The Best Lightweight Strollers for 2020

Many parents decide to buy a travel system or a three-in-one stroller for their newborn babies hoping such a purchase will allow them to minimise the costs of acquiring accessories for children. I personally believe such a decision is definitely the best one since you will be able to use the same baby carriage from the birth of your child up to his or her toddlerhood or, in some cases, even up to the age of a pre-schooler.

Still, in some cases, it is impossible to make do without an additional lightweight and compact stroller. The most widespread situation is getting inappropriate travel system at the very beginning which might be too bulky or heavy making parents really exhausted after using it on a daily basis. Other popular case is a need for something extra small because you are planning to travel with your child by plane. If you feel it is time to change your first pram for a lightweight pushchair, you can find my ranking of the best lightweight strollers really useful.

My list of the best lightweight stroller models

You might think finding an appropriate umbrella stroller is not a great deal, however, it is not as simple as it seems to be. Despite the fact parents generally do not have such stringent requirements for this accessory as for travel systems or full-size prams, an unexperienced person can easily end up buying a stroller of a rather low quality. If you do not want to risk your time, money and safety of your child, you can check the following list presenting the best lightweight stroller models.

1. Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller

Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience StrollerTypeDimensionsThe biggest advantage
A lightweight stroller suitable for children starting from 6 months of age42 x 10.25 x 9 inchesA lightweight stroller with all the necessary elements for convenient and safe usage which can be used with big kids due to its large weight capacity. An amazing parent organiser is included into the price.

The modern market of strollers offers a quite a large choice of lightweight models which can be used as travel systems and even as prams. Undeniably, such functionality allows many parents to save a lot of money as they do not have to purchase any other strollers. Yet, at the same time you will certainly have to pay extra money for all of the extra features. No matter how useful they are, sometimes you just do not need them and can easily make do with an umbrella stroller.

For instance, if you happen to already own a full-size stroller and now your baby is too old for a bassinet, you can easily switch to an umbrella stroller in order not to deal with a heavy-weight pram. Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller will be an excellent choice for such a situation.

Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller is a stylish lightweight stroller which will be perfect for urban areas. The weight of this stroller is only 13 pounds, however, the maximum weight capacity is pretty large as it is 50 lbs. This means you will be able to use this stroller with pretty big kids which can be extremely useful in some situations. For example, this stroller is an ideal choice for travelling with its simple folding mechanism and a very small fold.

Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller is also a good option for children who enjoy a nap on the go. The seating unit of this model can be adjusted to four angles with the use of a simple reclining mechanism. The flattest position of this stroller is featured by the 20 degree recline which is pretty flat and definitely convenient for sleeping.

I have already mentioned the fact this stroller is a good choice for urban areas. Just like any other lightweight stroller, this model is featured by rather small wheels which will not allow you to go all crazy over all types of terrains. Yet, they will provide your baby with a comfortable ride on pretty smooth terrains. Note that the front wheel of this stroller are swivelling which is not popular among umbrella strollers, however, it is a great feature increasing the manoeuvrability of the stroller in the crowded places as well as narrow passages. At the same time, there is a locking mechanism, so you will be able to block the pivoting element in the wheels if it is not needed.

Other great features of this umbrella stroller are its generous canopy and a large storage basket. The canopy is really large and it is also equipped into a sun visor which can be flipped out whenever it is needed. There is a really spacious storage basket in Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller which is not popular for umbrella strollers. This one is very convenient since you will have easy access to your things even if you recline the backrest to the flattest position.

Pay your attention to an amazing parent organiser included into the price of this stroller! This one has two levels of pockets. The upper one is made of a durable material and has two cup holders on the each side as well as two pockets including one with a zipper in the middle. Below, you will find a large mesh pocket for other useful items. The organiser can be carried on the handles of the stroller.

An affordable and well-equipped stroller

Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller is the model I can highly recommend to parents who do not necessarily need a stroller convertible into a travel system or a pram. If your baby can seat without any support and you are dreaming about switching to a lightweight stroller, consider purchasing Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller. This option is also perfect for parents with a tight budget since its price is hardly a hundred of dollars! For such a price you will get a safe and convenient lightweight stroller with a large basket and a very handy parent organiser with several additional storage places.


  • a very small price;
  • a very small weight;
  • a large weight capacity;
  • a simple folding mechanism and a compact fold;
  • a convenient seating unit with four recline levels convenient for sleeping;
  • a large canopy with a sun visor;
  • a spacious storage basket;
  • a useful parent organiser with cup holders and a pocket with a zipper;
  • ergonomic handles;
  • a stylish appearance.

2. Maxi Cosi Lara

Maxi Cosi LaraTypeDimensionsThe biggest advantage
A lightweight stroller20 x 19 H x 15 L inchesA lightweight stroller with a unique design of the recline with a completely flat recline suitable for newborn babies, all-wheel suspension and two storage baskets.

In case you like unconventional solutions, you will certainly like Maxi Cosi Lara which is an absolutely unique lightweight stroller. Even though this stroller is not thus equipped in various functions as some of the lightweight models available on the market, it is can easily make do without them.

Maxi Cosi Lara weighs only 14 pounds, whereas its maximum weight capacity is 50 pounds. This is quite a lot for a stroller of such a type. How old should be a baby to be able to use Maxi Cosi Lara safely? Now, this might come as a surprise to you. This Maxi Cosi stroller is not a convertible one as you cannot attach an infant car seat to it. Neither it is suitable for using with a bassinet or a carrycot. Yet, its design is featured by a completely flat recline which is actually what your newborn baby needs. The seat of this stroller is so well-padded and safe that your baby will be able to use it right from the birth. Thus, you will actually do not need any additional elements such as an infant car seat or a bassinet to use this stroller from the very beginning.

Another distinguishable feature of Maxi Cosi Lara is the amount of the storage space. Actually, there is a double-decker design with two storage baskets in this stroller. The lower one is located in its traditional place under the seat, whereas the higher one is situated on the same level as the seating unit is. In such a way, you get an extra storage option on a higher level which is closer to you an thus is more convenient for carrying smaller necessities.

Even though Maxi Cosi Lara is featured with a quite untypical design of storage options, you will be able to fond it easily and the fold will be really very slim. This stroller is absolutely suitable for transportation in the overhead compartment of the planes of the majority of airlines.

There are so many amazing features in this stroller, aren’t they? Still, it is not the end of the list! One of the crucial features of this model is also the design of its wheels. Even though Maxi Cosi Lara is an absolutely lightweight stroller, it has an all-wheel suspension. This is an extremely rare feature for a stroller with such a small weight. The wheel of this model are rather small which is typical for a lightweight stroller, yet, they are cushioned by the advanced suspension which will allow you to push Maxi Cosi Lara over somewhat uneven terrains as well.

The canopy of this stroller is also quite large if you consider it being a lightweight model. Actually, there is no need to find any proves for the exceptionality of this model, since it has already received The NAPPA award in 2020. NAPPA stands for National Parenting Awards and the Lara stroller designed by Maxi Cosi was the winner of this award!

An outstanding design for increased functionality

Maxi Cosi Lara is using a totally different approach than the majority of other lightweight strollers. Instead of letting a parent install various additional accessories for newborn babies, it has a particularly convenient and safe seating unit with a totally full recline required by newborn babies. This is so simple, isn’t it? You do not have to purchase any extra accessories, store them at home and transport them in the car. You can just recline the seat to its maximum extent and your baby will be absolutely safe during the walks.

Needless to say, all-wheel suspension as well as two storage baskets are great features as well. There is nothing strange in the fact, so many parents have chosen it as the best model that Maxi Cosi Lara was even able to gain the NAPPA reward.

Keep in mind that this stroller is not thus expensive at all. Even though its price is not particularly small either, you can pay less than 200 USD and use this stroller right form the birth up to the preschool age without a need of buying any additional stuff.


  • a very small weight;
  • a great weight capacity;
  • can be used right from the birth without any additional elements;
  • a super ergonomic and safe seat with a completely flat recline;
  • the reclining mechanism is infinite;
  • a simple folding mechanism and a compact fold fitting the overhead compartment of the planes of the majority of airlines;
  • a special strap for convenient transportation of a folded stroller is included;
  • two levels of storage baskets;
  • a cup holder is included into the price;
  • a large canopy with a sun ray filter and a peek-a-boo window;
  • a swivelling mechanism with a lock in the wheels;
  • all-wheel suspension;
  • the price is adequate to the possibility of using this stroller from the very start up to the preschool age.

3. Joolz AER

Joolz AERTypeDimensionsThe biggest advantage
A lightweight convertible stroller21  x17.7  x 8.5 inchesAn ultra lightweight stroller which can be converted into a travel system. An exclusive design of the stroller will provide your baby with particular comfort whereas you will enjoy its ergonomics and fashionable design.

Fortunately, today ultra lightweight strollers are not necessarily very expensive. Yet, some parents wish to the products of exceptional quality and they are ready to pay a large sum of money for a genuinely exclusive accessory. If you are looking for such a stroller, I am more happy to introduce Joolz AER which is an example of stroller of an exceptional quality.

