it is rather pricey, so, even if you can afford it, you should decide whether you need it or not.

Actually, for the price of almost a thousand of dollars you will get quite a lot. This price includes not only the stroller with a toddler seat, but also a bassinet. In addition to it, the package also has a rain cover and an insect cover for the toddler seat as well as an insect cover for a bassinet. In fact, the majority of strollers available on the market do not have any special covers for bassinets in the first place. As you can see, this stroller is really well-equipped, thus, if you are searching for an offer which includes a variety of accessories, UPPAbaby VISTA is a great stroller for you.

Don’t forget that using this stroller with any of the UPPAbaby infant car seats you will not have to purchase any adapters.

4. Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy

Mountain Buggy Duet V3 BuggyTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
An all-terrain stroller suitable for a growing family featured by a side-by-side design convertible into a travel system and a pram with a bassinet50 lbsAn all-terrain stroller featured by an exclusive design allowing you to install two seating units side-by-side or remove one and use the free space for an extra large additional storage basket. The stroller is compatible with a variety of infant car seats as well as a bassinet, however, you can use it with a carrycot attachable directly to the toddler seat.

Providing you are searching for an all-terrain stroller designed for a growing family which will provide you with extra functions, Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy can be a perfect choice for you, although you need to take into consideration its pretty high price.

Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy is featured by a special design of four wheels in which all of them have 10 inches. Combined with an advanced suspension system, a swivelling mechanism with a lock inbuilt into the front wheels, this stroller is not only perfect for dealing with absolutely different types of terrains, but it is also featured by a great weight distribution which is particularly important for double strollers. As a result, once you will need to raise the front wheels of this stroller up for getting through some harsh terrains, you will be able to do it in a more simple way than it is in the case of other double strollers.

If you have ever seen Mountain Buggy V3 Buggy, you will know that the double version of this stroller is characterised by exactly the same width which is absolutely amazing since you will be able to get through the majority of passages without any difficulties.

Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy can be used with several different seating options. Of course, there is a toddler seat which is included into the price from the very beginning. Its weight capacity is 50 lbs and a sibling seat is featured by the same weighty capacity. The manufacturer guarantees you can use these seats even with newborn babies, however, you might be interested in adding one of the seating units specifically designed for the youngest children.

Of course, the most budget-friendly option is attaching an infant car seat which will allow you to use Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy as a travel system. It is possible to use two infant car seats at a time or mix them with other infant car seats. In such a way, you can avoid purchasing any extra seating options for your babies.

Yet, if you are ready to pay more for this stroller you can get bassinets which will provide your babies with the maximum comfort and safety. There is also an option known as cocoons which are actually special carrycots which you can attach directly to the stroller without removing toddler seats. These seating options are a cheaper than the bassinets.

I mentioned at the beginning that Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy is offering extended functionality. This is true since you can use it as a great shopping stroller in the single mode. Right where the second seating option can be attached, you can locate a super large shopping tote which has a fantastic weight capacity of 44 lbs. Needless to say that even the largest storage baskets in all-terrain strollers are not featured by such a large weight capacity. Note that this one is the second storage option and there is still a basket underneath the stroller. Thus, you really have a lot of options to choose from.

The price of Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy is around 650 USD. It is quite a lot, however, double strollers as well as all-terrain strollers are always more expensive than single model or umbrella strollers. As you now know, investing in this stroller, you will be able to use a large amount of functions. Still, don’t forget that unlike in the case of strollers for growing family, such a double stroller comes with two toddler seats from the very beginning, thus, you will not have to pay for it anything extra.

The most important features of Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy

Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy is one of the most multifunctional double strollers available on the market today. Here, you can check its amazing features.


  • an all-terrain stroller suitable for absolutely different types of surfaces;
  • an improved weight distribution due to a special design of the wheels and suspension;
  • possible to use with newborn babies without any extra accessories;
  • compatible with a carrycot and a bassinet;
  • can be converted into a travel system even with the use of two infant car seats at a time which is, as a rule, not possible with double strollers;
  • seating options can be used in different configurations including both a double mode and a twin mode;
  • an immense storage basket;
  • an additional extra large shopping tote of the weight capacity of 50 pounds;
  • the width of the stroller is the same as of its single version;
  • the handlebar can be adjusted to your height.


  • somewhat small canopies of toddler seats;
  • accessories are not included into the price.

Do you need Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy?

Now, when you have learnt about several other all-terrain strollers suitable for a big family, you are definitely wondering whether this one will be a good option for you.

