The best tricycle strollers

Are you thinking about way of making the strolls with your baby more fun and, at the same time great for his or her development? Then, you can consider purchasing a tricycle stroller which can become a great investment for your family especially since some models of this type of strollers can be used from infancy even up to the age of five years.

There are many crucial details of this category of strollers which require your attention which I am going to highlight in this article. Here, I will provide you with all the necessary information about the reasons to buy a tricycle stroller, the recommendations for purchasing such a product and of course, the list of the best models available on the current market. Thus, you will be able to choose the stroller suitable exactly to your family and budget.

What is a tricycle stroller?

If you have never read about a tricycle stroller, I am sure, you have a least has a chance to see a baby travelling by such a stroller. These are beautiful small tricycles with a handlebar which is giving the caregiver control over the child while he or she is not ready to use this stroller on their own. Yes, this means that with time, you will be able to give your child a possibility of using this stroller like  areal tricycle rather than a pushchair controlled by you.

At first, you will be pushing this stroller just like any other while your baby will be pedalling even though this movement will not impact the way the stroller is going. You will have an entire control over the tricycle. Yet, gradually, you will be able to detach the handlebar and switch to the mode in which the child will actually drive this tricycle like any other one.

Do you and your baby need such a tricycle stroller?

A tricycle stroller can make any walk with your baby more interesting regardless of the age of the age of your child. Instead of sitting still, the baby will be able to move all the time pedalling the tricycle and definitely, once she or he is ready to get the entire control over the vehicle, there will be a lot of excitement.

Since there is a great number of models of tricycle strollers which are already suitable for babies starting from the age of six months, many parents are using them as an alternative to a regular stroller. You can do it as well for your baby and even be able to use it up to the age of five years depending on the exact model of a tricycle stroller you choose. In addition to it, you will find a variety of models which have a reversible seat allowing you to set it to the parent-facing mode which is important for younger babies. Still, you should be aware of some specific aspects of such a stroller.

There is a great difference between the design of a typical stroller and a tricycle stroller. Unfortunately, the majority of the tricycle strollers will not let you recline the backrest to such a level that your baby will be able to have a nap. I think this is the major issue which might not allow you to resign from purchasing both a regular stroller and using a tricycle stroller all the time. It is crucial for the youngest babies especially who will hardly be able to resign from having a nap.

Furthermore, you should make sure your child really can use such a stroller particularly when he or she is below one year of age. It is not only about the design of the stroller, but also about the physical development of your child. There are particular health conditions which require for your baby to spend more time lying before he or she starts sitting on their own without a parent forcing one to do that. As you can imagine, travelling by a tricycle stroller will really demand spending more time in a sitting position form your child so you should make sure it will be a good idea for his or her health, at least so far.

Yet, if it somehow turns out you are not supposed to use a tricycle stroller with your baby right now, do not worry as there is plenty of models which can be a good investment even if your child is already one year old or older.

Can you switch to a tricycle stroller completely?

Undeniably, purchasing any new accessory for your child means spending more money. As it is usually with young children, you will not be able to use these accessories for a long time since your baby will soon outgrow them. Considering such a perspective, let’s think about the sensibility of purchasing a tricycle stroller and the situations in which you can really use it instead of a regular stroller.

Judging by the current offer of the market, I find switching to a tricycle stroller a great idea for parents who live in the urban areas unless you can afford one of more expensive models of tricycle strollers with all-terrain wheels. For such parents a tricycle stroller can be really a good option, however, as I have just mentioned in the previous chapter, it is important to take into consideration the fact your baby might need to a have a nap during the walk which might not be possible with some models of tricycle strollers.

Another crucial thing you should take into consideration if you are thinking about purchasing a tricycle stroller and using it instead of a regular stroller is the weather in the area you reside. As you can imagine, a conventional stroller might offer more protection against a chilly wind and rain or snow as well as provide your baby with sufficient space and a convenient position for using a thick blanket or wearing a number of layers of clothes. A slim and open seat of a tricycle stroller might not be thus convenient for such a purpose.

Certainly, if you are already an owner of a nice three-in-one stroller which completely satisfies your needs as well as the needs of your child, you can simple purchase a tricycle stroller as an additional vehicle for the baby. Yet, if you are just planning to purchase either a tricycle stroller or a regular stroller and can afford getting only one, you should be aware of the issues I have mentioned above. Definitely, in such a case you will not be able to make do with a cheap model as your stroller will need some extra functionality for instance such as a possibility of being folded (there are many models which cannot be folded).

Bear in mind the fact that even the largest tricycle strollers will not be able to provide you with a spacious storage option. This is absolutely normal for this type of strollers regardless of their price category. That is why, if a large storage basket is an absolute necessity for you, you should think carefully about switching to a tricycle stroller completely.

The best tricycle strollers designed for children starting from 6 months of age

The minimum age requirement for the tricycle strollers in general is six months, however, you should be aware of the fact this requires some physical skills and a particular level of development form your child. Some children are still not very confident of sitting on their own at this age whereas there are also babies who cannot seat without the help of their parents completely. In some cases, doctors even discourage parents from teaching their children to sit and recommending them to wait until the babies will come to this developmental stage naturally on their own.

Needless to say, in such a case, you do not have to purchase a tricycle stroller which can be used with babies as small as 6 months. Yet, if you can see your child can really sit without anyone’s help, you can get one of the best tricycle strollers created for such small babies.

On this list, you will find absolutely different models with different weight capacity and additional features. Of course, they also differ in prices a lot. In order to help you understand which of them can provide your baby with the maximum comfort for a reasonable price, I have collected all the necessary details about these strollers which are so loved by many parents. Note that the variety of models of tricycle strollers suitable for children starting from 6 months is not large and the models for children starting from the age of 10 months are a way more popular. That is why this list is very modest comparing to the list of the strollers designed for older children.

1. Joovy Tricycoo LX

Joovy Tricycoo LXTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A four-in-one tricycle stroller suitable for children between 6 months of age and 5 years55 lbsAn amazing stroller featured by the functionality of some of the most expensive strollers available on the market. The stroller is equipped into all necessary safety features as well as a pair of additional footrests which can be removed and a generous canopy with a peek-a-boo window.

In point of fact, Joovy Tricycoo is actually an entire series of tricycle strollers offered by Joovy which is one of the top brands producing accessories for babies. Joovy Tricycoo LX is not the cheapest stroller in this collection, however, it is featured by extended functionality which is not typical for tricycle strollers. When it comes to the Tricycoo series of Joovy’s strollers, LX is somewhere in the middle when it comes to its price and parameters.