Joolz AER is featured with an extremely small weight of slightly more than 13 pounds. The stroller has a simple folding mechanism collapsing it into a slim structure which will fit the overhead compartment in planes. Certainly, this makes Joolz AER a great option for parents who travel frequently. For extra convenience and safety of your stroller, the manufacturer has also added a travel bag.

Even though Joolz AER is thus lightweight, it is a convertible model which means you can use it as a travel system with an infant car seat. The conversion of the stroller into a travel system is really simple. All you need to do is to use a pair of adapters compatible with the infant car seat you are using. The adapters should be purchased separately. Some of the models of the infant car seats compatible with Joolz AER are Cybex Cloud Q (plus), Cybex Aton Q (i-size), Pipa Lite, Pipa Lite XL, Pipa Lite R as well as Clek Liing.

A crucial feature of this stroller is its all-wheel suspension. As you might have already noticed, lightweight models usually do not have any suspension at all while their wheels are rather small which can result in a rather harsh ride unless you are using such a model on a perfectly smooth terrain. Fortunately, the design of Joolz AER goes beyond typical lightweight strollers and it has suspension in all of its wheels. In such a way, your baby will be able to enjoy a cushioned ride even though the wheels of this model are not large as well.

One more amazing feature of this stroller is its spacious storage basket which can hold weight of 11 pounds. You will be able to reach this basket even when the stroller is reclined.

Do not forget about a special patent design of the seat of this stroller. First of all, Joolz AER has a particularly ergonomic seat which will guarantee maximum comfort for your baby in any of the reclined positions. At the same time, there is a unique five-point harness system with an easy locking mechanism which will help you to adjust the straps effortlessly and lock the system in the most convenient way.

The canopy of this stroller is also larger than typical canopies of lightweight models. This will protect your baby against unpleasant weather conditions, whereas you will be able to check him or her with a handy peek-a-boo window.

An exclusive lightweight stroller with useful accessories

Joolz AER is a rather pricey stroller, however, it is absolutely worth of it due to its numerous features. The major advantage of this stroller is its functionality which is normally not available in models with such a small weight. There is everything you might need available in this stroller starting from a particularly large weight capacity up to the all-wheel suspension and a possibility of using it with one of infant car seats offered by the top manufacturers of accessories for babies.

Still, there are some rare strollers with a similar functionality, albeit they are really rather scarce. Why should you get Joolz AER then?

The unique feature of Joolz AER is its patent seating unit with increased ergonomics crucial for the comfort of your baby no matter which position he or she will use for travelling in the stroller. Furthermore, you will hardly find another stroller with thus convenient harness system which will let you change the length of the straps particularly easy.


  • an ultra lightweight model;
  • an extended weight capacity;
  • can be converted into a travel system, so as you will be able to use it with a newborn baby;
  • a unique patent design of seat with maximum ergonomics in any position of recline;
  • a particularly simple mechanism for locking and adjusting the straps of five-point harness;
  • a particularly large canopy with UV protection and a peek-a-boo window;
  • all-wheel suspension;
  • a large and spacious basket with easy access;
  • both a handlebar and a bumper bar are made of a leatherette material;
  • the price includes a travel bag and a rain cover;
  • a beautiful modern design.

4. Bugaboo Ant

Bugaboo AntTypeDimensionsThe biggest advantage
A lightweight convertible stroller9.03 x 14.96 x 21.65 inchA lightweight stroller with absolutely outstanding features not available in other strollers of a small weight such as a reversible seat, a telescopic handlebar, full-wheel suspension and a storage basket with a super large weight capacity.

Another exclusive model of a lightweight stroller for you to check is Bugaboo Ant. This stroller is expensive, however, the features and functions it is offering to parents are absolutely unbelievable.

Bugaboo Ant weighs 15.8 pounds which make it a perfectly lightweight stroller. Of course, you have already noticed model with a smaller weight on my list of the best lightweight strollers. Still, they will hardly provide you with such functionality as the one offered to the parents using Bugaboo Ant.

For example, have you ever seen a stroller with such a small weight which has a reversible seat? I can barely recollect any other model rather than Bugaboo Ant. Of course, if you are planning to get Bugaboo Ant as your second stroller to use when your baby can already seat on one’s own, this function might be of no particular use to you. Yet, you can really benefit from it and that is what I actually recommend – buy this stroller as your first one to use from the birth of your child if it is possible. In such a case you will be able to combine it with a special carrycot suitable for newborn babies. At this point switching between different directions of the seat will be really handy for you.

The seating unit of Bugaboo Ant is itself outstanding. Apart from being highly ergonomic and cosy, the seat has also a great recline mechanism. With the help of this mechanism, you will be able to set the stroller to a virtually upright position. Such an option is extremely rare among any types of strollers, let alone lightweight models. Although an upright seating position is not crucial, it is a great addition to the stroller since many children really enjoy travelling while sitting upright as this allows them observe the world in a better way.

The seat of Bugaboo Ant also has an almost flat recline. Needless to say, it is a great feature for a having a nap.

Another fantastic feature of this stroller which is not typical for lightweight models is a large weight capacity. I know, all of the models on my list mentioned so far have a large weight capacity as well which is actually 50 pounds for each of them. Yet, Bugaboo Ant also has a particularly capacious storage basket. It can hold up to 17 pounds which is absolutely impossible for virtually all of the strollers of a similar weight available on the modern market. If you are not well-acquainted with such parameters, consider the fact that full-size strollers usually have storage baskets with a capacity of around 20 pounds. This is amazing, isn’t it?

Bugaboo Ant can be fold in a very simple way which will give you a compact structure resembling of a suitcase. Actually, the handlebar of the stroller can be used exactly as a handlebar of suitcase while using the stroller in a folded way. This will let you pull the stroller conveniently when you are, for instance, at the airport. Of course, you can hide the handlebar entirely. Thus, the folded stroller can be transported in the overhead compartment on board the plane.

Pay your attention to the design of the handlebar itself which has a telescopic mechanism for adjusting its height. In addition to it, even the top of the handlebar can be adjusted to different angles depending on your personal needs.

Bugaboo Ant goes beyond your expectations

Bugaboo Ant is a very special model of a lightweight stroller which can meet the requirements of even the most demanding parents.

This stroller has amazing functionality even though its weight is very small. This stroller is equipped into a reversible seat and a telescopic handlebar with a rotating top part for even better adjustment. The stroller has a large canopy and a 5-point harness. Moreover, its storage basket has a weight capacity even twice larger than the capacity of the majority of strollers on the market.

On top of that, Bugaboo Ant is not only a convertible stroller which can be used as a travel system, but it is also compatible with Bugaboo Wheeled Board which will be extremely useful if your baby has an older sibling who also needs a lift from time to time.


  • has a very small weight;
  • featured by a large weight capacity;
  • a convertible model which can be used with many models of infant car seats;
  • can be used with Bugaboo Wheeled Board for transporting an older sibling;
  • has a reversible seat;
  • the seat can be reclined to an almost upright position as well as to nearly flat position;
  • has a telescopic handlebar with a rotating top part;
  • all-wheel suspension;
  • a storage basket with particularly large weight capacity up to 17 pounds;
  • a very compact fold with a special design changing the stroller into a suitcase with a handlebar, while being completely folded will fit the overhead compartments of planes;
  • modern and fashionable design.

5. GB Pockit Plus

GB Pockit is an upgraded version of GB Pockit that was known as one of the most compact models of umbrella strollers. The predecessor of GB Pockit used to be one of the favourite lightweight travel strollers of many parents because its fold was so small one could actually take it on board the plane. Yet, there were several cons of the previous GB Pockit model such as a small canopy or a seat that couldn’t be reclined. These issues made the designers rethink the concept of this stroller. As a result, the latest version of this stroller available on the market under the GB Pockit Plus name is considered to be one of the best lightweight stroller models offered for an affordable price.

The current version of GB Pockit Plus is a very stylish lightweight travel stroller that can actually be used as the only one stroller from the very beginning. That is so because the use of special adapters sold separately allows you to attach either one of the GB or Cybex infant car seats to the toddler seat. Furthermore, this model can even be used with a carrycot which is a rather rare feature for a lightweight umbrella stroller. Thus, if you purchase an entire GB Pockit Plus travel system, you will be able to use a carrycot or an infant car seat with a newborn baby and then, switch to a regular toddler seat that can transport children weighing up to 55 lbs. The 5-point harness used in the toddler seat of the stroller can be adjusted to the weight and height of your child.

The current version of GB Pockit Plus has a fold featured by the following dimensions: 12.5” x 7.8” x 14.9” and weighs 13 lbs. Pay your attention to the fact the original GB Pockit stroller was only 9.5 lbs. Still, such a difference is the result of a more stable construction of GB Pockit Plus that is needed for using this compact stroller with a carrycot or an infant car seat. Still, you will hardly find any other lightweight umbrella stroller with such a small fold. Just imagine, GB Pockit Plus is so tiny when folded it can be even carried inside a bag!

