The best newborn baby carriers

Are you expecting a baby and would like to purchase a carrier? This is a great idea! There are so many positive aspects of using a carrier especially right from the birth. Some parents, especially those who have just become parents for the first time, start thinking about such a purchase when they have already spent some time dealing with a newborn. Then, everyone realises how great carriers are and how much helpful they can be.

Even though there are many different models of baby carriers available on the market some of which are dedicated to toddlers and even pre-schoolers, there is no better time for getting one than when your baby has just entered this world. It is the time when both you and your child will be able to benefit from all of the great things offered by carriers.

Why do you and your newborn baby need a carrier?

In case you have second thoughts about purchasing a newborn baby carrier, but you think it can really be a good idea, I will personally recommend you to get one. There are so many reasons for it and if you get a carrier of a high quality, you will never regret your decision.

Connect with your baby

First of all, keeping your newborn baby in a carrier is of immense importance for his or her psychological development and your mental well-being as well. It has already been proved scientifically that the first months of the delivery are crucial for appropriate development of your baby and feeling a closed contact with the mother is an essential part of it. Without this contact, your baby risks missing highly important steps in psychological development which can have a great influence on his or her well-being and social skills for the rest of one’s life. Feeling a close connection with mother is necessary for getting a feeling of safety, love and warmth which re of paramount significance for any newborn.

This is particularly crucial if for some reason, you cannot provide your baby with breast milk. Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to build such a connection with a baby and in the case you cannot do it, you can use baby carrying as another tool.

Finally, as a mother after a child birth who is undeniably experiencing hormonal turbulence at some point, you will feel a serious improvement of your imbalance by a close connection with your baby which will boost the production of oxytocin. Again, breastfeeding is a great way of doing it, however, if you cannot feed your baby with breast milk, you can always make do with carrying him or her for prolonged periods during a day.

A convenient way of dealing with stressed babies

A newborn baby can get stressed pretty easily. One of the most popular culprits for it is indigestion which can occur regardless of the food your feeding your baby whether it is breast milk or a formula. Furthermore, even if you are on a stringent diet during the lactation period, your baby’s tummy can still hurt.

Another popular reason of discomfort experienced by newborns is muscle hypertension with which some babies get into this world. Unfortunately, it might not even be possible for many parents to distinguish this condition at the very beginning, yet, this can really make a baby suffer so he or she will experience a lot of problems with falling asleep and can generally cry a lot.

Unfortunately, usually, there are no other ways for making your baby calm down than just keeping him or her in your arms.  This can really sooth a crying baby, however, you cannot do it without a stop even if you have tens of assistants at home.

Using a carrier in such cases can be a great relief both for parents and babies. That is why you should consider purchasing one for your family.

A possibility to go out without a stroller

For many parents, using a carrier especially with newborn babies who are very light and will not cause any trouble while being in a baby carrier is a perfect way for getting outside without a need to take a bulky and heavy stroller.

Sometimes you are planning to go to some crowded places where navigating with a stroller can be complicated. Sometimes you might be willing to go to the places where your stroller will not be able to deal with the surface of the ground. In other cases you just want to go out for a short walk without a need to get out your bulky stroller.

Certainly, carriers are also of extremely great help when it comes to travelling. No matter whether you are on board the bus, at the airport or you are already strolling around your travelling destination, you will feel a lot of freedom without any strollers.

Keep your baby close to you while doing everyday tasks

Needless to say, a possibility of freeing your hands while still being able to carry your child is the greatest advantage of using newborn carriers. No matter whether you want to keep your baby close because the child feels uncomfortable without you, the baby is ill or you want to finish your tasks or just go out, you will be able to keep your hands absolutely free while carrying the baby in the carrier.

As I have already mentioned, the best time to start using a carrier is right after the birth as you will be able not only enjoy the freedom but also build the connection with your child. The earlier you start this process, the better it will be for both of you.

The choice of newborn baby carriers on the market

Now, when you have learnt the major reasons to buy a newborn baby carrier, you might be wondering what options are available to you.