As you now know, Joovy Tricycoo LX is suitable for using with babies who are as small as 6 months. At the very beginning, you will be able to choose from two modes for this seat depending on whether you want to let you baby observe the world or face you. Note that the configuration  in which your baby will be facing you may be somewhat more convenient for a small child since it offers a deeper recline which is actually suitable for taking a nap.

As you can understand, the seat of Joovy Tricycoo LX is reversible, however, it is based on a special rotating mechanism which will allow you simply rotate the seat without removing it first in order to change its position.

The seat of Joovy Tricycoo LX is featured by the highest quality, comparable to some more exclusive models. First of all, it has generous soft padding which will make your baby feel really comfortable. There is a five-point harness as well as a removable bumper bar. In addition to it, the manufacturer has added removable footrests for your baby which will make the strolls in Joovy Tricycoo LX not only more convenient but also safer.

If you notice your baby is ready to use the stroller with a completely upright position, you can switch to this mode when he or she is at least 9 months old. An upright position is actually loved by many children as it provides them with mort possibilities for observing the world.

Unlike the majority of tricycle strollers, Joovy Tricycoo LX has a real canopy, not just a hood and this canopy is pretty large giving a child a large shade and good protection. At the same time, you will be able to use a convenient peek-a-boo window which is a standard element of the canopies of regular strollers.

The push trike mode of Joovy Tricycoo LX starts when your baby reaches the age of 12 months. Now, you can remove the extra foot rests which I have mentioned above. Thus, your child will be able to use the primary foot rests. These foot rests are foldable  an it is recommended to fold them when your baby reaches the age of 18 months. At this point, the child will be able to rest the feet on the stroller’s pedals, however, this will not give him or her any control over the wheels. At the same time, it will be possible to move the handlebar without controlling the tricycle. If you want to, you can remove the canopy after switching to this mode of the stroller.

Finally, the manufacturer recommends to detach the handlebar once your child is older than 24 months. The bumper bar and backrest can be safely removed with the children who are at least 30 months old. Of course the condition is your baby already being capable of pedalling the tricycle and steering it on one’s own.

In such a way, Joovy Tricycoo LX offers four modes to parents and children. The last one will be suitable even for children up to the age of 5 years or the weight of 55 pounds. Yet, at the same time, this capacity comes with a somewhat large weight of the stroller itself which is 25.4 pounds.

The most important features of Joovy Tricycoo LX

As you can see, Joovy Tricycoo LX has four useful modes which will let your baby gradually learn how to steer a tricycle. Look at all of the crucial parameters of this tricycle stroller below.


  • four modes suitable for children starting from the age of six months up to the age of five years;
  • EVR wheels of the highest quality;
  • a generous canopy with a peek-boo window;
  • an additional pair of foot rests for extra protection and comfort of the youngest babies;
  • the recline of the stroller is suitable for napping;
  • a reversible seat with a rotating mechanism;
  • a removable bumper bar;
  • amazing colour versions.


  • pretty heavy;
  • is not foldable.

Do you need Joovy Tricycoo LX?

If you are searching for a great model of tricycle stroller packed with different features and characterised by the highest quality, Joovy Tricycoo LX will be a great option for you. With its four modes and a large range of age of children it is suitable for, the stroller can be really a great investment even though it is not exactly a cheap one.

Still, you should be aware of two crucial issues concerning this stroller. First of all, it cannot be folded which immediately makes it inappropriate for travelling. Secondly, it is somewhat heavy weighing over 25 pounds. This makes Joovy Tricycoo LX a model which is better to be used for local adventures, however, if you are looking for something more compact and foldable, unfortunately, Joovy Tricycoo LX will not be suitable for you despite all of its amazing features.

2. Joovy Tricycoo UL

Joovy Tricycoo ULTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A eight-in-one foldable tricycle stroller suitable for children between 6 months of age and 5 years55 lbsAn upgraded model of Joovy Tricycoo LX which will not only offer your baby eight different configurations including a stroller option with a recline suitable for napping but also a folding feature which is absolutely necessary if you want to travel with your stroller or use it as a regular stroller.

Providing you are ready to pay over 300 USD for a tricycle stroller, you can also pay your attention to Joovy Tricycoo UL which is, as you can imagine, is equipped into additional features not available in the LX model.

One of the major advantages of Joovy Tricycoo UL which might actually be pretty important for you is the possibility of folding this tricycle stroller. As I have already mentioned it, it is not possible travel with a stroller which cannot be folded. You will simply not be able to get it inside your car, let alone a plane. For that reason, if you found the functionality of the Joovy Tricycoo LX tricycle stroller but you really need your stroller to be foldable, it might be a good idea to pay more and get a more functional tricycle. Pay your attention to the fcat that the folding mechanism of this stroller is really simple and you will be able to activate it with a single hand.

Another crucial difference between Joovy Tricycoo UL and Joovy Tricycoo LX is the weight which is in the case of the UL model is only 15.6 pounds. This feature makes Joovy Tricycoo UL a lightweight stroller and thus, it makes UL even better for travelling.

In addition to it, there is also a spacious storage bag attached to the parent’s handlebar which is not available in the Joovy Tricycoo LX model. This is a great accessory which will definitely be handy. Of course, it is not thus large as typical storage baskets of lightweight strollers, yet, you will be able to store some necessary possessions there.

Just like Joovy Tricycoo XL, this model has a great seat with three possible positions of recline. The seat can be used in a parent-facing mode as well as a world-facing mode. There is a five-point harness as well as a removable bumper bar in the seat of Joovy Tricycoo UL. The canopy of this stroller is also large and equipped into a peek-a-boo window.

Pay your attention to the fact that the removable parent’s handlebar of this stroller will allow you to adjust its height. This is a rather rare feature when it comes to tricycle stroller so if you are a very tall person or quite petite or there is a great difference between your height and the height of other people planning to use a stroller, you should really consider getting a tricycle with an adjustable handlebar.

The weight capacity and age requirements of Joovy Tricycoo UL are the same as the ones in the LX model. The minimum age requirement for using this stroller is 6 months whereas, depending on the weight and the height of your child, he or she will be able to use this stroller even up to the age of five years. This, again, is making this stroller a great investment even though it is pretty expensive.

According to the manufacturer, there are eight modes available for this stroller. The first two were designed for babies between 6 and 9 months and they include a regular position of the seat facing out as well as a parent-facing position with a possibility of reclining the seat. This is a so called Recline Baby Rest Mode.

The next two modes are Push and Toddler Mode and they are suitable for children older than 12 months. These modes are followed by the Toddler Parent Control mode as well as the Child mode which were designed for children above 18 months. Finally the Classic Trike mode can be used with children older than 36 months. The last mode is the stroller in its folded form.