The wheels of GB Pockit Plus are definitely of an excellent quality, however, you should be aware of the fact they are too small (below 5”) for using the stroller on uneven terrains. Despite the stroller offers its users a smooth ride and ease while being maneuvered, it is more suitable for urban locations. The front wheels of the stroller can be locked whenever you wish and the brakes can be found between the rear wheels, albeit, it is set on the right side. As the pedal is rather small and its location is quite untypical for the majority of lightweight pushchairs, you might even have some problems with finding it.

The handles of GB Pockit Plus are the same as the ones used in the previous version of this baby carriage. There are two handles located on the sides of the stroller that can’t be adjusted to the height of the person pushing it. Yet, the majority of parents will feel comfortable while using this stroller. If only you are really very tall, you might feel the stroller is a bit too low for you.

Underneath the stroller, you will find a storage basket that is quite spacious. It can transport up to 11 lbs, though. Obviously, such a lightweight pushchair id not designed for carrying really bulky luggage, however, it is very typical for the models of this type.

These were the most essential facts about GB Pockit Plus. Look at the following list of pros and cons and you will understand why this is one of the best lightweight stroller models on the current market.


  • this stroller can be used as travel system or even as a three-in-one pushchair despite the fact it weighs only 13 lbs
  • the toddler seat is suitable for children starting from 6 months of age up to pre-schoolers weighing below 55 lbs
  • the toddler seat can be reclined and the harness is adjustable
  • it is made of excellent materials and its fabrics is very soft
  • this stroller has one of the smallest folds


  • the stroller has rather small wheels
  • the handles can’t be adjusted to your height
  • a storage space is a bit too small

If you are living in a city and you are not especially tall, GB Pockit Plus can prove to be the best lightweight stroller for you. Of course, it is great to have a really spacious basket in a stroller, however, it is not typical for lightweight travel strollers. Furthermore, I am sure you will learn how to use the unusual brake system of this stroller and will enjoy all other properties of GB Pockit Plus that are really excellent. Undeniably, this is the best compact stroller for travelling by plane, while it will also prove to be very useful in the daily life of families living in the urban areas.

6. GB Qbit Plus

I really consider the GB strollers to be the best lightweight stroller models that can be purchased at the moment. GB Qbit Plus is also one of my favourite baby pushchairs and you will now know why.

The weight of GB Qbit Plus is 16.8 lbs which means this stroller is not the most lightweight if compared to other baby carriages. Still, such weight allows parents to enjoy additional features of the stroller that are generally not available in lighter strollers.

First of all, GB Qbit Plus is can be used with some of the GB infant car seats that is why it has to be stable which results in somewhat greater weight. Due to this fact, you won’t feel as if pushing a doll stroller. Furthermore, a steady frame of this compact stroller as well as its large toddler seat make it possible to use the pushchair with children even up to 55 lbs. According to the manufacturer, the stroller is suitable for the newborn babies too. The weight of GB Qbit Plus also increases the capacity of the storage space of this model allowing you to take more things with you.

I also like the quality of the toddler seat of this stroller that will provide your child with maximum level of safety and security. The seat and its adjustable 5-point harness are covered by soft and generous padding. GB Qbit Plus also has a large canopy with plastic windows allowing you to check your baby without even opening them. What I find one of the greatest features of this stroller is the possibility of reclining its backrest up to an almost laying position. Undeniably, such reclining properties combined with an adjustable footrest will provide your child with the maximum convenience during napping. Note that this feature is rather rare among lightweight models, so at this point GB Qbit Plus is a really outstanding model.

Another great feature of this stroller is the design of its wheels. These are made of plastics of the highest quality making them resistant and stable. Moreover, all of the wheels are equipped into a suspension system that is a unique property when it comes to lightweight umbrella strollers. Owning to these features, GB Qbit Plus is definitely more convenient for manoeuvring than many other compact strollers. You should be aware of the fact this stroller is still more suitable for pushing on even surfaces, albeit, its wheels are made of rubber which offers a quite smooth ride to your child even if you are pushing it over small pebbles or grass.

A simple folding mechanism and small dimensions of GB Qbit Plus are undeniably the things making this model an example of the best lightweight stroller. The entire process of folding can be made with one hand so you won’t need any assistance and can manage on your own even while keeping your child in another hand. Needless to say, this is crucial for parents who are going to spend a lot of time outside without any assistance.

Many parents also like the GB Qbit Plus strollers because of their stylish appearance. Undeniably, you will hardly find another stroller available in such vivid colours.

Check the list of the major GB Qbit Plus features below if you are considering purchasing the one for your child.


  • the stroller is stable, safe and suitable for quite big children weighing up to 55 lbs despite small weight of the stroller
  • the stroller can be converted into a travel system by attaching one of the infant car seats of the top brands such as Nuna, Cybex or Maxi Cosi
  • it has a very compact fold
  • the reclining mechanism provides a child with a comfortable position for napping and an adjustable footrest makes it even more convenient
  • the rear wheels have a suspension mechanism for extra comfort during strolls
  • the storage basket is quite large
  • the stroller has a very fashionable appearance and is available in several fantastic colour versions


  • the handlebar is not adjustable
  • all of the additional accessories for this model are sold separately

GB Qbit Plus can be the best lightweight stroller for anyone looking for a compact travel system available for an affordable price. Obviously, the major advantage of this stroller is its unbelievably small fold that can be carried even inside your bag. At the same time, it is suitable for transporting a newborn baby in an infant car seat or a pre-schooler in its large toddler seat. Although the wheels of this stroller are more suitable for smooth surfaces, the suspension allows you to use it in different areas. Thus, GB Qbit Plus can be a really good choice.

7. Cybex Eezy S Twist

I am pleased by the fact the top manufacturers of strollers are designing excellent travel systems based on lightweight pushchairs. I have already presented you some of umbrella strollers that can actually be used with infant car seats or even carrycots. While speaking about such versions of compact strollers, I simply can’t omit Cybex Eezy S Twist that is regarded to be the best lightweight stroller convertible into a travel system by many parents around the world.

Cybex Eezy S Twist is a lightweight travel stroller weighing 17 lbs. Of course, you can find models of umbrella strollers weighing less and I have already mentioned some of them in this article, however, this weight is necessary for making this stroller suitable for conversion into a travel system. Still, if you check regular full-size strollers, you will see Cybex Eezy S Twist is definitely a lightweight one. That is why you should not be disappointing by the fact this Cybex model is not an ultra lightweight one. Just check it functionality and you will certainly like this stroller.

The toddler seat of Cybex Eezy S Twist is definitely one of the best available on the market. This offers a child several rest positions including an almost lying one that is perfect for napping. Due to this feature, you can also use the stroller with newborn babies, albeit, your child will be provided with more comfort and security if Cocoon S is used. Cocoon S is a separate accessory resembling a bassinet, however, it is not really attached either to a frame of Cybex Eezy S Twist or to its regular seat. This is a kind of a carrycot you can just put into the reclined seat and fix with safety belts. Cacoon S is designed very cleverly as the material used for its production makes it perfect both for a cold season of the year and really cold days.

If you do not want to purchase a separate carrycot, you can make do with a Cybex or GB infant car seats as they are compatible with this lightweight umbrella stroller. The maximum weight the toddler seat of this pushchair can carry is also impressive as it is 55 lbs!

The most interesting thing about Cybex Eezy S Twist is a special mechanism allowing you to reverse the toddler seat on the frame so as your child can either look at your or observe the world. The thing is you will hardly find a lightweight pushchair that makes reversing the seat possible. Usually, this feature is absent in this type of strollers. Not only does Cybex Eezy S Twist has a reversible seat but also it allows you to change its position without detaching it! Undeniably, the parents of children who like constantly change their position during a stroll will particularly appreciate this feature. This option is important not only for young children who need the possibility of facing their parents during the ride during the first months of their lives and then switch to the world-facing mode. There are some babies with increased social anxiety who will need to be facing their parents on particular occasions whereas on others they will prefer observing the world.

The only thing about the toddler seat of this stroller that makes me somewhat concerned is its canopy. Although it is sufficient for daily use, you can find multiple models of lightweight travel strollers with more generous canopies. Another crucial fact about this element of the stroller is the lack of mesh windows which I believe to be a standard item in such strollers.

Another great element of this stroller is the design of its wheels. On the one hand, they are quite typical for the compact strollers earmarked for urban use. On the other hand, they have full suspension which makes the stroller suitable for using on some uneven terrains as well. The brake pedal is located between the rare wheels. Moreover, Cybex Eezy S Twist has one of the largest storage baskets among other lightweight umbrella strollers available on the market.

Don’t forget, the fold of Cybex Eezy S Twist is so small, you will be able to take it on board the plane!

