Graco Breaze Click Connect – a functional and affordable umbrella stroller

Graco Breaze Click Connect
TypeLightweight stroller convertible into a travel system
Weight17.79 lbs
Dimensions while folded13.90″W x 12.50″H x 44.60″L
Maximum weight capacity50 lbs
Main advantagesA lightweight stroller suitable for transporting newborn babies in its seat which can be reclined into a completely flat position. It can also be used as a travel system with almost any Graco’s infant car seat. The model is also equipped into a quite large canopy with sun protection and a Velcro cover. A large storage basket of this stroller is also a great advantage for carrying the things of your child as well as your own possessions.

You might have already heard about lightweight strollers which can be converted into a travel system. Undeniably, this an excellent possibility to avoid purchasing separate strollers and prams for particular age of your baby. Needless to say, it will save you a lot of time and money as well as space at home.

The majority of convertible lightweight strollers are featured with a conventional two-part fold, while some of them can be folded into three parts. Yet, there are also several so-called umbrella models which can be used as a travel system after attaching an infant car seat on their frame. Graco Breaze Click Connect is one of the best models of such a type since it is safe and convenient for daily usage. At the same time, this lightweight stroller is really affordable and during sales you have a chance to purchase it for the price even below a hundred of dollars. Taking into consideration the fact this can be the only stroller you will need at all, it is an amazing opportunity to make a great investment.

Are you already intrigued by Graco Breaze Click Connect? You are more than welcome to read my review highlighting all the crucial information about this stroller.


Weight, dimensions and fold of the stroller

Graco Breaze Click Connect weighs 17.79 lbs which means this stroller is lightweight, however, if you check other options, you will definitely find a lot of models which are lighter than Graco Breaze. Still, this weight is definitely smaller than the weight of full-sized strollers.

The dimensions of Graco Breaze Click Connect are 27.5 x 20 x 40 inches and, as I have just mentioned, this stroller has an umbrella design. This means that folding it will give you a way thinner structure. At the same time, the fold will also has a smaller height. Thus, after folding you will get the following dimensions: 13.90 x 12.50 x 44.6 inches.

In order to fold Graco Breaze Click Connect, you will need only one hand. There is a red button on the right side of the stroller which has to be pushed. With the same hand, lift the lever. This will not only fold the stroller but also lock it automatically in such a position. Manufacturers have also added a special carry handle which will make the transportation of the folded stroller more convenient for you.

Unlike many other lightweight strollers, Graco Breaze Click Connect will let you transport your baby right after the birth even without converting it into a travel system. This is possible due to a completely flat recline of the backrest. The maximum weight capacity of this stroller is 50 lbs, thus, you will be able to use it for a quite long time and, in all likelihood, your child will not need any other stroller.

The major components of Graco Breaze Click Connect

Undeniably, everyone should check all the details about the most crucial parts of a stroller before purchasing it. I recommend parents to start with seating options wince it will let them understand from the very beginning whether such a stroller is need in the first place. Then, you should check the wheels of the stroller since their design will determine the areas in which you will be able to use such a stroller. Of course, brakes are also important.

Don’t forget to pay your attention to the quality and size of the canopy as well as the capacity of the storage options. Although the latter one doesn’t affect the safety of your baby, it is really crucial for your comfort since you definitely need an opportunity to carry other things in the stroller.

Don’t worry since I have already checked all of these parts for you and now am very eager to share what I have found with you!

The seating options of Graco Breaze Click Connect

As I mentioned in the beginning of this review, Graco Breaze Click Connect is a lightweight umbrella stroller which is still suitable for carrying newborn babies. This is possible with in both the basic version of the stroller using the standard seat as well as the travel system which can be created after attaching a compatible infant car seat.

The basic seat

The basic seat of Graco Breaze Click Connect is quite large (its width is about 14 inches) and comfortable. Although this seat doesn’t provide parents with an infinite recline mechanism, it offers three convenient recline positions including a completely flat recline which is perfect for newborn babies as well as older children who prefer sleeping on a totally flat surface. In addition to it, such a recline is particularly convenient once you have to change a diaper of your baby outside.

The backrest of the seat can be easily reclined with just one hand.

The maximum weight the basic seat of Graco Breaze Click Connect can hold is 50 lbs which is quite a lot for an umbrella stroller.

For the maximum comfort of your child, the manufacturer added an adjustable calf and leg rest to the basic seat of Graco Breaze. You can easily change its position according to the height of your child.

Travel system

Fortunately, Graco Breaze Click Connect can be used as a travel system without any difficulties. As the name of this stroller’s suggests, Graco Breeze is compatible with the Graco’s Click Connect infant car seats. In point of fact, you can choose any Click Connect model you want to use it with Graco Breaze. The only exception are the Graco’s infant car seats of the TRUESHIELD collection which are designed to provide babies with additional side protection.

An infant car seat can be attached to the frame in a just one step. As with other Graco’s convertible lightweight strollers, you will hear a characteristic click once the seat is attached to the frame properly.