I personally can recommend Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy to parents who need an all-terrain stroller with extra functions such as, for instance, additional storage space. The immense shopping tote of this stroller can be certainly used for shopping with one baby, however, it can also be useful during long trips when you will need to take a lot of possessions with you. Since Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Buggy has wheels of an excellent quality, it can be used in different locations far away from the city.

Note that this is a perfect stroller for parents who want to use a side-by-side model as a travel system as this function is generally not available in the strollers of such a type.

Tips for choosing the best all-terrain stroller

As we have discussed it at the very beginning of this article, the reasons for purchasing an all-terrain stroller can be absolutely different. In some situations it is pretty obvious that your family needs an all-terrain model, for example, if you are planning to go jogging or hiking with your baby or if you are living in the area featured by rather cold winters. Yet, in some situations you might not be aware of the fact an all-terrain stroller is the best option for you. For instance, not only the people living in the countryside should invest in an all-terrain stroller but also those who are residing in the cities where many pavements are not even for instance because of the cracks and other damages on the pavement or because they are made of cobblestone. In such cases you will not be able to make do with a lightweight stroller with small wheels no matter how hard you try. In all likelihood you will be getting stuck all the time let alone the fact your baby will be constantly experiencing unpleasant shakes.

Of course, there is no need to make your life thus complicated and it is better to get an all-terrain stroller of a high quality. In this part of my article, I will provide you with some general tips on the way you can make the best choice.

Which one to choose – a three-wheeled model or a four-wheeled one?

If you have read some of the reviews of the strollers in this article, you might have come across the information that three-wheeled strollers are the best versions of all-terrain models. Actually, this is true, although it doesn’t mean you have to buy one. Everything depends of your individual situation.

A three-wheeled model of an all-terrain stroller is an absolute must for the parents who want to go jogging or hiking with their babies. In such a case exclusively a jogging stroller which is always of the three-wheeled design is suitable. Another situation in which you will hardly make do without a jogger is if you are living in the area with particularly snowy winters. The majority of good four-wheeled all-terrain strollers will be totally enough for winters with a moderate amount of snow, however, they might not be able to handle extremely snowy winter especially if you are going to spend it in the countryside.

In other situation, you will be able to make do with an all-terrain stroller of a four-wheeled design without any difficulties. Actually, you might even prefer a four-wheeled all-terrain stroller to a three-wheeled jogger which is as a rule heavier, bulkier and has a rather large fold which sometimes might be even too large for a car trunk.

Choosing an all-terrain stroller for jogging

As I have just mentioned, if you need an all-terrain stroller for jogging, it has to be exactly the jogger model. Do not use any other stroller no matter how great its wheels and suspension are. The model has to be approved by safety experts as suitable for jogging. You should also be aware of the fact there are many three-wheeled strollers and some of them are actually equipped into all-terrain wheels which still does not make them joggers. The description of the model has to explicitly say it is a jogging one.


Joggers are featured by a particular design of the seating unit and chassis and are also equipped in large wheels than the majority of standard all-terrain strollers. What is also crucial for such models is an advanced suspension system which will be able to smooth the ride at a high speed or over particularly bumpy terrains once you go hiking with your baby.


If this is the stroller you are looking for, I will recommend you purchasing a model with extra safety features such as a wrist strap and a hand brake. Whereas the first one is quite popular, for some unknown reason many jogger manufacturers simply ignore the importance of a hand brake which is a way safer for use while you are jogging down the hill. Needless to say, at such a situation it is rather difficult to reach the pedal of parking brake with your foot. Of course, the parking brake also should be included into the model for the safety of your child.

Wrist strap

When it comes to the wrist strap, the majority of strollers are equipped into the one which is attached directly to the handle, however, there are also some joggers in which the wrist strap is pretty long and it is fixed on the from wheel axle. This is actually a great design feature as it will help you to prevent the situations in which you will be jogging with your stroller and accidentally fall down pulling the entire stroller with you making it fall.

Adjustable handlebar

Undeniably, make sure the jogger you would like to purchase has an adjustable handlebar or, at least, its fixed height is suitable for you. While it is still possible, albeit not pleasant to use any other type of a stroller in which the handlebar is not adjusted to your height, when it comes to joggers, such a handlebar might spoil the entire experience of jogging too much.

A possibility of using the stroller with other types of seats

Buying a jogging stroller, you will hardly find a model which can be converted into a pram with a bassinet. Yet, you can find models convertible into travel systems so, you can still use such a stroller with a newborn baby. This should be considered before you make your final decision whether to buy a stroller or not. Certainly, everything depends on the age of the baby you are going to use such a stroller with.

