Baby Tula Explore – a perfect baby carrier

If you are reading my review of Baby Tula Explore, it means you are considering a purchase of a baby carrier which is an extremely good idea. Interestingly, carrying a baby on your back or chest is something so natural and it is actually one of the major ways many aboriginal civilisations on our planet are transporting their children on a daily basis. Fortunately, the scientists have finally noticed the advantages coming from babywearing and, as a result, the top manufacturers of accessories for babies are now working hard on developing ideal carriers.

baby tula explore review

Baby Tula ExploreWeight and capacityMajor advantages
baby tula explore
Check Latest Price
Weight: 1.7 lbs
Capacity: 7-45 lbs
Baby Tula Explore is one of the greatest models of baby carriers I have ever found on the market which is especially true for its forward facing position that is completely safe in this carrier. Apart from this one, there are two other ways in which you can carry your child and the carrier is adjustable to both you and your child which means it will perfectly suit parents of different weight and height as well as children of different age. The appearance of these carriers is really cute!

Baby Tula Explore is one of the best examples of a particularly good carrier for your child which has multiple advantages. I will tell you about each of them in details and provide you with information about any possible issues concerning this product. No matter whether you are willing to take your kid outside in a baby carrier rather than pushing him or her in a bulky stroller or you wish to have more contact with your baby while doing your household chores, you should pay your attention to this particular model of a carrier.


The carrying positions offered by Baby Tula Explore

As you can imagine, there are several ways in which one can put a baby into a carrier. In point of fact, each period of life of your child demands carry9ing him or her in a particular position. That is why the best idea is to buy such a carrier that will allow you to change the positions and adjust the accessory according to the needs and the level of physical development of your kid.

baby tula explore carrying positions

The designers of Baby Tula Explore have taken into consideration this fact and made a carrier that can be used in six different ways. These positions are known as back carry, forward facing and front carry (there are two slightly different positions of this type recommended for newborn babies and a bit older children). Let’s look at each of these positions.

A front carry position

Let’s start with a front carry position as this is the one recommended for the youngest children. Actually, this is the only one position in which parents should carry their infants.

I like the fact Baby Tula Explore is suitable for carrying newborn children as you can use it for a baby weighing at least 7 lbs. This means the design of Tula Explore doesn’t require using any additional padding for your infant, it is totally ready for use. I advise you to continue carrying your child in this position until he or she is six months old. Furthermore, if your child can’t seat on one’s own for longer periods of time, you might need to wait for additional time.

baby tula explore font carry position

You do not need to worry about the comfort of your newborn baby while being transported in the Baby Tula Explore carrier as it allows your child to rest in the most convenient position for infants. This one is a so-called frog position in which the legs of your child will create a shape of the M letter. In addition to it, the back of your child will be naturally curved. As a result, you will be able to carry your baby without making the child to straighten the back or legs which is unnatural for such a young age and, therefore, simply unhealthy.

Of course, a newborn child is smaller than a six-month infant, let alone a toddler. Still, all of them can travel comfortably in Baby Tula Explore without a necessity of using extra accessories. This is possible due to a special adjustable sitting panel which guarantees sufficient support of your child. All in all, you can choose the size of this panel of three width options starting from five inches and ending with fifteen inches.

baby tula explore front carry

The neck pillow is also adjustable allowing you to set the height of the carrier according to the height of your child. This pillow also offers extra comfort to your baby during naps.

Note the position in which your child is transported in a carriage is really extremely important as newborn babies tend to suffer from a hip condition known as dysplasia. The frog position is suitable for both treating dysplasia and keeping it at bay.

A back carry position

Babies who can already sit upright really well, can be transported not only in a front carry position, but also on your back. Generally, many children start sitting pretty confidently starting from six months, yet, you should be attentive to the skills of your own child as they are acquired at an individual pace. Furthermore, there are many medical conditions forbidding children to sit even though they seem to be prepared for this position. I will recommend you to contact your paediatrician before trying a new carrying position. By this time, the safest position will be the previous one.

baby tula explore back carry position

Needless to say, children enjoy back carry position and, for some parents, this one might be more comfortable. That is why it is really great to be able to switch to this position with Baby Tula Explore whenever you wish.

Due to these incredible features, you will be able to use your carrier right from the start and will not need to purchase any other carriers at all. Check how much such an investment will cost you on Amazon.

A forward facing position

Finally, there is also a forward facing position offered by Baby Tula Explore as well. A forward facing position is the most controversial. On the one hand, the majority of paediatricians recommend parents to carry their children exactly facing forward. Still, it is normally done with the head of your child resting on your chest. Thus, if you use only your arms for carrying a baby, this position looks more like the one created by infant car seats, however, a child in a baby carrier needs to hold the head on one’s own. Furthermore, your child needs to be able to sit upright in order to feel safe while being transported in this position. Undeniably, this means the forward facing position can’t be used for newborn babies.

baby tula explore forward facing position

On the other hand, Baby Tula Explore offers your child an extremely safe forward facing position. The major element making this position really convenient to children is a wide panel of the seat area. Due to this part of the carrier, the forward facing position is ergonomic for small children.

Despite the fact the designers of Tula have made their best to provide your child with the maximum comfort in the forward facing position, you should still be aware of the fact Explore is suitable for carrying children weighing between 13 and 22 lbs in this position. Furthermore, you will need to set the seat area to its maximum width and regularly check your baby. A child shouldn’t sleep in this position and, if he or she becomes overstimulated, you must immediately stop carrying the child in this way. Although Baby Tula Explore is the best carrier for children offering the forward facing position I have seen so far, it is still allowed to carry the child in such a way during short periods of time.

baby tula explore forward facing

Why should you carry your child facing forward at all? The answer is – it will make the kid happy offering a great area for observation and allowing the child be physically bounded to the parent. Moreover, as a parent, you won’t become tired by carrying your child in this position.