Even though Cybex Eezy S Twist has several cons I have mentioned above, its advantages are obvious. Look at the major features of this stroller one more time:


  • the stroller weighs only 17 lbs but it is convertible into a travel system and, while used with the Cocoon S carrycot, can be applied as an all-in-one stroller
  • compatibility with the GB and Cybex infant car seats makes the stroller suitable for children right from the birth up to the age of approximately 5 years
  • it uses a unique reversing mechanism in the toddler seat allowing you to reverse the seat without detaching it from the frame
  • the toddler seat can be reclined to an almost lying position
  • it has an extremely small fold
  • the wheels are featured with full suspension
  • it has one of the largest storage baskets available in the umbrella strollers
  • the stroller can be purchased in very interesting colour styles


  • a canopy is a bit too small
  • there is no peek-a-boo window in the canopy
  • the handlebar of the stroller can’t be adjuste

Cybex Eezy S Twist can be the best lightweight stroller for anyone who really wants to benefit from the advantages of both umbrella pushchairs and multifunctional travel systems. You will be able travel easily with this compact stroller the fold of which can fit even an overhead compartment on board the plane. At the same time, you will enjoy the great capacity of Cybex Eezy S Twist that is suitable even for preschoolers and have one of the greatest storage baskets on the market. Of course, don’t forget about the exclusive reversing mechanism of the seat in Cybex Eezy S Twist!


I have already described several examples of the best lightweight stroller models that can be converted into a fully-functioning travel system. BABYZEN YOYO+ is another version of such strollers, however, this one is featured with a uniquely small weight.

BABYZEN YOYO+ weighs only 13 lbs and is compatible with both an infant car seat and a carrycot. Actually, the list of infant car seat that will work perfectly with BABYZEN YOYO+ is quite long and it includes such popular models as Maxi-Cosi Pebble, Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus, Maxi-Cosi Mico AP, BABYZEN iZi Go Modular, Cybex Aton Q, Nuna Pipa and others. The only thing you need to use your BABYZEN YOYO+ and an infant car seat as a complete travel system is a set of special adapters sold separately.

The carrycot available for BABYZEN YOYO+ can also be purchased separately. This one can be used with children weighing less than 20 lbs. I like the fact the carrycot has its own 5-point harness for extra safety.

While the newborn mode of BABYZEN YOYO+ is parent-facing, the toddler seat of this stroller is outward-facing. This makes the stroller especially comfortable for parents and children.

The toddler seat can be used with children weighing less than 40 lbs. This one is definitely great as it offers children a very deep recline perfect for napping in the most comfortable position. The canopy of BABYZEN YOYO+ creates enough shade for the upper part of a child’s body, however, it could be somewhat larger. The material it is made of has UPF50+ and you will find a peek-a-boo window on the top of this canopy.

Like many other lightweight strollers, BABYZEN YOYO+ doesn’t have an adjustable handlebar, even though it is rather expensive. You should consider this fact before purchasing this lightweight pushchair, especially, if you are a quite tall person.

The wheels of BABYZEN YOYO+ make this stroller more suitable for using in the urban area where you do not have to deal with too bumpy surfaces. Still, they are definitely not bad when compared to the wheels of many other umbrella strollers due to an exclusive Soft Drive system and all-wheel suspension available in this model. The single brake pedal can be found near the right rear wheel of the stroller.

BABYZEN YOYO+ is equipped in a quite spacious storage basket that can carry up to 11 lbs.

Undeniably, one of the greatest advantages of this stroller is its uniquely small fold of the following dimensions: 20.5 x 17 x 7 inches. The stroller is folded easily with just one hand and it has a very compact and even somewhat compressed structure as each element of the stroller create an unbelievably small package.

I am sure, you are interested in this fantastic lightweight pushchair that is also extremely popular due to its stylish appearance and a large variety of colour versions. Actually, this stroller is regarded to be as one of the most fashionable models available on the market now. If you are searching for both functionality and an attractive appearance, look at the following list of pros and cons of this stroller one more time:


  • this stroller is one of the most lightweight pushchairs convertible into a travel system and, because of the possibility of using a carrycot with it, the pram is actually multifunctional
  • you can use it with a great number of popular infant car seats after purchasing special adapters
  • since the stroller is convertible into a travel system, it is suitable for children right from their birth and up to their toddlerhood
  • the toddler seat is especially comfortable due to a deep recline of the backrest
  • the stroller provides maximum safety to the child
  • you will push this pram smoothly due to a full suspension of the wheels and a special Soft Ride system
  • the storage basket is quite large for a lightweight umbrella stroller
  • the fold of this stroller is one of the smallest you can ever find on the market
  • the BABYZEN YOYO+ strollers are just beautiful


  • this stroller itself is rather expensive and all the accessories must be purchased separately
  • the handlebar can not be adjusted to your height
  • the maximum capacity of the toddler seat is not as great as in the models discussed earlier

Needless to say, BABYZEN YOYO+ is a perfect illustration of the best lightweight stroller because it can be used as a three-in-one baby carriage even though it is so lightweight and tiny. BABYZEN YOYO+ will make your every trip around the city or flight to the distant places enjoyable because of its size and weight. Furthermore, if you ask any mom who is keeping a track on the latest accessories for children, she will tell you this stroller is worth purchasing even because of its extremely fashionable look. Thus, if you can afford this combination of comfort and style, BABYZEN YOYO+ will be the best compact stroller for you.

9. UPPAbaby MINU

Another stroller that can be called the best lightweight stroller is undeniably UPPAbaby MINU. As you will see below, this pushchair has almost no cons except for its quite high price, however, the stroller is definitely worth it.

Certainly, the greatest advantage of this stroller is the fact it is actually a three-in-one pushchair despite the fact it weighs only 14.8 lbs. Of course, if you have read the descriptions of other strollers above, you have already learnt about convertible lightweight strollers. Yet, UPPAbaby MINU is somewhat different from them offering parents even more options.

Since this stroller can be called multifunctional, it is appropriate for newborn babies when used with a bassinet. UPPAbaby MINU is an exclusive model as unlike many other advanced models of lightweight umbrella strollers, this one is compatible with a real bassinet that can be attached to its frame, not just a kind of an additional accessory fixed on the main seat. If you think it is not thus important whether the bassinet is attached directly to the frame or it is used with a toddler seat still on the frame. Actually, it has an impact on the experience of using a stroller since the stroller used with just a bassinet without a toddler seat is less bulky and is featured with a smaller weight. The bassinet of this model is called From Birth Kit by its manufacturer and it has several important features that can’t be found in many other bassinets. For example, the bassinet has its own 5-point harness for better protection of your child. Furthermore, you won’t need to take it off the frame in order to fold the stroller which makes the use of the stroller especially convenient.

This compact stroller is also compatible with many popular models of infant car seats including the ones produced by UPPAbaby, Maxi-Cosi, Cybex and Nuna. The only thing you will need for using UPPAbaby MINU as a travel system is a pair of special adapters. What I really like about UPPAbaby MINU travel system is the possibility of using the frame only with an infant car seat. As you know, there are many full-size strollers that can be used with an infant seat fixed right on the toddler one which makes the entire system rather bulky and demands taking more accessories with you.

The toddler seat is also fantastic in this model because it is totally safe and comfortable offering your child several seating positions. Moreover it is really large allowing you to use the stroller even with pre-schoolers weighing less than 55 lbs. One more interesting feature of the main seat of UPPAbaby MINU is its canopy that is made not only of the material protecting your baby against sun rays, but it is also designed in such a way as to remain cold even in extremely hot weather.

Despite the fact UPPAbaby MINU is not an all-terrain stroller, its rubberised wheels and suspension make it suitable for use on some uneven surfaces as well. Of course, it is better to use the stroller in the urban area, but it will also manage with grass and cracked pavements. UPPAbaby MINU also has an interesting brake mechanism. On the one hand, it includes two pedals. On the other hand, one of them is earmarked for stopping the stroller whereas another one deactivates the brakes. Thus, you won’t need to lift the pedal in order to make the brakes unblocked and you won’t spoil either your pedicure or shoes.

Unfortunately, the handlebar of this stroller can’t be adjusted to your height, but I like its design very much. Instead of being covered by a soft foam that tends to become damaged quite easily, it is covered by artificial leather. Not only does it make the stroller looking stylish, but allows you to clean handlebar easily.

The storage options of this lightweight travel stroller are a large storage basket located underneath the seat and an additional pocket on the backrest.

Although UPPAbaby Minu offers great functionality its fold is really very compact featured by the following dimensions: 20.5 x 23 x 11.5 inches.

Let’s look at the major advantages and possible disadvantages of UPPAbaby Minu:


  • the stroller has a great weight capacity despite its own small weight being suitable even for pre-schoolers
  • it is actually a three-in-one stroller when used with additional accessories such as a bassinet or an infant car seat. Thus, it can be the only stroller you ever need to buy
  • it is compatible with the infant car seats produced by other popular brands
  • it has a small fold and can be folded with a bassinet
  • it has a quite large storage basket that can carry up to 20 lbs and an additional pocket on the backrest
  • the canopy of the toddler seat has thermoregulation properties in addition to the sun protection features
  • the stroller has a very convenient brake system
  • it is one of the most stylish umbrella strollers available on the market


  • the handlebar can’t be adjusted to your height
  • despite the high quality of its wheels and suspension, the stroller is still suitable for pushing on even terrains

UPPAbaby MINU will be the best lightweight stroller for any parent searching for a stroller for use in the city area. For this purpose, UPPAbaby MINU is perfect as it is extremely lightweight and stable at the same time. Not only is it lasting enough for carrying an infant car seat or a pre-schooler, but it also has a storage basket of a great capacity. The only issue you should be aware of is the fact you won’t be able to adjust the handlebar of the stroller. So, if you are a really tall person, you should check the handlebar before purchasing UPPAbaby MINU.