In point of fact, the choice of carriers for newborn babies is the largest on the market comparing to the carriers for other age groups of small children. If you need some exact recommendations for purchasing such an accessory for your family, you should got to the last part of this shopping guide where I am discussing every possible detail which should be considered before getting a carrier for your baby.

Now, I would like to introduce the major types of carriers to you so that you will be able to understand the reviews of the bets models mentioned in this article better.

Babywearing T-shirts

One of the most specific products for newborn babies are babywearing T-shirts. These accessories are available in the form of a carrier, however, you should be aware of the fact some of them are not carriers at all. These particular models are more of a kind of a T-shirt with a pouch for your baby, however, they are not providing the child with any essential support that is wh6y your hands will not be free while using it. In the case of some T-shirts, it is even required to stay in a sitting or lying position with your child.

Those babywearing T-shirts which will allow you to move around with your child are usually featured with a rather small capacity as the majority of them are dedicated exclusively to newborn babies.  Actually, a maximum age requirement of three month is extremely popular for this kind of a product. Yet, you might also find models which can support babies whose weight is up to 20 pounds.

One crucial thing you should remember about babywearing T-shirts is the fact they are available in several sizes just like any other kind of a T-shirt. In addition to it, they are also divided into female and male models, albeit the first one is more widespread.

Soft structured newborn baby carriers

In all likelihood, you have already seen parents wearing a baby carrier. They are produced for children of different ages. Since you are interested in the ones dedicated to newborns, you should be aware of the possible options for you.

First of all, you can get a baby carrier which is dedicated specifically to newborn babies. As you can imagine, a maximum weight capacity of such a product will be pretty small and similar to babywearing T-shirts. On the one hand, it will limit the time you will be able to use such an accessory. On the other hand, such an age-specific carrier will be extremely ergonomic for the smallest babies and will not have any additional elements which might be useful in the future and are absolutely useless right now.

Another group of carriers which can be used with newborn babies is featured with a larger weight capacity. Such carriers are multifunctional as you can use them not only with your baby right after the birth, but also with infants and toddlers. Some of the models can even be used up to the preschool age.

The most popular weight limits for such products are 30 pounds, 35 pounds and 45 pounds. Of course, there are also other weight limits depending on the manufacturer and the product. Some of the carriers can support the baby right after the birth until one reaches the weight of even 60 or 65 pounds! Pay your attention to the fact the majority of carriers suitable for newborns and older children usually use an infant insert for the newborn baby mode. This can make a carrier rather bulky and it is particularly not a good idea to purchase one if the summers in your place of residence are rather hot.

Soft structured newborn baby carriers can be compared to backpacks however they can also be worn on your front side of the body. Actually, you will be wearing your newborn baby on the front since the backpack carry position is not recommended for the youngest children. Some of soft structured carriers also have a hip seat which can be used separately as additional support for carrying your baby, albeit, in such a case your hands will not be free. Otherwise, a hip seat is hidden inside the carrier and is used for keeping the legs of your baby in the most ergonomic frog position.

The carriers of such a model can be equipped into an additional hood which can be used as head support, weather protection and a cover for breastfeeding. Some models also have pockets for storing essentials. Pay your attention to the fact some of the top brands also produce their carriers in two versions depending on the weather conditions you are going to use your carrier in. There are also models in which you can switch from one weather mode to another.

Newborn baby wraps

Newborn baby wraps are another option if you need a carrier for your child from the very birth. Usually, such carriers look like a piece of fabric which should be folded in a particular way so as you will be able to create a safe and ergonomic carry unit for your child.

They can be made of different materials including cotton, linen, a blend of cotton and viscose, a blend of cotton and spandex, a blend of linen and bamboo and others. Generally, all of the wrap carriers are suitable for newborn babies and are featured of a similar maximum weight capacity of 30 – 35 pounds. The exception to this rule might be more advanced models which look like a mixture of a wrap carrier and a babywearing T-shirt. Basically, there are designed in such a way as to save some of your time and effort which is needed for folding and tying such a carries so, some steps of this process are already finished and some parts of the carrier are already fixed. For instance, the back part of a carrier can look like a T-shirt and all of the tying and folding will be made exclusively on the front of the carrier.