The most important features of Joovy Tricycoo UL

Joovy Tricycoo UL is a quite similar model to Joovy Tricycoo LX, however, there are several crucial differences which also make this model multifunctional and more expensive at the same time. Let’s look at these important characteristics of Joovy Tricycoo UL so as you will be able to decide whether you need this model or the LX model will be sufficient for you if you want to buy one of the Joovy Tricycoo tricycle strollers at all.


  • suitable for babies starting from the age of 6 months;
  • a large weight capacity up to 55 pounds;
  • eight possible configurations;
  • a foldable model with a simple folding mechanism requiring the use of one hand only;
  • a generous canopy with UPF 50+ and a peek-a-boo window which can be removed if needed;
  • two pairs of footrests for extra comfort and safety of your baby including the one designed especially for the smallest babies;
  • the seat is reversible and offering three levels of recline including the one suitable for napping as well as a perfect upright position for the world exploration;
  • a storage bag is included;
  • rubber no-flat wheels.


  • might be expensive for many parents;
  • some parents found the seat somewhat small for big kids.

Do you need Joovy Tricycoo UL?

As you might have already checked, the price of Joovy Tricycoo UL is nearly 80 USD greater than the price of the LX model. This is quite a lot considering the price of the majority of tricycle strollers, let alone the fact there are models which can be purchased for as little money as 80 USD. Thus, if you are really interested in getting one of the Joovy Tricycoo strollers, you might be wondering which one is better.

Actually, many parents prefer the LX model to the UL even though UL is more expensive. According to these parents the ratio between the quality and price of Joovy Tricycoo LX is better than it is the case of the UL tricycle stroller. In addition to that, there are parents who found the seating unit of the UL model smaller than the one of the LX model which can be a rather crucial issue for many families.

Yet, you shouldn’t forget about the most crucial feature of Joovy Tricycoo UL which is the fact this stroller can be folded unlike its cheaper alternative. Needless to say, it gives parents a possibility to travel with this stroller which is impossible to do with the strollers which cannot be folded no matter how great their other features are.

3. Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike

Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N TrikeTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A four-in-one lightweight tricycle stroller suitable for children between nine months of age and five years42 lbsAn affordable tricycle stroller which is pretty lightweight and well-equipped offering parents a possibility of adjusting the height of its handlebar and use a storage basket. A cup holder is included into the price of this tricycle stroller as well.

If you have read the descriptions of the previous strollers, you have definitely noticed that I have mentioned the possibility of getting a tricycle stroller worth even less than 80 USD. Actually, if you happen to get a discount which is offered for Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike on frequent occasions, you will be able to get this amazing product for nearly 70 USD whereas its regular price is something around 90 USD.

Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike is not only a great option for parents who want to save a lot of money on a tricycle stroller but it is also a nice stroller if you need a lightweight product since the weight of Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike is only 16 pounds.

According to the manufacturer, you can use this stroller with babies starting from the age of nine months, however, you should pay attention to the level of development of your child. In some cases it might be better to wait until your baby is one year old to start using this stroller safely. The first mode is suitable for children up to the age of 18 months and it is a traditional toddler trike mode.

The children of the age between 18 and 24 months can use the steering trike mode whereas the learn-to-ride trike is available for children between 2 and 3 years. Finally, you can use the classic trike mode with the kids who are already 4 years old. The maximum age for using Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike is five years. Just like other models of tricycle strollers, this one can be switched to different modes by removing or adding some of its accessories. These accessories are a special wrap-around tray, a canopy with UV protection, foot rest, the push handle used by parents and a headrest installed on the seat.

Even though the wheels of Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike are not all-terrain, you will be able to use it comfortable on somewhat rough terrains as they were made of special high-density foam.

Pay your attention to the fact this stroller has an adjustable pushbar which is really a big deal for such a cheap tricycle stroller.

I have already mentioned the small weight of Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike, yet, you should also be aware of its compact dimensions which are only 35” x 19.9” x 40.75”. Still, you should be aware of the fact this stroller has a somewhat smaller maximum weight capacity of 42 pounds. Although the manufacturer claims the stroller will be good for children who are five years old, the tricycle’s seat might turn out to be a bit too small depending on the weight and height of your child.

Bear in mind this tricycle stroller has a three-point harness instead of a typical five-point harness. In addition to it, there is no padding on the seat of Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike as well as no possibility for reclining the backrest. As you can imagine, the lack of these features is making this model not necessarily useful if you wish to switch to a tricycle stroller completely and stop using a regular stroller. Still, Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike will be really great for parents who want to get a budget-friendly model of a tricycle stroller which can be used along with a normal stroller.

Note that, even though this stroller is not equipped into a storage bag, it has its own basket and even a cup holder.

The most important features of Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike

One of the greatest features of Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike is its small price, albeit it comes with a range of limitations which should be kept in mind while you are planning to make your final decision about your purchase.


  • a very inexpensive model;
  • suitable for children starting from nine months of age up to the five years;
  • offers four modes;
  • a steel chassis;
  • an adjustable handlebar;
  • the handle is covered with a foam grip for extra convenience;
  • equipped into a storage basket;
  • has a cup holder.


  • no padding on the seat;
  • a three-point harness.

Do you need Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike?

Undeniably, the small price of Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike combined with its features is making this tricycle stroller very attractive to many parents. Still, you should think about the needs of your family thoroughly before purchasing it.

Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike can be an amazing option for the parents who would like to purchase a tricycle stroller as an additional accessory for their babies. For instance, if you can’t resign from using a regular stroller since you need to use a large storage basket while shopping with your child on regular occasions, you will certainly not be able to switch to a tricycle stroller completely, even if it is the most exclusive one. Then, you can easily get an extra stroller with a tricycle function such as Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike.

Yet, if you are really planning to use only a tricycle stroller with your baby, Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike might not be sufficient for this purpose.

The best tricycle strollers for children above 10 months of age

As you have already learnt, tricycle strollers can differ a lot depending on the minimum age requirements. In some cases, the minimum age of a child to use such a stroller affects its general functionality a lot.

In this part of my guidance for choosing the best tricycle stroller I have collected the top models of such strollers dedicated to somewhat older children. Do not think there is no great difference between the age of six months which is a usual age requirement for many trikes and the age of ten months. In such young children, the difference of only four months can mean a lot when it comes to the physical development.