10. UPPAbaby CRUZ

If you are looking for the best lightweight stroller featured by quite large weight capacity, UPPAbaby CRUZ can be a really good choice for you. This stroller is somewhat heavier than the models discussed above, but it still doesn’t weigh much. Due to a couple of extra pounds, UPPAbaby CRUZ is a way more stable than typical umbrella strollers.

The entire weight of this stroller with the toddler seat is 21,5 lbs.  Well, if you are aware of the division of the strollers on the market into different types, you should know that the lightweight models are regarded to be the ones weighing below 20 lbs. This stroller is somewhat heavier, however, it is still featured with a relatively small weight. The weight of the frame is 15 lbs, whereas the seat weighs 6.5 lbs. Due to the steadiness of the stroller’s frame, it can carry children weighing up to 50 lbs as well as your bags and other necessities weighing up to 25 pounds. You will hardly find such a large storage basket in other lightweight travel strollers as the one available in UPPAbaby CRUZ.

UPPAbaby CRUZ is not only a lightweight umbrella stroller, but it is also a travel system and an all-in-one stroller as you can use it with a bassinet and an infant car seat. This model allows you to attach these accessories directly to the frame which I personally find a better option than pushing a car seat fixed on the toddler seat.

The reversible toddler seat of UPPAbaby CRUZ offers multiply seating positions and its footrest can also be adjusted. Due to a special ergonomic insert and 5-point harness, the seat can be used with infants older than three months according to the manufacturer, however, a bassinet or an infant car seat makes it possible to start travelling with your child from the first day of one’s life. The main seat of the stroller also has an extendable canopy made of the material protecting against sun rays. The canopy also has panels made of mesh for better ventilation which are also great for checking your baby. Pay your attention to the fact the vertical position of the canopy is adjustable to the height of your child via sliding.

UPPAbaby CRUZ can be used with various popular infant car seats produced by Maxi-Cosi, Chicco, Cybex, Nuna and others. If you wish to use all the options offered by UPPAbaby CRUZ, you can also purchase a bassinet for your newborn baby.

Of course, UPPAbaby CRUZ is not as lightweight as many other compact strollers, but this model offers parents far better wheels. They are larger than the wheels of umbrella strollers, made of shock-absorbing materials and are featured with great suspension. Due to such design, you will be able to use your stroller on various surfaces. Furthermore, UPPAbaby CRUZ also has a telescopic handlebar that is almost unavailable in umbrella strollers.

Because of its features and especially its wheels, the fold of UPPAbaby CRUZ is not as small as the ones offered by the strollers described above. The fold with the toddler seat has following dimensions: 17″ L x 22.3″ W x 36″ H and, if there are no seat attached, the dimensions are 13″ L x 22.3″ W x 36″ H. As far as you can see, the length of the fold is a bit too long, however, it is very thin. The fold can stand on its own and it is equipped in automatic lock.

I am sure, you are now wondering, whether UPPAbaby CRUZ is worth buying or not. In order to help you in making your decision, I have prepared a list of its pros and cons.


  • the stroller can be converted into a travel system and used with a bassinet
  • it is compatible with a wide variety of popular infant car seats produced by other brands
  • you can use it with babies above three months of age without bassinet if you get special Infant SnugSeat insert for extra support of your child
  • the toddler seat is suitable for children weighing up to 50 lbs
  • the stroller has a large extendable canopy the height of which can be adjusted as well
  • the toddler seat is reversible
  • the storage basket has great capacity up to 25 lbs
  • the wheels make the stroller suitable for using on various surfaces
  • its handlebar is adjustable due to its telescopic mechanism
  • a bumper bar is included into the price
  • the design of the stroller is very stylish and the choice of colour versions is great


  • the stroller is somewhat heavy when compared to other compact strollers
  • its fold is slim but it is not as small as the folds of many other umbrella strollers
  • it is definitely not cheap

Needless to say, UPPAbaby CRUZ has a long list of advantages some of which are unavailable even in the best lightweight strollers. I suppose, the major issues for second thoughts in this case are the price of the stroller and its weight, however, if you can afford it, I am sure you will still be able to travel with UPPAbaby CRUZ without difficulties because it is really compact. What this stroller offers to parents is freedom. You are free to choose the height of the handlebar and the height of the canopy as well as to travel wherever you wish because the quality of its wheels is better than the one found in the typical umbrella strollers.

11. Ergobaby Metro

If you are still looking for the best compact stroller suitable for children right from their first day of life, you should pay your attention to another attractive model that is Ergobaby Metro.

Ergobaby Metro is a lightweight version of a two-in-one stroller. It weighs only 13.9 lbs and can be used not only with a toddler seat, but also with a bassinet. Thus, if you purchase a so-called Metro Newborn Kit, you will be able to attach a foldable carrycot right to the frame of your stroller. Such a stroller is as compact, as the Metro umbrella stroller itself. Needless to say, a possibility of folding a stroller with its bassinet attached to the frame will make the usage of this accessory particularly convenient.

The toddler seat of Ergobaby Metro has typical capacity for many other lightweight pushchairs as the maximum weight of a child it can transport is 40 lbs. The minimum age required for safe use of the main seat is 6 months, thus, for younger children, Metro Newborn Kit is needed. Of course, if you have read the descriptions of the best compact stroller models mentioned above, you have noticed some of them offer greater weight capacity. Still, you should be aware of the fact Ergobaby Metro has a very spacious toddler seat suitable for quite tall children.

Furthermore, it has soft ergonomic padding that makes sitting so comfortable and safe that Ergobaby Metro received seal of approval of German Aktion Gesunder Rücken (AGR). Not only was the quality of the toddler seat considered to be excellent for a child, but also the design of the frame and handlebar was proved to be safe for the health of a parent’s back. Actually, Metro is the only lightweight umbrella stroller I know approved by this respective institution. Certainly, the reclined positions of this pushchair are also convenient for a child.

The toddler seat of Ergobaby Metro is also equipped into a pretty generous canopy with a mesh window and adjustable 5-point harness.

I also like the wheels of this lightweight stroller since they provide parents with somewhat more freedom than many other models of this type. Of course, they are rather small and this is the major reason why the stroller is supposed to be used on even surfaces, however, excellent suspension and special shock-absorbing materials of the wheels make the ride smooth on some rough terrains as well.

The stroller offers two storage options. The first one is pocket located on the backrest that is very useful for your necessities. The other one is a quite roomy basket that can carry up to 10 lbs.

One more great aspect about this stroller is definitely its fold. The entire process of folding is quick and easy whereas the folded stroller is extremely small featured by the following dimensions: 20.8″ x 16.9″ x 9″. A special handle allows parents to carry it like a bag or, you can purchase a special backpack designed for transporting this stroller.

Now, let’s look at all the major features of Ergobaby Metro:


  • it is really lightweight – below 14 lbs
  • can be converted into a pram by adding a foldable bassinet
  • the toddler seat is extra safe and ergonomic for children and this fact is proved by AGR
  • the seat has multiple positions including a quite deep lying position as well as an adjustable footrest
  • the canopy is really generous and has a mesh widow
  • besides the storage basket, there is also a handy pocket on the backrest
  • the wheels, albeit small, are really better than the ones you can find in many other umbrella strollers making it possible to use Ergobaby Metro on some less even surfaces as well
  • the fold of the stroller is compact and small
  • the stroller is definitely stylish


  • it is a pity the stroller is not compatible with any infant car seats, as it could be more functional taking into consideration the fact it can be used with a bassinet
  • the weight capacity of the stroller is not as great as in some previous models
  • the handlebar is not adjustable

As you can see, Ergobaby Metro is really one of the best lightweight stroller models not only because of its small size and weight, but also due to an excellent toddler seat. The stroller also has extended functionality being compatible with a bassinet that can be folded with the frame. Using the stroller with a bassinet does not make it heavier. If you are looking for a three-in-ne stroller or a stroller convertible into a travel system, you should take into consideration the fact Ergobaby Metro can’t be used with an infant car seat. Still, the fact the bassinet is foldable, I suppose you will not have any problems with travelling with both an infant car seat and a bassinet. Moreover, the majority of paediatricians recommend parents to use bassinets with newborn babies during long strolls in the first place.

12. Mountain Buggy Nano

If you are looking for a really compact all-in-one pushchair, Mountain Buggy Nano can be the best lightweight stroller in your case. Taking into consideration it weighs only 13 lbs, it has a number of fantastic properties that make this model especially functional. Let’s check them!