Of course, this can be really very helpful, especially if you take into consideration the fact such wraps demand the longest time for putting on and off. Yet, this also means you will have to purchase a product exactly for the size and shape of your body and it might not be possible for you to swap it with another person.

You might be wondering why you should buy a baby wrap in the first place if it requires some skills for folding. Actually, wrap carriers have the best carry position for newborn babies. They are cosy and tight providing a baby with a feeling of being inside a womb. Yet, such a position can be rather restrictive for older babies if you are planning to use the one for a longer period of time. In addition to it, in the places with a rather hot climate, such carriers can cause overheating of a baby.

Ring sling carriers

Just like wrap baby carriers, ring sling carriers can be used with newborn babies up to the moment they reach the weight of around 35 pounds. This is a standard maximum weight capacity of such accessories.

Ring sling carriers can also be easily swapped between parents as these accessories have one standard size. Some manufacturers also offer extra large ring slings for plus-size parents though.

Unlike wrap baby carriers, ring slings do not require any complicated folding. Still, the design of a carry unit made of a ring sling which is just a piece of fabric and rings does not provide parents with optimum weight distribution. In fact, all of the weight of your baby will be just on one shoulder.

Ring sling newborn baby carriers are great for parents who are going to use a carrier several times a day for shorter periods of time, putting it on, taking it off and swapping it with another person frequently. At the same time, it is not a good choice for parents with some back issues.

Now, when you are aware of all the major types of newborn carriers available on the modern market, I would like to share a list of the best models you can find so far. In fact, there are two lists of the best newborn baby carriers since I divided all of the top models suitable for the smallest children into two parts. The first one is dedicated exclusively to the newborn babies, whereas the second one can be used right from the start up to the toddlerhood in case if you need to purchase a more multifunctional carrier.

The best newborn baby carriers suitable for the smallest babies

First, let’s look at the baby carriers which have been design specifically for newborn babies. Some parents find purchasing a product designed for a rather specific age group not particularly practical as you will not be able to use it for a long time. Yet, others believe such products are safer as they are made exactly in the way which is appropriate for newborn babies.

Of course, it is up to you which one to choose. here, I would like to introduce the best newborn baby carriers which are dedicated exclusively to newborn babies.

1. BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier MiniTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
 A soft structured newborn baby carrier suitable for the first 12 months of life of your baby24 lbsA sophisticated and highly ergonomic newborn baby carrier of a soft structured type available in amazing colour versions. there are three versions of this product when it comes to the materials it is made of which are 3D Mesh, innovative 3D Jersey and cotton. You can easily choose the one suitable for the weather conditions in your place of residence.

If you ask parents about the best carrier for newborn babies, the majority of them will mention BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini. The European brand BABYBJÖRN is not thus well-known as such brands as Baby Tula or Ergobaby, however, the products of this manufacturer are highly praised by many parents around the world. You can just check the reviews of customers who have had a chance of trying this accessory and you will see how loved it is by caregivers.

As you can imagine, BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini is not a cheap model as this accessory is available under the category of the most sophisticated carriers on the market. Its price is around 80 USD, whereas the maximum capacity is 24 pounds which makes it suitable for babies up to the age of 12 years. Of course, for some parents the price is too high for an accessory which can be used only for one year if one is lucky and a child does not outgrow this carrier even more early.

Yet, if the price is not an obstacle for you, many experienced parents as well as experts will highly recommend you this product.

First of all, the manufacturer is providing parents with a possibility of choosing the exact material for the carrier they prefer. BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini is available in three versions.

The first on is made of a state-of-the-art 3D mesh material which differs a lot from other carriers made of mesh with the highest quality, softness and durability. The carriers made of such mesh are particularly breathable and cooling which is particularly important for small babies during hot summers.