I personally believe that tricycles for children above 10 month of age are an excellent choice in the case when your child needed some more time for developing a sufficient muscle control to be able to travel safely in a tricycle stroller. Certainly, this is also a great option for all the parents who for some reason missed the age of 6 months at which the majority of babies can already start their adventure with a tricycle stroller. As you can see, it is still not too late to make such a great purchase for your child.

Here are some of the best tricycle strollers for the children who are already 10 months old.

1. Doona Liki Trike

Doona Liki TrikeTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A four-in-one foldable lightweight tricycle stroller suitable for children between 10 months of age and three years44.1 lbsDoona Liki Trike is one of the most compact tricycle stroller featured by the weight of 14.7 lbs comparable to lightweight strollers. There are four modes in this tricycle stroller allowing you to have full control over the stroller up to the moment when your baby is skilled enough to ride the trike on one’s own.

Doona Liki Trike is one of the best choices for parents who are considering of using a tricycle stroller whenever possible or even to switch to a trike resigning from using a regular stroller completely. One of the major features of Doona Liki Trike which allows parents to do it is its very compact fold.

You are now aware of the fact that not all of the tricycle strollers on the market are foldable in the first place. Of course, this makes it impossible to use them for travelling no matter whether you are going to fly somewhere abroad or are just planning to go to another part of your home city by car. If a stroller cannot be folded, you will not be able to travel with it.

Not only is Doona Liki Trike foldable, but its fold is also super compact and, according to some experts, you will not be able to find a more compact tricycle stroller at all. Doona Liki Trike can be folded easily simply by pushing a special button. The folded structure of Doona Liki Trike is so small that you will be able to keep it even in the trunks of the smallest passenger cars.

Another great advantage of Doona Liki Trike is its weight which is only 14.7 pounds. This makes this stroller similar to a lightweight stroller and, again, particularly good for travelling. Even if you will have to deal with your baby and this stroller all on your own on a daily basis, you will find it easy due to the compact fold and small weight of Doona Liki Trike.

As you now know, Doona Liki Trike was designed for children who are at least ten months old. For this age, the stroller can be used in the parent mode with a seat facing out. Note that the seat in this model cannot be reversed. In this mode, you will be able to recline the backrest a bit in order to provide your baby with a more convenient position for rest.

Pay your attention to the quality of the seat which is particularly convenient due to its rich padding. It is also safe since it is equipped into a five-point harness. The seat is also equipped into a bumper bar. Since it is possible to change the height of the pedals in this stroller, they can have a function of foot rests in the parent mode. Furthermore, pay your attention to the safety straps on the pedals which will ensure the feet of your baby are placed in a safe position. In this mode, the stroller is also using a canopy which is a great addition for extra protection of your child.

The push mode of Doona Liki Trike is suitable for children who are nearly 18 months old. At this point, you will be able to remove the bumper bar as well as the canopy if you find the weather suitable for using the stroller without additional sun protection.

The tricycle mode of this stroller is earmarked for children who are between 24 and 30 months of age. The essential difference between the push mode and the tricycle mode of this stroller is the possibility to move the stroller’s pedals to as lower level.

Finally, the bike mode  of Doona Liki Trike is suitable for children who are around of 30 months. At this moment, you will be able to use the stroller as a real tricycle without any additional elements such as the backrest or the handlebar used by parents.

Doona Liki Trike is equipped into a storage bag with a weight capacity of 3.3 pounds which resembles a sack. As you can imagine, this is not as large as the storage baskets of even the most compact umbrella strollers, however, it can prove to be very useful. Note that your child will be able to use one’s own cup holder for storing snacks, toys or a sippy cup.

The most important features of Doona Liki Trike

Pay close attention to these major features of Doona Liki Trike. There are several parameters you should consider before purchasing a tricycle stroller and you will find all of them below.


  • a lightweight model;
  • one of the most compact folds available on the market;
  • the folding mechanism is simple and can be used single-handedly;
  • a quite large storage bag if compared to other tricycle strollers;
  • equipped into necessary safety features such as a five-point harness, a sun-protection hood, a removable bumper bar and the wheels with adjustable level which make it possible to be used as a foot rest in the case of younger children;
  • comes with a special travel bag (S5);
  • durable;
  • affordable price.


  • the wheels are suitable for use exclusively in the urban areas;
  • is too small for big children.

Do you need Doona Liki Trike?

If you have already ,made some research of the choice of tricycle strollers available on the market, you can definitely compare Doona Liki Trike to them and I guess, you will see many advantages of this stroller. Still, it will not be an ideal option for everyone.

I will definitely recommend this stroller for parents residing in urban areas because of the design of the stroller’s wheels. At the same time, Doona Liki Trike will be a great option for parents who are planning to use it while travelling as its fold is regarded as one of the most compact on the market. Do not forget about how lightweight this stroller is.

Yet, what is also crucial is the fact Doona Liki Trike is a better option for small children because of the size of its toddler seat.

Note there are three versions of Doona Liki Trike available on the market such as S3, S5 and Midnight. The simplest and cheapest model of this collection is Doona Liki Trike S3 as it has rubber handlebars instead of wooden as those used in the S5 model as well a the fact it lacks a travel bag which is available in the Doona Liki Trike S5 model.

The Midnight version of this stroller is very close to S5, however, it has leatherette handlebars as well as aluminium frame in the stylish black colour. As for me, I find S5 the best option when it comes to functionality and price, however, you might have your own preferences.

2. UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle

UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler TricycleTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A six-in-one foldable tricycle stroller suitable for children between one year of and six years55 lbsA very affordable tricycle stroller of the highest quality and large functionality offering parents a folding mechanism, an adjustable handlebar, breathable seat padding, a storage bag, six modes as well as extra safety features.

You can also find some models of tricycle strollers which were designed for somewhat older children. For instance, if your baby has already reached the age of one year but you still haven’t purchased any tricycle stroller, do not worry, it is not too late for getting a such a trike for your baby. For instance, there is an mazing toddler tricycle offered by UBRAVOO which can be suitable for quite big kids depending on their weight.

The manufacturer claims that this tricycle stroller can be used with kids of the age range starting from one year up to the age of six years. That is since the stroller has quite a large seating unit, however, you should be aware of the fact its weight capacity is 55 pounds.

In point of fact, UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle is an amazing option for parents who would like to switch to a tricycle stroller from using a regular stroller completely. This model will be a great choice in such a case not only due to its suitability for using with children of different age but also since it is foldable, so you will be able to travel with it just like with a traditional stroller. The stroller cannot be called a lightweight one though with its weight of 24 pounds, however, this is a normal weight for a regular stroller.

The dimensions of this tricycle stroller are 27.56″×19.68″×42.52″, however, a simple folding mechanism can decrease the dimensions of this stroller to the following ones: 20.47″×19.29″×22.83″ which is quite compact.