Babywearing – your comfort

I am sure you are now perfectly aware of the importance of a baby carrier’s being completely safe for your child and, as you have seen, Baby Tula Explore has created really good solutions. Yet, this is not enough for a baby carrier to be called ideal, as your comfort and safety are equally crucial.

I heartily recommend you to purchase a carrier providing parents with adequate convenience. Do not think you will handle with any difficulties and the most important for you is the safety of your child. An uncomfortable carrier can cause severe muscle fatigue and serious aches in bones and soft tissues in a parent. As a result, you will think about the prospects of babywearing with sheer horror and, if you do not resign from carrying your child anyway, you can cause permanent damages in your own body or lose your control over your child. I bet you wish to omit such dramatic consequences and, fortunately, such carriers as Baby Tula Explore will help you in this task.

baby tula explore carrier

First of all, I like the wide straps designed for the shoulders of a parent which have generous padding. This adjusts the weight of your child in a better way minimising any discomfort in your body. Furthermore, the carrier has a large padded waist belt protecting your skin from pinching.

Secondly, I find this model of a carrier great for parents as its size can be adjusted not only to the height of your baby, but also to yours. For example, the length of an additional hip belt can be set between 27 and 57 inches. Even if you consider yourself to be neither petite nor plus-size, you might need to share the carrier with another person, so, it is really great this accessory is adjustable.

Obviously, Baby Tula Explore allows parents to enjoy time with their children rather than being anxious because of constant physical discomfort. This is true not only for the health of your hips, neck and lower back, but also for the pelvic area which needs extra time for regeneration during the postpartum period.

Additional elements of Baby Tula Explore

In order to provide you and your child with extra comfort, the creators of Baby Tula Explore have added several extra elements to this carrier.

For example, you will always have place for storing your essentials such as a mobile phone or keys as the waits belt of Tula Explore has a storage pocket. You will have quick and convenient access to the pocket as it is located right in the middle of the belt.

baby tula explore carrier review

I also find Mesh Coast line available in this model of a carrier really great for improving air circulation and reducing sweating.

Another great addition to the carrier is an adjustable hood which can be removed any time you wish. This hood is designed in order to protect your child against the sun rays and it can be used in all the carrying positions offered by Baby Tula Explore. This means your child will be protected no matter whether she or he is seating facing inward or you are carrying the one on your back. I like the possibility of changing the length of this accessory making it suitable for children of different ages. Furthermore, this hood is also great for nursing your child offering you extra privacy. Check how much this entire set costs on Amazon.

Baby Tula Explore – the style is also important

In spite of the fact the comfort of your child doesn’t depend on the style of a carrier, I am certain you wish it to be attractive. Due to the designers of Tula, you can now choose from a wide range of fashionable versions featured by different colours and patterns. You can check the colour versions of Baby Tula Explore on Amazon. Some of my favourite models are Mint Chip, Bloom, Sleepy Dust and Discover. I bet you will like all of them!

baby tula explore colors

The material of the Baby Tula Explore carrier is 100% cotton. I am aware of the fact the technological progress has created a wide range of artificial materials with extra water absorption, however, I myself prefer only natural fabrics in my clothes and the clothes of my children. That is why I particularly like the fact Baby Tula Explore is made of pure cotton, albeit someone might prefer other textile materials. Of course, I am also happy about the possibility of washing Baby Tula Explore in a washing machine. Indisputably, even if your child has a magic ability of keeping all his or her belongings clean, it is still great to be able to wash the carrier in a washing machine.

My conclusions on Baby Tula Explore

Frankly speaking, I find the choice of a baby carrier more difficult than the choice of a stroller despite the fact the letter includes far more elements. The thing is a carrier can be compared to a rucksack, however, your child will wear this rucksack as well. Therefore, it must be comfortable for both of you. In order to make the best decision, look through the list of the positive and negative sides of Baby Tula Explore which I have put below.

First of all, I will tell you I actually consider Baby Tula Explore to be great because:

  • it allows you to carry your child in three different ways in the safest way which means even the most complicated forward facing position is innocuous. In fact, this is the first carrier offering the forward facing position that is really harmless;
  • it is adjustable to the weight and height of your child. You can use the carrier with newborn babies as well as with toddlers by changing the width of the seat panel and the length of the hood;
  • it is adjustable to your size. Whether you are petite or plus-size, you can change the length of the belt and adjust the carrier in the way best suiting you;
  • the hood itself is a great addition to the carrier protecting your child against sun rays;
  • it has a small pocket comfortable for carrying small necessities;
  • it is made of pure cotton;
  • it is simply adorable due to its stylish design!

Obviously, I feel the purchase of Baby Tula Explore is a great idea, however, its major con is its price which is definitely not low. As you have understood, I consider the natural material of Baby Tula Explore to be its advantage. Still, you should take this fact into consideration as you might have other preferences concerning the fabric of a carrier. What should you do then?

baby tula explore

I recommend you to visit Amazon and check the current price of Baby Tula Explore as well as any possible discounts for this carrier. Even if the price turn out to be rather high for you, you should rethink all the advantages of this carrier. Certainly, its major feature is safety which is true in case of all of the three positions. That is why I suppose Baby Tula Explore will be a perfect purchase for parents willing to carry their babies in three different ways. Once again, I will advise buying exactly this carrier to the parents who wish to carry their children in the forward facing position which is the most demanding one. I wish you having a great time while exploring the world with your child!

All pictures belong to Baby Tula. Source:

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Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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