The next model to choose from is made of BCI cotton. BCI stands for Better Cotton Initiative which means the cotton used for the production of BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini was harvested from eco-friendly sustainable farms. At the same time, the quality of this material makes it particularly soft and durable. Of course, it is a better option if the summers in your placed of residence are not particularly hot.

There is one more option available to parents which is 3D Jersey. You will hardly find any baby carrier of this type of the market. 3D Jersey makes the carrier flexible, durable and extremely soft.

No matter which of these models of BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini you choose, all of them are available for the same price. There is a nice collection of colour versions available for this carrier. For instance, the models made of 3D mesh can be purchased in such colour versions as Anthracite or Pearly Pink. The cotton models are available in the Vintage Indigo, Dusty Pink and Black colours. Some of the Jersey models are Dark Grey, Dove Blue and Light Grey.

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini offers two carry positions for newborn babies which are a front facing in position as well as a front forward facing position. These are these most suitable ways of carrying a newborn baby. The position of the legs of your child will be exactly of the frog type which is regarded as the most suitable for the smallest children. Pay your attention to the fact it is advisable to carry your newborn in a facing in position before the one is at least five months old, at least these are the requirements of the manufacturer of the carrier.

As a parent you will also feel extremely comfortable while using this carrier especially since it is so soft, well-padded and compact. Note that this carrier can be washed automatically but it cannot be tumble dried.

The most important features of BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini

In case you are looking for an ultrasoft carrier for your baby, BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini is a perfect choice for you, however, it is pretty expensive. What else will you get for this price?

  • a compact carrier;
  • available
  • a 3D mesh model is excellent for hot summers;
  • in three different versions made of different materials such as 3D mesh, 3D Jersey and cotton;
  • a BCI product;
  • completely ergonomic;
  • two carry positions;
  • the seat can be adjusted to your baby;
  • an adjustable head support;
  • machine-washable;
  • beautiful colour versions.


  • expensive;
  • small weight capacity.

Do you need BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini?

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini is a fantastic product. The quality of its fabric and design is of the highest level, hence its price is also high. If you can afford this product, especially taking into consideration the fact it can be used exclusively during the first year of the life if your baby, I will certainly recommend it to you. With BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini you will not have to worry about a position of your baby, whether he or she needs any extra head support and if the baby’s temperature is not too high.

At the same time, this is one of the best products for families living in hot locations as it is available in an advanced 3D mesh version which will provide your baby with excellent breathability and air circulation.

2. Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier

Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
 A hybrid carrier with the lelements of a soft structured newborn baby carrier and a wrap carrier suitable for the first 12 months of life of your baby25 lbsA soft and cosy carrier for newborn babies with a supportive neck and head element which can be easily adjusted. The carrier will provide your baby with a womb-like feeling typical for wrap models while you will be able to enjoy the easiness of usage typical for soft structured carriers since the model has special buckles for closure.

As you can see, the carrier for newborn babies offered by BABYBJORN is pretty expensive. The top-notch group of manufacturers of baby carriers also includes famous Ergobaby which also has a carrier designed specifically for newborn babies. This is model is Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier. As you can see, it is called a wrap baby carrier, however, it is more of a hybrid type since it has the features of a typical soft structured carrier and a wrap carrier at the same time.

The design of this carrier actually has a ready-to-use carry unit located on the front whereas its closure requires tying just like it is done in the case of wrap carriers. Still, there are also additional buckles which reduce all the wrapping procedure and tying to a minimum amount.

The weight requirements and capacity of this accessory are quite similar to the previous model. The smallest babies this carrier can support should have the weight of at least 7 pounds. The maximum weight it can carry is 25 pounds which is typical for one-year-olds. Of course, this age can differ for different babies.

The material used for the production of this carrier is very specific. It was made in a special way to make the surface particularly soft and at the same time the entire fabric really durable. In order to do it, the designers of Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier used a blend of 79% of polyester, 17 % of rayon and added 4% of elastane for achieving appropriate stretchiness. The majority of parents love this material very much, although there are also parents who find not natural enough because of a large amount of polyester in the fabric. It can be too hot during particularly warm summers indeed.