According to the manufacturer, there are six different modes in UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle. At the very beginning, your baby will be using an infant mode which is featured by full equipment including a canopy, a push bar as well as a bumper bar. Some of the other modes your baby will be able to use while developing his or her skills are a steering mode, a learn-to-ride mode as well as the mode of a classic tricycle.

UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle has a number of safety features such as a three-point harness, a parking brake with two pedals as well as a canopy with UV protection. For your comfort, the manufacturer made the height of the pushbar adjustable so as you will able to change it according to your own needs.

UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle also includes a large string bag which will be definitely useful for carrying the possessions of your child as well as yours.

Pay your attention to the quality of the fabrics used in this model which is excellent even though UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle is not expensive at all. The material used for the production of the padding of this tricycle stroller is absolutely breathable and stuffed with cotton for extra comfort of your child. Furthermore, the tires of the wheels of this stroller were produced according to a specific technology which gave them additional resistance so as you can use this stroller on some rough terrains as well.

The price of UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle is around 130 USD which is a way less than even for the Joovy Tricycoo LX model. At the same time, for such a small price you will get a stroller which can be used with big kids. Undeniably, the possibility to fold it is one of its greatest advantages, however, you should also remember about the fact this tricycle stroller is also equipped into an adjustable pushbar which is a rather rare feature among the models of this type. The price also includes a storage bag which is usually not available in cheaper tricycle strollers.

The most important features of UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle

As you can see, UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle offers really a lot for a quite small price. To estimate better the quality you can get purchasing this tricycle stroller, you should check this list of the most crucial features of UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle.


  • an affordable price;
  • foldable with a compact fold;
  • an adjustable handlebar;
  • suitable for big kids up to the age of 5-6 years of age;
  • the price includes a storage bag;
  • a canopy with UV protection;
  • wheels made of a material resistant to damages which is suitable for the use over uneven terrains;
  • breathable cotton-filled seat padding;
  • six modes.


  • not suitable for babies below one year of age;
  • a three-point harness instead of a five-point harness one;
  • a bit too heavy.

Do you need UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle?

I will certainly recommend UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle to the parents who would like to get a tricycle stroller with extended functionality for a modest price and especially to those, who would like to travel with a tricycle stroller or even switch to this stroller completely. Actually, you can use your regular stroller till your baby reaches the age of one year and then start using UBRAVOO 6-in-1 Toddler Tricycle as a regular stroller. It will be even easier for you to use this trike on a daily basis due to its storage bag as well as an adjustable pushbar.

Don’t forget about the large weight capacity of this stroller which makes it suitable for quite big kids as well.

3. smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle

smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler TricycleTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A four-in-one lightweight tricycle stroller suitable for children between one year of and four years55 lbsAn affordable model of a tricycle stroller which can be used with big kids. It includes four modes, a Touch Sterring technology, crucial safety features as well as several storage options such as a storage basket and a cup holder. The stroller is also equipped into a special front wheel with shock-absorbing elements.

If your baby has already overgrew the age of one year but you still would like to purchase a tricycle stroller for him or her, you can get smarTrike Breeze Plus which is one of the most favourite products of this type of many parents.

smarTrike Breeze Plus is featured by a large number of amazing features which are making this stroller a great option for different children of different age. One of the major advantages of smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle is undeniably its affordable price which is around a hundred of dollars.

According to the manufacturer, this tricycle stroller is suitable for children starting from the age of 12-15 months depending on the level of physical development of your baby. At the same time, unlike many other models which can be used with children up to the moment when they reach the age of three years, smarTrike Breeze Plus can be used up to the age of four years. Thus, you can actually call this model of a tricycle stroller one dedicated to big kids.

The first mode of this stroller is suitable for children up to the age of 24 months. At this period, it is suggested to use an original configuration of the stroller with its canopy, footrests as well as a safety bar. The next configuration of this stroller can be used once your baby reaches the age of 18 months and can be used up to the age of 24 months as well. Actually, the major difference between the first stage and the second one is the fact the first one is using the canopy.

Once your baby is two years old, you can remove the safety bar as well as the footrests. Finally, when you can see your baby has already developed sufficient skills, you can switch to the final tricycle mode removing the parent pushbar. The manufacturer suggest doing it around the age of 30-36 months.

As you can see, this stroller has several modes which are making it suitable for transporting a child starting from infancy up to the preschool age. Still, you should pay your attention to other great features of this stroller.

One of the most crucial advantages of smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle is the fact it is very lightweight weighing just a little bit more than 11 pounds. This will allow you to handle it easily which is especially crucial if you have to move the stroller to a high floor on your own.

Another great feature about this tricycle is the fact it is equipped into a small storage basket which is generally not popular for inexpensive tricycle strollers especially the lightweight ones. This one can be used for carrying some small items you and your baby need, some toys your child enjoy playing outdoors as well as some treasures he or she might find during the walk outdoors. There is also a cup holder included into the price.

Note this stroller is also equipped into essential safety elements which will make your child feel absolutely secure during the ride. I have already mentioned the removable safety bar as well as an extendable canopy. In addition to it, there is a three-point harness and a special shock-absorbing front wheel.

Moreover, smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle has a special Touch Steering technology. This one allows parents to steer the stroller with just one hand. Furthermore, this makes the shifting process between the parent control and the child control extremely simple as it requires pushing a single button.

Finally, note that there is a two-year warranty for smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle.

The most important features of smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle

If you are interested in purchasing a tricycle stroller of a high quality without paying too much for this product, smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle can be really a great option for you. Yet, you should be aware of all the major features of this stroller so as you will be able to make the best decision about your purchase.


  • a very lightweight model;
  • offers four modes for your baby;
  • suitable for bigger kids up to the age of four years;
  • a special design of the front wheel with a shock absorbing technology;
  • a pushbar made with a Touch Steering technology;
  • a removable extendable canopy;
  • additional removable footrests;
  • a removable safety bar;
  • has a storage basket;
  • the price includes a cup holder.


  • the stroller cannot be folded;
  • not designed for younger children.

Do you need smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle?

If your budget is pretty modest and you do not need your tricycle stroller to be foldable, smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle can be one of the best models for you. Certainly, that is so under the condition you are not going to use it with the babies below the age of one year.

smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle has a range of advantages such as an extremely small size and a high quality of wheels at the same time. A variety of safety features are making this stroller a really secure product to use with small children. Don’t forget about the amazing Touch Steering technology used in this stroller as well as the storage options added to this model by the manufacturer for your and your child’s comfort.