First of all, Mountain Buggy Nano can be used with both an infant car seat and a carrycot. These accessories can be used with the toddler seat attached to the frame of the stroller. Mountain Buggy Cocoon Carrycot is sold separately and it is absolutely safe for the youngest children due to its full flat position. Generally speaking, the carrycot is suitable for children below six months, yet, you should be aware of the weight capacity of this accessory that is 19 lbs. I like a relatively low price of this carrycot as well as the fact it can be used in many other models of the Mountain strollers. Note, the carrycot has its own canopy and when used with the canopy of the toddler seat provides a child with maximum protection.

One of the greatest advantages of this stroller is the fact it can be used with a wide variety of infant car seats produced by absolutely different brands as it has a set of special on-board adapters. These are designed as belts allowing you to fix almost any infant car seat on the stroller without a need to purchase any specific adapters designed only for one model. Frankly speaking, I have never seen such a possibility in any other stroller before.

When it comes to the toddler seat of Mountain Buggy Nano, it can be used with children above 6 months of age, while the maximum weight it can carry is 44 lbs. Even though it is somewhat smaller than in many others strollers, it is still a large weight capacity regarding the ultra small weight of the stroller itself. Despite the fact the stroller is compact itself, the seat is quite large and comfortable. There are several positions available in this seat. There is no fully lying position, though. Still, the maximum recline is quite convenient for napping, especially when used with an adjustable footrest. The seat is also equipped into 5-point harness.

The stroller is also equipped into a canopy with a sun visor and a peek-a-boo window closed with Velcro.

Even though Mountain Buggy Nano is not an all-terrain stroller, it is definitely far more better than many other lightweight travel strollers. Thus, you can use it not only on smooth urban pavements, but also on some rough surfaces such as grass or gravel. All of the wheels of this lightweight pushchair are of the same size and the front ones are swivelling, however, you can lock them easily whenever you need. The brakes of the stroller are based on a single action mechanism, but they are especially convenient due to their colour indicators.

The height of the stroller’s handlebar is fixed and equal to 38.5” which makes it suitable for the majority of parents. If you are a particularly tall person, you should check the handlebar first, though.

The storage basket of Mountain Buggy Nano is quite typical for a compact stroller which means it is not especially large. Yet, it is sufficient for many necessary things you might need to take with you.

The folding mechanism of this stroller is simple and it gives you a structure of the following dimensions: 12” x 22” x 20”. Such a compact fold allows you to take Mountain Buggy Nano on board the planes of many popular airlines.

Finally, pay your attention to the fact Mountain Buggy Nano can be used with two children at a time if you purchase Mountain Buggy Freerider Stroller Board. I find this option really great because you will hardly find a lightweight umbrella stroller that is suitable for giving a ride to a pre-schooler while carrying a younger sibling. Moreover, this board is also compatible with strollers produced by other brands.

So, is Mountain Buggy Nano worth investment? Check the following list of its advantages and disadvantages:


  • it is a three-in-one stroller despite the fact its weight is extremely small
  • it can be used with almost any infant car seat due to special adapters already available in the stroller
  • it is compatible with a convenient and inexpensive carrycot
  • its toddler seat is safe and convenient providing a child with multiple resting options and 5-point harness
  • it has great wheels allowing you to use the stroller not only in the city centre or a shopping mall
  • the storage space is sufficient for all your necessities
  • the fold of the stroller is very small
  • it can even be used with an additional board for an older sibling
  • it has very interesting colour versions with unique patterns


  • the handlebar is not adjustable
  • a canopy is not particularly large
  • the closure of the peek-a-boo window has Velcro

I believe these several cons of Mountain Buggy Nano are really minute if you compare them to all those great possibilities offered by this model. Actually, it is rather difficult to imagine such a lightweight stroller being able to act as a three-in-one pushchair and even carry an older sibling on a gliding board. On top of that, its wheels are really great for an umbrella model. I think there is no need to have second thoughts about Mountain Buggy Nano as this is a perfect illustration of the best lightweight stroller.

The best lightweight double strollers

Any parent is aware of the importance of the weight of a pushchair, let alone the caregivers of two young siblings or twins. As a rule, double strollers are even heavier than strollers earmarked only for one child because they have greater weight capacity. For this reason, such strollers are usually rather bulky in daily use and travelling by plane with such constructions might be extremely complicated.

Fortunately, there are several models on the market that I consider to be the best lightweight strollers among the double ones. I believe it will not be sensible to compare them to the single lightweight models as the double ones will hardly ever be thus lightweight. Yet, you can still find that some of the models are a way lighter than others. There are not so many strollers of such a type because of the nature of lightweight models with functionality of a double stroller, but there is still some choice available to the parents who really need to make one’s life easier with a lightweight stroller.

1. Evenflo Aero2

Evenflo Aero2 was designed with an idea of keeping as small weight of the stroller as possible. As a result, Evenflo Aero2 weighs only 23 lbs whereas both of its toddler seats can carry children weighing up to 50 lbs. If you have ever checked the weight of typical full-size strollers designed for one child, you should know 23 lbs is normal for such models, meanwhile, Aero2 is earmarked for two children.

Another great feature of this stroller is that it is also quite compact. Its width is only 30” which means you will be able to go through the majority of doorways with your stroller. That is really important because the majority of double strollers are rather bulky. The fold of this stroller is also quite compact for such a model featured by the following dimensions: 28.5 W x 16 D x 22.5 H. In addition to it, the fold can stand on its own.

Despite the fact Evenflo Aero2 is by no means large, its seats are quite spacious. Each of them can be reclined individually which is important for providing maximum comfort for siblings. The seats are equipped in quite large canopies made of UPF 50+ material. The canopies can be extended by flipping sun visors out.

I particularly like the padding of the seats and the 5-point harness that are soft to touch and delicate for the skin of children.

One of the unique features of this model of a stroller is that it has really large storage space. Below the seats, you will find a gigantic basket that will hold everything two children might need during your trips. If it happen that you go shopping with only one child, you can attach an additional storage basket to one of the seats. Furthermore, each of the seat have pockets on the backrest which you can use for your own necessities, whereas your children will be able to use mesh pockets located on the side of each seat. They are sufficient for keeping small toys or snacks.

In order to keep the weight of this stroller small, the manufacturer resigned from large all-terrain wheels, that is why this stroller is best suitable for urban use.

Now, when you know all the necessary information about Evenflo Aero2, it is time to look at the list of its pros and cons.


  • the handlebar is not adjustable
  • it is definitely lightweight comparing to typical double strollers
  • its seats are ergonomic and secure and they can be reclined separately
  • the stroller is quite slim although it has two large seats of great weight capacity. Due to this fact it won’t be too large for going through the majority of doorways
  • its fold is compact
  • it provides multiple storage options including an immense storage basket and individual pockets for children
  • the canopy is generous


  • the handlebar can’t be adjusted
  • it isn’t designed for pushing on all terrains

I personally believe Evenflo Aero2 is the best lightweight stroller when it comes to double models as it has really large weight capacity while its own weight is so small. The stroller is slim and its fold is compact that is definitely important for parents who wish to avoid bulky pushchairs. There are only two issues of concern that are a handlebar that can’t be adjusted to your height and non-all-terrain wheels. Still, if you are a person of a medium height residing in a city, this compact stroller with two seats will be perfect for you.

2. JOOVY Twin Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller

Undeniably, the parents of siblings with a small difference in age as well as the parents of twins are also interested in making a long-term investment purchasing a pushchair that will be suitable not only for toddlers, but also for newborn babies. The choice of such products is not particularly large, but I personally find JOOVY Twin Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller the best lightweight stroller designed for two children for use right from their birth.

According to the manufacturer, you wouldn’t need to add any extra inserts or carrycots to the stroller in order to switch it to the infant mode. First of all, the seats provide children with a very deep recline (note, like in the previous model, the seats can be reclined separately). Secondly, the padding is generous and creates an ergonomic shape for maximum comfort of the younger children. Finally, apart from an adjustable footrest, the seats also have foot enclosure. With this element, the seat easily switches to a bassinet mode. Taking these features into consideration, you will be able to keep your babies in a convenient and safe position while he or she will be using this stroller.

The toddler seats are perfect for older children too. The maximum weight each of them can carry is 50 lbs, whereas the weight of the stroller itself is only 26 lbs. The seats are well secured due to 5-point harness and protected by two large canopies. They are made of the fabric with sun ray filters and each of them is equipped into a mesh peek-a-boo window. The seats also have mesh pockets accessible to children where they can keep their snacks or toys at hand.

For your necessities, the manufacturer has located two pockets closed with zippers on each of the backrests, whereas underneath the seats, you will find two roomy storage baskets. There are also three cup holders included into the price of the stroller – two of them are actually mesh pockets located above the zippered pockets and one more plastic holder can be attached to the frame.

The stroller itself is quite compact and can be pushed through the majority of doorways. Its fold is typical for lightweight umbrella strollers despite the fact this one has two seats. This makes it easy to carry the stroller in hands or with the help of a special strap and transport it in the trunk of your car. The dimensions of the fold of this stroller are 5″ x 30″ x 13″.