At the same time, the material of the carrier is simple for cleaning as you can wash and dry it automatically. Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier is available in several beautiful colour versions which can be purchased for different prices. Actually, some of the models for example Oxford Blue and Pure Black are the most expensive with their price of almost 80 USD which is comparable with the previously described model of a carrier. Still, there are also such models as Soft Navy which can be purchased for mere 60 USD. This is just a bit more than an average price for affordable newborn carriers. Thus, if you want to get a product of the highest quality and do not want to overpay for it, just check the cheapest colour version of Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier.

Some of the other colour versions of this newborn carrier available to parents are Pink Blush and Heather Grey.

Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier is absolutely safe for the smallest babies as it provides them with the most appropriate position also known as a frog position. The manufacturer has also added a generousle padded neck and head supporting element which can also be adjusted to the height of your child. The carrier is made in such a way as to keep your baby absolutely cosy just like the name suggests.

At the same time, it is highly ergonomic for parents as well. All of the elements are well padded and pleasant-to-touch distributing the weight of your baby in the way allowing you to use it safely right after C-section. The straps of this carrier are located in a crossed position for extra comfort of the wearer. In addition to it, the belt of Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier is particularly helpful for reducing any discomfort in the lumbar back region.

The most important features of Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier

As you can see, Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier can be a good alternative to the BABYBJORN newborn carrier which is undeniably pretty expensive. Yet, you should keep in mind all of the most crucial features and functions of this carrier which I have described below.


  • dedicated specifically to newborn babies;
  • easy to use due to its hybrid design mixing the elements of classic soft structured carriers with baby wrap carriers;
  • made of a soft, stretchy and durable material;
  • adjustable head and neck support for babies;
  • ergonomic carry unit safe for the proper development of hips;
  • extra support for the lumbar back region;
  • perfect weight distribution due to wide crossed straps;
  • can be easily folded;
  • machine washable;
  • can be dried automatically.


  • depending on a colour version can be expensive;
  • artificial material.

Do you need Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier?

Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier is regarded by both parents and experts one of the best newborn carriers available on the current market. Even though it is pretty expensive, you still have a chance of purchasing it for a budget-friendly price if you manage to get a discount for a particular colour version. That is why I can recommend it to parents with different income.

Yet, there is one crucial aspect regarding this product you should take into consideration. Some parents just do not like artificial materials because they prefer natural ones. Still, even if you are absolutely fine with all the polyester in Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier, you should still be aware it can get really hot during summer days. The carrier itself is of a hybrid wrap design which means it is prone to be hotter than a traditional soft structured carrier. Now, add an artificial material to it and you can get a carrier which can raise the temperature of your baby radically. That is why Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier will be a better choice for families living in the places with a moderate climate.

3. Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier

Evenflo Infant Soft CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
 A soft structured newborn baby carrier suitable for use during the first 12 months25 lbsA very budget-friendly model of a baby carrier which is also available in a mesh version. The carrier is perfect for small babies due to its ergonomic carry unit and special foldable head support. As a parent, you will also enjoy an ergonomic design with crossed straps and extra padding. The safety of your baby is even increased by a special design of buckles.

An infant carrier does not have to be expensive at all. Some top manufacturers, for instance, such as Evenflo, have created very affordable products for parents. Even though a typical newborn baby carrier is earmarked for newborn babies in the first place and is usually featured by a rather limited weight capacity, you will still be able to save some money if you choose an appropriate mo0del. For example, you can always choose Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier which costs just a little bit more than 17 pounds! Needless to say, this is an amazing price for a product which can be used for a rather short period of time as your baby will quickly outgrow it. In addition to it, the fact this accessory is produced by Evenflo which is one of the world-known and frequently chosen brands by many parents around the world adds more confidence about the quality of this carrier.

Of course, you should not expect Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier to be a super outstanding product, such as a rather expensive BABYBJORN carrier. Still, this accessory will easily meet the requirements of you and your baby.

Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier is suitable for carrying babies who weigh at least 7 pounds and no more than 25 pounds. This is a typical weight capacity for baby carriers which are designed specifically for newborn babies.

This carrier supports two ways of carrying both of which are suitable for the smallest babies. These are an inward facing position as well as an outward facing position, both of which are of the front side of the parent. No matter which one you choose, your baby will be able to rest with one’s legs in the safest frog position which is regarded as the only recommended way of carrying newborn babies and infants.

In order to increase the safety of your baby, the manufacturer has added a generously padded headrest which can folded when it is not needed, for example, during the time when your baby will be carried in an outward facing position. This one is also great for using as a hood for nursing your child in privacy as well as during the period of napping.

With this carrier, you can rest assure your baby is completely safe. The entry of the carrier is closed with buckles which are equipped into a buckles which will click informing you that the carrier is closed properly.

The straps of Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier were made in a special crossed way creating an area with extra padding between your shoulder blades. The straps themselves are featured with a large amount of padding. Due to all of these features, you will feel better distribution of weight in the carrier.

Pay your attention to the material of Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier which is not a natural one. Due to this fact, it is better to use Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier during a colder season. Yet, you can also come across a modification of this model which has mesh panels. Undeniably, this improves the air circulation a lot, however, you might still feel it is not enough if you are living in the place featured by rather hot summers.

Note that the colour versions of the original Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier and the mesh model are different. These carriers look very similar, however the styles of the appearance are not the same in them. Mesh models are actually more colourful as they include beautiful yellow, blue and pink elements depending on the colour version, yet, the overall design of this carrier has a sport look.

The most important features of Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier

As you have already learnt, Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier is a very inexpensive baby carrier even though it is offered by a reputable manufacturer of accessories for babies.  Of course, there are still some details you should take into consideration before making your final decision.


  • a highly attractive price;
  • dedicated specifically to newborn babies;
  • ergonomic and safe for babies;
  • offers two carry positions;
  • a foldable head support with extra padding;
  • crossed straps with generous padding;
  • extra support for back;
  • safe clicking buckles;
  • modern fashionable design;
  • available in a mesh version;
  • machine-washable.


  • artificial material;
  • can be a bit too small for plus-size parents.

Do you need Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier?

Providing your budget is rather tight and you need a baby carrier just for the first time after the birth, Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier can be one of the best options for you. I will certainly recommend this ergonomic and safe carrier which is offered by a trustworthy manufacturer. In fact, it has almost everything one may need in a newborn baby carrier including a secure and cosy carry unit, great weight distribution and well-padded straps for parents.

Yet, there are two situations in which this carrier might be not the bets choice for you. The first one is in the case if you are a plus-size parent. Although there are many plus-size parents wearing this carrier without any difficult, some of the parents actually reported the carrier being too small for them. Thus, it will be better for you to try it on first if you are not sure about your size.

Another scenario in which you might benefit from another model of a baby carrier more is the case of living in an area featured with rather high temperatures. Unfortunately, in such a case, Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier might turn out to be too hot for both you and your baby.

4. Infantino Swift Classic Carrier

Infantino Swift Classic CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
 A soft structured newborn baby carrier suitable for use during the first 12 months25 lbsA budget-friendly newborn carrier with additional elements which are not available in many other carriers including more expensive ones. This carrier will provide your baby with two safe carry positions while you will be able to enjoy a unique design of crossed straps the length of which can be adjusted on the go. There is also9 a pocket in this model as well as a bib for protecting your clothes.

Another simple and inexpensive newborn baby carrier which is actually of a high quality is Infantino Swift Classic Carrier. At some point, this accessory is quite similar to the one offered by Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier, however, there are also some differences between these two accessories.

Infantino Swift Classic Carrier is available in two versions the prices of which differ a lot, albeit, both of them are inexpensive. The original, Infantino Swift Classic Carrier is actually a model with a pocket which is located on the front side of the carrier. Such a pocket is a very handy addition which is actually not available even in some rather expensive newborn carriers.

Infantino Swift Classic Carrier can be purchased for a bit less than 20 USD which is a price very close to the one of Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier. The version without a pocket costs around 30 USD. Other features of these carriers are the same.