4. smarTrike Swing 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle Push Bike

smarTrike Swing 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle Push BikeTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A four-in-one lightweight tricycle stroller suitable for children between ten months and three years40 lbsA great fully-equipped model of a tricycle stroller available for a very small price. It includes several storage options such as a cup holder, a storage basket as well as a small bag with a zipper closure attached to the Smart Steering pushbar. In addition to it, the stroller is featured by a very convenient and safe seat.

Another inexpensive stroller loved by many parents is smarTrike Swing 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle Push Bike. There is nothing strange about its popularity since for the price as small as 110 USD, you have a chance of getting a lightweight tricycle stroller suitable for children of the age between ten months and three years.

smarTrike Swing 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle Push Bike weighs only 15.4 pounds and is featured by very compact dimensions of 37 x 17.7 x 40.2 inches. This is making the stroller extremely convenient for daily usage allowing you to carry it in your hands easily while dealing with your baby without any external help. Still, you should be aware of the fact this stroller is not foldable. Unfortunately, it will not be suitable for travelling even though it is really pretty small.

As I have just mentioned, smarTrike Swing 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle Push Bike has a very convenient seating unit offering a safe and comfortable seating position for children of various ways. Undeniably,  a pleasant-to-touch padding as well as a three-point harness have a great impact on the comfort of your baby.

As the name of this model suggests, there are four stages available for your child. The toddler trike mode with a safety bar, canopy and a removable footrest can be used with babies up to the moment when they reach the age of 24 months. Still, you can also switch to the next mode known as steering trike when your child reaches the age of 18 months. This mode will be suitable for children up to the age of two years as well. At this point, you can safely remove the head support of the seat as well as the canopy. The learn-to-ride trike mode which is usually used for children below three years of age can be used without a canopy and a footrest, however, there is still a pushbar. For this model, the maximum age to use the stroller in this mode is 30 months.

Finally, after removing all the accessories, you will be able to switch the stroller to the classic trike mode which is recommended for the children up to the age of three years.

As you have understood, the removable accessories of smarTrike Swing 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle Push Bike include the adjustable canopy with UV protection, the wrap around tray, the footrest as well as the pushbar. (In addition to it, there is also a removable seat belt used for extra protection of your child).

smarTrike Swing 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle Push Bike just like other models of the smarTrike collection is featured by a very convenient steering system making it really easy for parents to push the stroller without a need to pay extra effort. Just a gentle touch is enough to move the tricycle to the direction you want it to move. All you need to change the mode switching the control over the tricycle from you to your baby and back is pressing a special red button which is located on the mudguard of the front wheel. Twist the wheel and the mode will be changed.

Similarly to the smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle, the Swing model is equipped into a small storage basket which can be used for carrying some necessary items of a small size or the toys of your baby. Yet, unlike the Breeze tricycle stroller, Swing is also equipped into a small bag or a purse as you will attached right below the handle bar. Actually, this is a very simple but rare accessory when it comes to tricycle stroller which will allow you to carry the most important items like your wallet, smartphone or keys within an easy reach.

The most important features of smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle

smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle is a great model of tricycle stroller with two major limitations such as a small age limit as well as the design which doesn’t allow you to fold the stroller. Learn about more of the crucial features of this stroller to decide whether it will be suitable for your family or not.


  • an affordable price;
  • a lightweight frame and wheels;
  • a Touch Steering technology used in the pushbar for the convenience of parents;
  • a removable safety bar;
  • a pair of footrests for extra comfort of your child;
  • an extendable canopy;
  • a storage basket;
  • an extra storage option such a purse on the pushbar great for small items;
  • a cushioned seating unit;
  • a cup holder included into the price.


  • no possibility of folding the stroller;
  • is more suitable for younger children.

Do you need smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle?

smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle is a great lightweight model of a tricycle stroller which makes it a great trike for a daily usage however, it cannot be folded which might be a disadvantage for parents who are looking for a stroller with a small weight suitable for travelling.

If you are not going to travel with your tricycle stroller, smarTrike Breeze Plus 4-in-1 Toddler Tricycle can be one of the best offers available on the market right now. As you have now learnt, there is a number of advantages of this stroller which are usually available only in more expensive tricycle strollers.

Still, do not forget about a somewhat limited maximum age of a child allowed by this stroller.

5. Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids

Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for KidsTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A four-in-one all-terrain tricycle stroller suitable for children between a year and six years70 lbsA well-equipped all-terrain tricycle stroller with a super large weight capacity of 70 pounds allowing you to use it even with the children who are already six years old. Additional features such as a honk, a led lamp or turn signals will make the driving experience even more exciting.

In case you are ready to pay for a tricycle stroller somewhat more, you should pay your attention to one of the best models available for the price below 200 USD which is Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids. Actually, you can get this stroller for as small amount of money as 185 USD.

Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids is a tricycle stroller which is quite unique since it is featured with a particularly resistant construction of the highest quality which makes it possible to use this stroller with  really big kids who are even six years old. The design and appearance of Evezo 302A 4-in-1 does not look like a typical tricycle stroller dedicated to the youngest babies. It has a more sport look rather than a bright cartoonish style. The most popular colour version of this tricycle stroller is Crimson Red which is very stylish and will be appropriate for boys as well as girls.

An exclusive feature of this tricycle stroller is that it actually transfers into a full-size tricycle rather than a small trike designed for the youngest babies.

An essential element of this stroller which is making it suitable for a real adventure is a set of all-terrain wheels which are a way large than typical wheels of tricycle strollers. In addition to it, there is even a led lamp which your child will love a lot. There is also a honk and even turn signals in this stroller!

Since Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids is thus well-equipped, it is somewhat heavy weighing 29 pounds. Of course, if you compare this weight to some of the tricycle strollers mentioned on my list of the best products of this category, you will that Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids is twice heavier. Still, remember that such a weight is the result of the large weight capacity of this model as well which is 70 pounds!

Now, when you take into consideration the range of age supported by this tricycle stroller which starts with one year, you will really find this stroller a great investment.

Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids is also an extremely safe model. Unlike the majority of tricycle strollers, this one has a five-point harness. Additionally, this stroller has a full-sized canopy with UV protection and small windows which will protect your baby against sun and heat at the same time. The seat of this tricycle stroller is reversible and offers three reclining positions. Thus, in the push stroller mode, your baby will be able to travel in both a backward and forward facing positions.

Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids is also equipped into a quite spacious storage basket and will provide your baby with a cup holder which is already included into the price.