JOOVY Twin Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller has quite small wheels making this stroller most suitable for flat and smooth surfaces. The stroller has two handles instead of one horizontal handlebar. The handles are not adjustable.

Check the following list of pros and cons of this model to learn whether you need it or not:


  • it can’t be used right from the birth of your children without purchasing extra accessories due to a special design of its seats allowing them to be converted in bassinets
  • the maximum capacity of seats is quite large – 50 lbs
  • each seat has a separate reclining mechanism and a large canopy made of the fabrics protecting against the sun rays
  • there is a wide variety of storage options in this models including speacil pockets for children, three cup holders, two zippered pockets for parents and two large baskets
  • it can be folded easily into a slim umbrella-like structure that can be carried easily with a special strap
  • it is quite inexpensive


  • the height of the handles can’t be adjusted
  • the wheels are suitable for urban use only

As you might have noticed, this JOOVY Twin Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller is somewhat heavier than the previous model I have discussed in this ranking. Still, the difference between weights of these pushchairs is not significant, whereas this stroller offers a great possibility of carrying newborn children without installing a separate bassinet or an infant car seat. Thus, this is the best compact stroller for parents who need a pushchair that can be used right from the start and up to an almost pre-school age.

3. Zoe Twin+ XL2

Finally, I can’t but added Zoe Twin+ XL2 on this list of the best lightweight stroller models designed for two children. That is so because the stroller has a number of unique features that make it different from the majority lightweight double strollers.

First of all, this stroller is really lightweight. It weighs only 19 lbs which is less than one can expect from a double stroller. It is even somewhat slimmer than the most compact double strollers, as its width is equal to 29”. At the same time, the stroller’s capacity is quite large and it can carry two children weighing up to 45 lbs each.

Secondly, the toddler seats of this stroller are featured with the highest quality. The maximum recline they provide is 165 degree which makes an almost lying position. Due to this fact, the stroller can be used with children younger than 6 months. The manufacturer recommends it for infants starting from the age of 3 months. The footrest of the seats is also reclaimable, so you will be able to adjust it exactly to the needs of your children. Note, Zoe Twin+ XL2 allows you to recline its seats independently from each other.

The seats are also featured with really large canopies. They have four panels and can be extended up to the level of the bumper bar. It is not simple to find such a large canopy even in full-size strollers. Of course, the possibility of folding and unfolding the canopies separately is a very useful feature especially if your babies tend to sleep at different hours.

The stroller also provides parents with plenty of storage space. The major storage option in this stroller is definitely its basket located underneath the seats. Pay your attention to the fact there is one large basket which is not so popular among double strollers. The manufacturer has also added a parent cup holder, two cup holders for children as well as one snack cup to the set, so you won’t need to pay for these items separately.

The handlebar of this stroller has the following fixed height: 40.25″. Pay your attention to the recessed rear axle that allows tall parents to push the stroller in a particularly convenient way. I also like the design of this handlebar that is covered with leather. Not only does it make the stroller look more stylish, but it is also easy to clean this element.

Again, like the majority of lightweight travel strollers, Zoe Twin+ XL2 has rather small wheels that won’t allow you to use this pushchair on bumpy terrains. Still, due to its small wheels and compact frame, the stroller can be folded into a structure of the following dimensions: 28″ (height) x 29″ (width) x 9″ (depth).

Zoe Twin+ XL2 can be the best compact stroller for really large families because it is extendable. This means, despite its extra small weight, you can attach the third pushchair to the frame or even buy an additional row of twin seats offered by Zoe. This means the construction of Zoe Twin+ XL2 is really extremely steady and can carry pretty large weight.

Now, let’s look at the list of the major pros and cons of Zoe Twin+ XL2:


  • this is a really lightweight travel stroller weighing only 19 lbs despite the fact it is equipped in two toddler seat featured by the capacity of 45 lbs each
  • a special design of its toddler seats makes it possible to use them with infants starting from the age of three months
  • the canopies of the toddler seats are really large
  • its fold is quite small and, therefore, suitable for travelling
  • it is extendable, so it is possible to use it not only with two children at a time, but even with four kids
  • the design of the handlebar and rear axle makes the stroller especially convenient for tall parents
  • it provides parents with a large storage basket
  • the model is affordable for the parents with small budget


  • the handlebar might be too high for really petite parents
  • it is not all-terrain

Undeniably, the major disadvantage of Zoe Twin+ XL2 is the fact it is not suitable for pushing on bumpy terrains. As you now know, it is the issue of the majority of lightweight strollers, therefore, if you really need a double stroller weighing less than 20 lbs, you will have to make do with this feature. Still, the parents of more than two small children will find Zoe Twin+ XL2 the best lightweight stroller since this one can be extended by adding one or even two extra toddler seats. At the same time, according to the manufacturer, the stroller is suitable for infants below the sixth month of age.

Lightweight strollers buying guide

I have scrutinised and tested all the models of lightweight strollers presented in this article, but it doesn’t mean you can’t make your own research on this topic or still have some doubts concerning any of the strollers on my list. In order to help, you have created this short guide on choosing the best lightweight stroller.

What are the basic types of lightweight strollers available on the modern market?

First of all, one should understand what the lightweight stroller term stands for. As you know, the strollers can differ in their weight a lot, and the weight of the pushchairs sold under the lightweight category are also different. Thus, you might find tiny umbrella strollers weighing only 8 lbs, or get a quite large stroller that is slightly below 20 lbs. Still, all of these strollers can be called lightweight.

The most basic categorisation of lightweight strollers is based on the type of their folding mechanism. When this feature is considered, the difference between umbrella strollers and non-umbrella lightweight strollers becomes obvious.

The first group of pushchairs is using a mechanism resembling an umbrella for folding. Due to this feature, such strollers can weight even below 10 lbs and provide parents with special easiness of folding and carrying. Yet, in many models, an umbrella-like system doesn’t allow the manufacturers to add various useful functions to the stroller. For example, many basic umbrella strollers offer children only a seating position as they can’t be reclined whatsoever. Thus, if you are interested in purchasing such a stroller, you should be aware of its limited functionality. Yet, such models also tend to be a way cheaper than lightweight strollers with a regular folding mechanism.

The second group of lightweight strollers can use absolutely various folding mechanisms some of which might be exactly the same as those used in full-size strollers. Even though, it doesn’t mean they are necessarily less compact than umbrella strollers. If you have paid attention to some of the models described in this article, for example, BABYZEN YOYO+ or GB Pockit Plus 2020, you have certainly noticed how unbelievably small their folds are.

Additionally, you can find convertible lightweight strollers as well as three-in-one lightweight strollers. Of course, these categories are describing the functionality of strollers. The examples of such pushchairs from my review are GB Qbit Plus and Cybex Eezy S Twist. Some of these strollers can be used as travel systems after adding an infant car seat or even as prams with a bassinet or a carrycot. Furthermore, there is also a small group of extendable lightweight strollers that can be used with additional toddler seats or a special board for an older sibling.

When should you consider purchasing a lightweight stroller?

If you are reading my article, you are certainly interested in buying a lightweight stroller and, in all likelihood, it is going to be your second stroller, as the majority of parents decide to switch from a full-size pram to a stroller when their children do not need bassinets any more. Why to change your pushchair for a lightweight stroller? Here are the most important advantages of using a compact stroller:

  • their weight is far more smaller than the weight of full-size pushchairs or joggers, so it will give you more freedom while travelling with your child;
  • due to a compact size, such strollers are perfect for carrying in small car trunks, in your hands or even in the overhead compartments of planes;
  • they are usually featured by a particularly simple folding mechanism allowing you to fold or unfold the stroller even with one hand;
  • the best compact stroller models will still provide you with sufficient storage place and weight capacity so as to allow you to use them during longer trips with your children or to use them for shopping with your kids.

As you can see, such strollers will prove to be excellent pushchairs when during your journeys and they are also very helpful for parents, especially moms, who have to go out with their children alone on a daily basis. The way the top lightweight strollers are designed makes it possible for such parents to handle the stroller without any help. Furthermore, they are the best option for parents and caregivers who regularly use public transport.

That is why many parents really wish to switch to a lightweight stroller as quickly as possible.

When a lightweight stroller might not be the best solution to your problem?