The major seat is not removable, so you will be using an infant car seat while the main seat is on the frame as well. Actually, this will provide your baby with more protection since you will be able to use both of the canopies.

Of course, the stroller also has five-point harness which has become more of a standard on the market of strollers today.

Wheels and brakes

If you compare the wheels of Graco Breaze Click Connect, you will see they are larger than the wheels of many other lightweight models. Actually, the front wheels have a diameter of 6 inches whereas the back wheels have a 7-inch diameter.

The front wheels of Graco Breaze have swivelling mechanism which ensures better manoeuvrability. Certainly, in some cases swivelling wheels might make it harder for you to use the stroller, thus, you will be able to lock them easily.

I am very glad this stroller is equipped into a one-step brake which is not thus popular among lightweight strollers, especially the ones of a lower price category.


Although the canopy of Graco Breaze Click Connect is not extremely large, it is still greater than the canopies of the majority of other lightweight strollers, especially umbrella models. The fabric of the canopy will provide your baby with a UV 50+ protection which is a highly important feature absolutely needed for the safety of your child.

For the maximum comfort of your baby, the manufacturer also added a Velcro cover which is located at the back of the canopy. If your child needs additional air circulation, you can just flip the Velcro cover up.


The handlebar of Graco Breaze Click Connect has two handles which is the result of its umbrella design. The height of this handlebar is 39 inches from the ground. This is a height typical for umbrella strollers, however, some parents might find it a bit difficult to use it. Anyway, this can be related only to particularly high parents, since for the parents of a medium and low height, the handlebar of Graco Breaze Click Connect will be just perfect.

Storage options of Graco Breaze Click Connect

The major storage option of Graco Breaze Click Connect is a storage basket. In case of this stroller, you will have a chance of using a really large storage bin untypical for the strollers of the umbrella design. Yet, this storage bin has one downfall which is also a result of its umbrella design. This con is somewhat complicated accessibility of the storage basket once the stroller is completely reclined.

Colour versions of Graco Breaze Click Connect

The availability of colour versions of Graco Breaze Click Connect is changing all the time. Although according to the manufacturer, there are several colour options available, in fact, the most common one is Pierce.

Even though Pierce model is black, just like all other Graco’s strollers, it is featured by a highly sophisticated design.

The frame of the Pierce model is grey and the wheels are black and silver. The seat of the Pierce model is black, however the part located on the top of the seat is grey as well as a part of a footrest is also grey. The pudding on the harness straps is black with grey edges as well as a geometrical pattern in the grey colour. The inner side of the stroller’s canopy is also black with the same grey pattern.

Advantages and disadvantages of Graco Breaze Click Connect

If you have gone through my entire review, you have definitely noticed a lot of positive features of Graco Breaze Click Connect. Actually, this stroller is featured by great functionality even though its price is quite low. Of course, it doesn’t mean there are no downfalls in this model. In order to let you understand better what kind of a product Graco Breaze Click Connect is, I have created a list of its pros and cons.


  • a lightweight and compact stroller with a slim fold;
  • convertible into a travel system compatible with the Graco Click Connect models of infant car seats;
  • can be used with babies starting right from their birth up to the moment when they reach the weight of 50 lbs;
  • the stroller’s seat is featured by a deep flat recline which is untypical for lightweight strollers, however, it is highly useful for babies and parents who have more comfort while changing the diapers of their children outside;
  • a nice canopy with sun ray protection and a Velcro cover;
  • a quite large storage basket.


  • some parents have reported problems while adjusting the footrest in Graco Breaze Click Connect;
  • the handlebar might be too low for high parents and, since it is not adjustable, this might be an inconvenience for them;
  • like in the majority of other umbrella strollers, the storage basket can’t be reached once you recline the seat to its maximum flat position;
  • some parents believe this stroller will be easier for carrying while it is folded if there were a shoulder strap instead of a handle.

Graco Breaze Click Connect – my conclusions

I am sure you are definitely thinking about purchasing Graco Breaze Click Connect since this is a highly functional model available for a very modest price. Indeed, during the sales period, you have a chance to buy this stroller for a price lower than a hundred of dollars! Needless to say, it is an amazing opportunity to get a stroller which combines the functions and features of a lightweight model and a travel system.

Don’t forget that the flat recline of Graco Breaze Click Connect makes it also suitable for transporting newborn babies. Thus, you will even do not need to use any infant car seat in order to transport your baby in a safe way.

Taking into consideration these facts, I can definitely recommend this stroller to the parents who are searching for inexpensive convertible stroller with a small weight. Yet, you should make sure first you are comfortable with the height of the stroller’s handlebar since it can’t be adjusted. If you are a high person, you might find pushing this stroller somewhat tiresome.

Graco Breaze Click Connect is also a great lightweight stroller for the parents who are searching for a stroller model which is suitable for pushing on different surfaces. The large wheels of this stroller will give your baby a smooth ride not only on the perfectly smooth terrains. Still, you should bear in mind the fact this stroller is not an all-terrain option. That is why it is still better for the use in urban areas.

Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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