As you can imagine, Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids has four different modes which should be used according to the age of your child. In order to give your child an opportunity to actually steer the stroller, the front pedals of the stroller have to be unlocked. This can be done easily simply by snapping a button.

The quality of Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids is really of the highest level. Note that is not thus popular among parents as some of the tricycle strollers mentioned above exclusively for the reason of its somewhat higher price. Yet, taking into consideration its extremely large weight capacity, it becomes obvious the price is absolutely worth it.

The most important features of Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids

If you are already thinking about purchasing Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids, you will fin dthese lists of advantages and disadvantages of this stroller useful.


  • a particularly large weight capacity of 70 lbs;
  • all-terrain wheels of a greater size than the wheels of the majority of tricycle strollers;
  • four modes with a final one of a full-size tricycle;
  • a co0nvinient reversible seat with three recline positions;
  • a five-point harness;
  • a led lamp;
  • a honk;
  • turn signals;
  • a storage basket with a closure;
  • a large canopy with UV protection and windows of extra air flow;
  • a stylish appearance.


  • rather heavy;
  • no possibility of folding.

Do you need Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids?

I am absolutely sure, you can see the amazing features of Evezo 302A 4-in-1 Parent Push Tricycle for Kids and are now wondering whether you should buy it or not. Even its price which is definitely not low, is still quite affordable especially keeping in mind your child will be bale to use this stroller for years.

Actually, there are two major aspects of this tricycle stroller which should be seriously considered. The first one is the large weight of this stroller which can make it somewhat difficult for some parents to carry it especially if one has to carry the baby at the same time as well. Another issue is the fact this stroller is not foldable. you might be willing to get a product which can be folded since you are going to pay extra money for that.

6. Galileo with Deluxe Canopy – 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle

Galileo with Deluxe Canopy – 3 in 1 Stroller TricycleTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A three-in-one tricycle stroller suitable for children between ten months and three years40 lbsA great model of a tricycle stroller filled with safety features including a removable safety bar, an extendable canopy as well as a five-point harness. One of its major advantages is the possibility of folding it which will allow you to use this stroller during travelling.

Providing you are still searching for other top models of a tricycle stroller, you can also check Galileo with Deluxe Canopy – 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle or just Galileo – 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle These are two variations of a tricycle stroller with which can be used with babies starting from the age of ten months. These two versions of Galileo are very similar and their major difference is actually the design of the canopy. The Deluxe model of the Galileo Strollcycle as the manufacturer calls it costs around 190 USD and the regular Galileo model costs only 10 USD less.

Galileo offers parents several modes which are quite simple to understand and are not overstuffed with instructions. Right from the start you will need a Stroller mode which is suitable for children between the age of 10 months and 18 months. As you can imagine, this mode is featured by full equipment of the stroller. Your baby will be able to enjoy a comfortable ride in a large padded seat and a generous canopy. Of course, the canopy of the Deluxe version of Galileo is even larger providing better protection for your child.

Pay your attention to the fact that The Galileo 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle has a five-point harness unlike the majority of other tricycle strollers. There is also a removable safety bar used in the Stroller mode.

When your child reaches the age of 18 months, it is recommended to switch to the so-called Strollcycle mode which was designed specifically for toddlers learning to ride a tricycle. Now your child will be able to use the pedals of the stroller while you can remove the canopy as well as the protection bar. Do not forget to adjust the height of the steering wheel of the tricycle stroller according to the height of your baby. Fortunately, The Galileo 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle provides parents with such a possibility.

Finally, when your baby reaches the age of 30 months you can switch the stroller to the kid trike mode. The switch between the previous mode and this mod can be achieved by detaching the parent push bar which is actually built into the backrest of Galileo. This is one of the most crucial differences between this model and other models of tricycle strollers which have separate mechanisms for a backrest and a pushbar. Actually, in this tricycle stroller, the pushbar looks more like the one used in regular strollers rather than in the tricycle strollers.

Bear in mind the fact this stroller is foldable which is a great advantage. If you are looking for a model of a stroller which will allow you to take it with you during travelling, The Galileo 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle can be really a useful product in your case. No matter whether you are using it as a full-size stroller or already as a trike, it can be folded anyway. Of course, the second configuration of the stroller will be featured by a smaller fold.

Still, you should be aware of the fact the reclining mechanism of the seat in this stroller can be rather limited because of the push bar being attached to it. In addition to it, there is no storage basket in this model. According to these features of this stroller, it might be a better idea to use it as a separate tricycle stroller rather than a full alternative to regular stroller.

Note that the weight of this tricycle stroller is just a little bit above the limit for lightweight strollers being equal to 21 pounds.

The most important features of The Galileo 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle

Just like any other stroller, The Galileo 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle is featured by its own parameters some of which can be regarded as advantages whereas others might be more of a disadvantage of this stroller. Since this model is not particularly cheap, you should especially look carefully at its most crucial features.


  • suitable for quite young babies starting from the age of ten months;
  • the height of the steering wheel can be adjusted;
  • has a five-point harness;
  • a well-padded seating unit;
  • the Deluxe version has a large canopy;
  • the back wheels are also equipped into a lock;
  • a foldable compact model;
  • the weight is quite small although the model itself is not a lightweight one.


  • no storage options;
  • somewhat too expensive.

Do you need The Galileo 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle?

The major two reasons for which I can recommend you purchasing The Galileo 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle are the safety features of this stroller as well as its foldable design. For instance, when it comes to the security of using this stroller, one of its advantages is undeniably the fact it is equipped into a five-point harness which is usually unavailable in tricycle strollers.

The foldable design which is not popular in tricycle strollers is absolutely crucial for parents who would like to travel with such a stroller. Yet, you should be aware of the lack of storage options in The Galileo 3 in 1 Stroller Tricycle which might make this stroller a bit complicated for usage on a regular basis instead of a traditional stroller.

7. Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers 4 in 1 Trike

Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers 4 in 1 TrikeTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A three-in-one tricycle stroller suitable for children between ten months and five years55 lbsAn affordable model of a tricycle stroller equipped with a variety of necessary features and elements which will make the ride safe and enjoyable for both you and your baby. Some of the advantages of this model are two storage options such as a basket and a string bag as well as a generous canopy with a sun visor.

One more great idea for a tricycle stroller for your baby in case you ready to wait until him or her reaches the age of ten months is Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers 4 in 1 Trike.

Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers is a beautiful stroller available in two amazing colour versions: Blue and Pink. This stroller is quite compact and, at the same time it is featured by a large weight capacity allowing you to use it with children weighing even 55 pounds. Thus, depending on the weight of your child, you might be able to use this tricycle stroller even with the children up to the age of five years.