According to the previous section of my guide, lightweight strollers are simply fantastic because they can make your life really simpler and allow you to enjoy your time with your child more and you now know some of them are actually convertible into travel systems or can be used with bassinets or carrycots. Still, you should understand, there is no universal solution and you will have to get used to some cons of a lightweight stroller or even resign from buying one. Here are the reasons why:

  • the major problem of almost every compact stroller is the design of its wheels. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the best lightweight strollers have their wheels of the highest quality and they can even have swiveling mechanisms or full suspension. Yet, the major problem here is the size of these wheels as the small weight of compact pushchairs is usually achieved by decreasing the size of its wheels. That is also why joggers are usually rather heavy as they are equipped in super large wheels. Thus, if you are planning to do some serious off-road strolls with your child in a lightweight stroller, this will be a really bad idea. Even if you manage to get a stroller with quite large wheels, in all likelihood, you will still be unable even to push it over the bumpy terrain. At the same time, such an activity is definitely not good for the health of your child, especially if he or she is an infant;
  • the design of the wheels influences not only the choice of surfaces you will be able to use your stroller on, but also makes this type of strollers not necessarily the best one for carry newborn children. I know my review of the best lightweight strollers included several models that can be used with infant car seats, bassinets or carrycots, but you should understand even a perfect compact stroller is not as steady and shock-absorbing as a full-size pram. And, when it comes to carrying small children, they should be provided by as smooth drive as possible. That is why, it is recommended to use three-in-one lightweight strollers or travel systems based on lightweight strollers with newborn babies exclusively on perfectly smooth terrains;
  • another popular problem when it comes to lightweight strollers is lack of a possibility to adjust the height of the handlebar. I know, there were some examples of strollers with adjustable handlebars on my list, but such models are one of the most expensive on the market and the majority of parents are rarely ready to pay for their lightweight stroller more than they have already paid for a three-in-one stroller;
  • needless to say, umbrella strollers simply can have such large storage baskets as the ones available in full size strollers. Providing you are planning to go shopping for food for an entire week, it might be impossible with a lightweight stroller even if it has the greatest storage basket on the market;
  • a rather small canopy is also a popular disadvantage of lightweight strollers. Yet, many top manufacturers are really aware of this widespread issue with lightweight models and improved the quality of their products by enlarging them.

What to pay your attention to while choosing a lightweight stroller?

There is a number of important things that should be considered before purchasing any pushchair for your children. Let’s divide them into baby’s comfort and safety, parent’s comfort and safety as well as functionality.

1. Safety and comfort of your child

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, safety and comfort of your child are the most important features that must influence your shopping decision. Certainly, sometimes a price makes a good especially attractive or its functionality offers appealing options, but they are not so crucial as the health and well-being of your kid. Thus, take into consideration the following:

  • the quality of the stroller’s frame

This point is especially important when it comes to lightweight strollers because small weight is partially achieved by decreasing the weight of the frame. Needless to say, this part is the heaviest in any stroller, however, a light frame by no means can be fragile. Even if you will make do with an extremely lightweight umbrella stroller that resembles a doll accessory without any accidents, you should still be aware of the fact such a pushchair can be easily damaged during transportation or flights. That is why the quality of the stroller’s frame is also important for your budget;

  • the design of the wheels

I have already mentioned the limitations of lightweight strollers when it comes to their small wheels. Yet, you should understand there are models with totally poor wheels and without any suspension, while there are also well-designed pushchairs with resistant, shock-absorbing wheels and full suspension. The quality of wheels and suspension must be excellent as you definitely don’t want your child be shaken violently during every stroll;

  • brakes

From my personal experience, the best brake mechanism is the single-action one. Such brakes are more user-friendly than the brakes including two pedals one of which is used for activating brakes and the other one for deactivating them. Some models also have colour indicators showing parents whether the current state of the mechanism. The majority of lightweight strollers have brakes activated by a foot.

  • the size of a seat

Of course, as a parent you wish to have a slim model of a lightweight stroller, especially, when it concerns a double pushchair. All the models I have presented you in this review have compact seats, albeit they are still spacious for toddlers and some of the strollers are even suitable for pre-schoolers. Yet, you might find many appealing pushchairs which seem to be even smaller, but you should always bear in mind the fact a compact shape of a stroller can’t be a compromise to an unnaturally small seat. Believe me, it is neither convenient nor safe for a child to travel in such a stroller;

  • a reclining mechanism of a seat

I have already mentioned the fact there are many pushchairs, especially in the group of umbrella-like models that do not have a reclining mechanism at all. Frankly speaking, I just can’t imagine using a stroller that provides a child exclusively with a seating position. Providing you are planning to buy a lightweight stroller for an infant, it has to be able to recline, because a child will need a lying position even if he or she doesn’t want to sleep at the moment. A fully lying position is a crucial element of any stroller that is claimed to be suitable for newborn babies.  Nevertheless, if you are buying a compact stroller for a toddler just to give the kid a ride during long strolls and you are perfectly sure the child won’t need to have a sleep, you might consider a buying a pushchair without a reclining mechanism.

  • 5-point harness

Today, 5-point harness is a standard for strollers and you won’t find any model without this safety measure on my list. Still, you have to make sure the belts are adjustable and the padding covering them is sufficient;

  • soft fabrics

Obviously, the fabrics of the seat must be pleasant to touch, otherwise it will rub the delicate skin of a child causing him or her rather unpleasant sensations especially in the summer.

  • sufficient canopy

An appropriate canopy is one of the major problems in lightweight strollers. As you have already noticed, even some of the top models of compact pushchairs do not always have large canopies. You should understand a canopy is an essential element created for protection of your baby. It will be protecting the child against the harmful activity of sun rays as well as their light while a kid is napping. Of course, it is also a shield against strong winds as well as snow and sand they might carry. Trust me, there is no way to make do without a good canopy. The only situation in which you  might not need it so much if you are going to use a lightweight stroller exclusively for shopping, visiting galleries or other indoor activities.

  • a mesh window in a canopy

A mesh window is not important for the well-being of a child if a stroller has a small canopy. In such a case, it is just a useful element for parents who can check their kids while they are napping. Yet, if the canopy is generous as it actually should be, a mesh window is also an essential source of fresh air during hot days.

  • an adjustable footrest

Doubtlessly, an adjustable footrest is a great addition to an ergonomic seat that will make a ride even more convenient for your child. An adjustable footrest is compulsory in the models of lightweight strollers that allow parents to switch a toddler seat to a so-called newborn mode, however, in other cases it has an impact primarily on the convenience of the seat.

  • a bumper bar

Even though models without bumper bars are not especially popular, you can still come across them especially in the case of some exclusive and rather expensive strollers. Usually, there is a lack of such a crucial accessory since the manufacturer simply sells it for additional price. If you happen to purchase a stroller without a bumper bar, it is recommended to get one for your baby as it will really increase the safety of your baby.

2. Parent’s comfort and safety

Undeniably, the quality of a stroller affects the child in the first instance, however, there are two things that can harmful for the parent’s health as well.

The first one are the wheels and suspension of the stroller that I have already mentioned in the guide twice. Actually, the poor quality of these parts of a stroller can make a ride rather tiresome and unpleasant for a parent as well. If you don’t want to push the stroller with all your strength or even get into the situations when you will need to transport your child, the stroller and other belongings because the pushchair just can’t go through a particular area, you should be really very careful with the quality of these elements.

Another element of a stroller crucial for a well-being of a parent is a handlebar. Such a part can be of three major types in lightweight strollers:

  • two separate handles that can’t be adjusted to the height of a parent;
  • one horizontal handlebar that can’t be adjusted to the height as well;
  • a telescopic handlebar allowing you to change its height.

Sometimes, you can also find strollers with an adjustable handlebar in which the top part can be rotated, but this type is more popular among full-size strollers.

If your height differs from the average, you should be cautious while purchasing a stroller, as you need to make sure the handlebar is suitable for your height. Note the handlebar itself as well as its padding should also be ergonomic.

3. Functionality

Despite the fact a great number of lightweight strollers lack functionality and have only basic features, there is a variety of models that are offering you and your child more than just a toddler seat and a frame of a small weight.

The best lightweight strollers also provide their users with such functions and elements as:

  • the possibility of using a stroller with an infant car seat, carrycot, bassinet or of switching the toddler seat into a newborn mode;
  • the opportunity of attaching a board for an older sibling or additional toddler seats (in case of double strollers);
  • a reversible toddler seat;
  • a large storage basket as well as several additional storage options.

These options are definitely great, however, the most important feature of functionality when it comes to lightweight strollers is a small and compact fold. Some models are offering such a small fold that it can even fit the overhead compartment of many airplanes. Yet, you should be aware of the fact not only the size of the fold is important. If you are looking for a compact pushchair, you should also be able to fold it with one hand and carry this fold in one hand.

Choosing the best lightweight stroller – my conclusions

When you understand what you really expect from your lightweight stroller, you will be able to get the best one fitting all your needs. Fortunately, the modern market is full of various models of lightweight and umbrella strollers, including the ones designed for more than one child, that you will be able to get the most appropriate one for your family.

The only thing you should now decide is how much are you ready to pay for such a pushchair as the prices for lightweight strollers can be absolutely different. You can find luxurious models that are more expensive than many full-size strollers and you can come across really cheap strollers that are still featured with a high quality. Three-in-one lightweight strollers as well as lightweight travel systems allow you to purchase only one stroller that can be used from the start, so, if you are tight on budget, such an investment can be sensible in your case. At the same time, you can also purchase a cheaper lightweight stroller if you already have a full-size pram for a newborn baby, so, there is no need in paying for extended functionality in your case.

Just keep in mind the tips and recommendations I have shared with you and you will definitely find your best lightweight stroller!

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Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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