Choosing an all-terrain stroller for snowy winters

As you can imagine, an all-terrain stroller for snowy winters is has to meet somewhat different standards than a jogger. Of course it might also be that you are looking for a jogger which can be used during the winter. In such a case, you should take into consideration the information from both the previous part of the article and this part as well.

Wheels and suspension

Although for all-terrain strollers for snowy winters the following rule can be applied: the larger the wheels are, the better the quality of the ride will be, there is a minimum requirement for the size of the wheels and it is not thus stringent. According to the experts, it will be enough for a stroller to have the wheels of at least 8.5 inches in order to be suitable for winters. Certainly, particularly snowy winters, especially in the countryside, will be easier to deal with if your stroller have larger wheels. Still, generally, smaller can also be useful.

It is also advisable to choose strollers with air-filled tires for winter as they will be able to handle snow better.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, your stroller should have an appropriate suspension system and a swivelling mechanism with a possibility of locking it.

Pay your attention to the fact some strollers are featured by a pretty rare mechanism which will allow you to switch them to a two-wheel mode. This is made for dealing with particularly harsh terrains such as surfaces covered with rather thick layers of snow as well as sandy beaches.

A large seating unit

The requirements for a high quality of wheels and suspension in an all-terrain stroller for winter are absolutely understandable, however, you should also take into consideration another extremely crucial issue. It is very important to purchase a stroller with a large seating unit.

As you know, many manufacturers tend to claim a particular weight capacity of the toddler seats of their strollers which are unfortunately not always work in practice as the size of the seat turns out to be too small for the majority of kids below the weight limit. Thus, it is crucial for parents art least to try to estimate how great the seat is in case they really want to use the stroller for a longer time.

When it comes to purchasing an all-terrain stroller for winter, this tasks becomes even more complicated as in this case, it is not just enough for the seat to be spacious for accommodating your baby. It has to be big enough for holding a thick blanket and all the layers of clothes you are going to put on your child before going out in the winter. It might turn out that even a harness cannot be adjusted properly since there are so many layers of material around your child.

For that reason, you should get as large toddler seat as possible especially if your baby soon becomes a toddler.

A large canopy

A large canopy is crucial for any type of a stroller. Certainly, a jogging stroller also should have one. Yet, when it comes to the stroller which will be used during the winter, it is absolutely obvious such one has to be equipped into a really oversized canopy. It will be amazing if the canopy as well as the material of the seat are water-repellent.

Note that some strollers have a peek-a-boo window made of plastic instead of mesh which is generally regarded as a disadvantage as it doesn’t let fresh air to get under the canopy. This is particularly crucial during the summer. Still, as you can imagine such a type of a window can prove to be quite useful during snowy weather.

A possibility of using additional accessories

There is a variety of different accessories which can be useful during winter days and it will be really great if the stroller of your choice is compatible with some of them. For instance, special mittens attachable to the handlebar will be great for you, whereas a footmuff will make your baby feel warmer. Do not think you will be able to use a footmuff of any other stroller with your stroller, especially while using the stroller in the mode with a toddler seat. The footmuff designed exactly for a particular stroller can be attached to the seat in such a way as to allow you use the harness straps.

Popular features of all-terrain strollers

In case you actually do not have to buy an all-terrain stroller and can easily make do with a lightweight model, however, you are still interested in the functionality of the first category of strollers, you should take into consideration the following information which will help you to decide whether you really should get an all-terrain stroller.

  1. All-terrain strollers are more expensive than regular strollers are. There are many reasons for such a difference in the prices. Undeniably, the quality of the wheels and suspension meets higher standard which makes these elements more expensive. Such strollers are also based on more solid and resistant frames which are not thus cheap as those you can find in umbrella strollers.
  2. All-terrain strollers are heavier than regular strollers. Undeniably, exactly because of the reasons mentioned above, all-terrain strollers are heavier than other types of strollers including full-size ones.
  3. All-terrain strollers are bulkier and are featured by a more complicated folding mechanism as well as a larger fold. This is especially true in the case of joggers with their particular design of chassis and super large wheels.
  4. All-terrain strollers are equipped into large storage baskets. As a rule, since these strollers are bulkier than regular ones, their manufacturer can attach a storage basket with a larger weight capacity which can be pretty useful.

Bear in mind these common features of all-terrain strollers. For example, it might be that, in case you are living in the block of flats and will have to carry such a stroller up and down in your hands, this might be somewhat complicated for you. If you really have a choice since the location you are living in allows you to use a lighter and more compact stroller, it might be easier for you to deal with such a stroller.

Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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