A great feature of this stroller is its storage basket of the weight capacity equal to 2.2 pounds which will be certainly useful both for you and your child. In addition to this storage basket, the stroller is also equipped into a string bag.

Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers has all the necessary safety features. It has a cosy padding with a three-point harness on its seat. There is an additional footrest for the comfort of your baby and a generous canopy which is great advantage of this model. Actually, the canopy of Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers is untypically large and it also has a mesh sun visor which is rather rare feature when it comes to tricycle stroller.

The front wheel of Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers with its diameter of 10 inches as well as the rear wheels with their diameter of 8 inches are made of a special material resistant to various physical impact which will increase their usability. At the same time, you will be able to use this tricycle on different terrains.

Like in the case of other models of tricycle strollers, Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers has its initial configuration of an infant tricycle stroller. This mode includes the canopy, a safety bar, a footrest as well as a pushbar. The steering tricycle mode is still equipped into the pushbar, the footrest and the safety bar. In addition to it, the full-size seating unit is still used at this point with its safety harness, padding and extended back support.

The learn-to-ride tricycle mode doesn’t use the fully equipped seating unit anymore. At this point, the footrest is detached as well. Finally, the classic tricycle is used without any additional items including the pushbar, however, it is still equipped into a storage basket. A great addition to this mode is a small bell which will make the riding experience of your child safer and exciting at the same time. Needless to say your baby will enjoy signalling with the bell.

Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers is a quite cheap model with its price of slightly above a hundred of dollars. Yet, if you compare this tricycle stroller to other models of this category with a similar price, you will find out that their functionality might be a way more limited. Usually, such tricycle strollers have a smaller weight capacity, rather modest canopies and definitely no storage options. As you now know, Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers has two storage options including a bag. In fact, the only serious limitation of this model is its design which does not allow parents to fold it. This can create some problems for parents if they want to use this stroller for travelling.

The most important features of Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers

Let’s look once again on the major parameters of Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers in order to decide whether purchasing this stroller in your case will be a good idea.


  • an affordable price;
  • a convenient seating unit with generous padding;
  • all the necessary safety features including a three-point harness;
  • a large adjustable canopy with a sun visor;
  • a pair of additional footrests;
  • a storage basket;
  • a storage string bag;
  • a bell on the steering wheel;
  • amazing colour versions;
  • a large weight capacity of the stroller making it suitable for children up to the age of five years.


  • the design doesn’t allow to fold the stroller;
  • some parents reported this stroller to be somewhat too large for petite babies.

Do you need Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers?

Providing you are looking for a great tricycle stroller available for a modest price, Costzon Tricycle for Toddlers can be a very nice option for you. This stroller is equipped into all necessary element your baby will need for a safe and convenient ride. Furthermore, some of its features are really outstanding, for instance an oversized canopy with a sun visor and two storage options.

Another crucial aspect of this stroller which makes it absolutely worth your money is a large weight capacity allowing to use this stroller with big kids.

Still, you should bear in mind the fact this stroller cannot be folded which makes it unsuitable for travelling and transporting in the car trunk.

Further recommendations on purchasing a tricycle stroller

If you would like to learn more about choosing the best tricycle stroller, here you will find some useful recommendations.

A tricycle stroller for siblings

Although these models are rather rare, you can still find them on the market. There are tricycle strollers designed for siblings. Usually, they have two equal seating units which means they are suitable for twins as well as the siblings of different age. Some models of such tricycle strollers will even allow you to reverse the seats.

It is quite possible you might be wondering now what tricycle strollers for siblings look like since it is not possible to allow both of your children steer the tricycle. This is the truth and in practice, only one of your babies will be able to steer the tricycle. Still, the majority of such models have two pairs of pedals which means both of your children will be engaged into pedalling.

Knowing these details about the design of typical tricycle strollers, you should really decide whether purchasing one for your babies is a good idea. Certainly, at the very beginning, your kids might find travelling in a tricycle stroller a way more exciting than travelling in a regular stroller even though one of them will have to sit behind another one. Yet, with your babies growing up a bit, you might face a situation in which it will be really difficult to make one of them sit behind another one while the one sitting on the front seat will be able to steer the tricycle. Needless to say, it will be a better idea for parents to get two separate tricycle for their children rather than trying to make them use a double one at the same time.

I believe a good solution in such a case will be purchasing a double tricycle designed for babies starting from 6 months of age so as your kids will be able to benefit from it as soon as possible. At the same time, there is no need to get a double tricycle with a large weight capacity since, in all likelihood, your children will not be particularly willing to use it together once they become a bit older.

If you do not find this option attractive, I think you can just use a normal double stroller with your children and then purchase two separate tricycles for as young kids as possible.

Other features to pay your attention to

When it comes to tricycle strollers, they have a quite similar design even if they seem to be very different. For instance, the majority of them have quite simple wheels so, in case you want to get a really all-terrain tricycle stroller, you should be very careful while checking the quality of the wheels. Do not forget that the size of the wheels is especially crucial.

There are also several aspects to consider which can be applied to regular strollers as well.

A sufficient canopy

Tricycle strollers rend to have rather small canopies which are usually not equipped into a peek-a-boo window. Yet, many strollers reviewed in this article actually have large canopies which will provide your baby with a sufficient shade. Some of them even have windows for extra air flow or a more convenient way of checking your baby.

Note that a sufficient canopy is especially crucial if you want to switch from a regular stroller to a tricycle stroller completely as you will then have to use it during absolutely different weather conditions. Of course, the canopy has to be made of a material featured with a sun ray filter.

Storage options

As you are now completely aware, storage options are rather limited in tricycle strollers. Even if one has a storage basket, it is featured with the capacity several times smaller than the capacity of typical regular strollers.

No matter whether you are going to use your tricycle stroller only as a tricycle or you would like to resign from a regular stroller completely, you will need some storage space anyway. Then, you should keep in mind that the most typical forms of these options are a storage basket and a string bag, however, some models combine both of them. At the same time, there are tricycle strollers which will also provide you with a small purse-like bag attached at the handle of the pushbar.

Pay your attention to the design of the storage baskets as well since some of them have a closure whereas others do not.

Safety features

Just like regular strollers, tricycle models also have different safety features and you should be aware of their quality. For example, the majority of models are using a three-point harness, however, there re still tricycle strollers with a five-point harness.

An additional footrest is quite popular in tricycle strollers, yet, you should be really careful as some models do not have one.

A removable safety bar is also a necessary feature.

These were the major things to consider while choosing the best tricycle stroller, so now you really know how to get the best option. My selection of options will certainly help you to make the best choice!

Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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