Infantino Swift Classic Carrier has a minimum weight requirement close to the requirements for typical infant carriers designed for newborn babies. Thus, your child should weigh at least 7 pounds in order to be able to use this carrier. The maximum weight capacity for this model is 25 pounds which means this carrier is suitable for the first year of life for the majority of babies.

Infantino Swift Classic Carrier can be used in two ways with your baby. The first carry option is a front-facing one, whereas the second one is a back-facing one. Bothe of these carry positions are absolutely ergonomic for young babies. This newborn baby carrier meets all the requirements of a product healthy for the development of baby’s hips.

Similarly to the Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier, Infantino Swift Classic Carrier is made of an artificial material which makes it more suitable for families living in destinations with a mild or cold climate. Unfortunately, there is no mesh option available for this model of a newborn baby carrier.

The major colour of this model is black. the fabric used in Infantino Swift Classic Carrier is machine-washable. It can also be dried automatically, however, you should choose a mild mode. Pay your attention to a special feature of these carriers which is The  Clever Wonder Cover 2-in-1 bib. First of all, this element makes the appearance of a black carrier more attractive since it is featured with a beautiful appearance and design. Secondly, this bib is a perfect cover for your clothes which will help you to keep it clean while dealing with your child. There is no need to explain how messy small babies can be. With such a bib, you do not have to worry about your outfit at all. In addition to it, in many situations, it will be enough for you to just wash the bib rather than an entire carrier.

You will be able to adjust this carrier to your body as well due to special mechanisms of its straps. This carrier is suitable for plus-size parents as well.

The well-padded straps of Infantino Swift Classic Carrier are attached to each other creating a cross so basically you will be using this carrier with the straps in a crossed position which is particularly convenient and safe for your back. Furthermore, there is a special element designed for adjusting the carrier hidden inside the cross as well. With its help you will be able to change the length of the straps with just one hand. This can be done easily even on the go which is particularly useful for parents going out with their babies without anyone else’s assistance.

The most important features of Infantino Swift Classic Carrier

Infantino Swift Classic Carrier is a great carrier designed specifically for newborn babies. Even though it cannot be used longer than for the first year of your baby’s life, it is very inexpensive so you will be able to save a lot of money choosing this one. Check this list of the most crucial features of this model in order to understand its quality better.


  • an affordable model;
  • designed especially for the smallest children;
  • completely ergonomic with its two carry positions most suitable for newborn babies;
  • a detachable bib with an appealing design which will protect your clothes as well as the carrier from getting dirty;
  • ergonomic for parents;
  • easily adjustable size of straps which can be done with one hand on the go;
  • a crossed position of straps;
  • a handy pocket for small essentials;
  • machine-washable.


  • artificial material;
  • no mesh version is available.

Do you need Infantino Swift Classic Carrier?

In point of fact, Infantino Swift Classic Carrier is very similar to Evenflo Infant Soft carrier. Both of these carriers have the same weight capacity as well as minimum weight requirements. Both of the have two carry positions and crossed straps. Even the prices of these carriers are quite similar.

Yet, I will recommend Infantino Swift Classic Carrier for those parents who also wish to have a handy pocket which is not available in the Evenflo carrier. This carrier is also better when it comes to adjusting the length of the straps as kin this case it can be done easily with just one hand you do not even have to take the carrier off. Many plus-size parents also reported it was easy for them to adjust the size of this carrier.

Still, if you want to get such an inexpensive carrier but you need it during the summer in the first place, you should pay your attention to the Evenflo Infant Soft Carrier in its mesh version.

5. Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier

Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
 A soft structured newborn baby carrier suitable for use during the first 12 months25 lbsAn affordable model of a newborn baby carrier with two ergonomic and safe carry options such as a front inward-facing position as well as a front outward-facing position. Has a special cuddle pocket for better connection with your child as well as mesh panels on the sides of the carrier. The carrier also has adjustable parent straps.

When it comes to inexpensive carriers for newborn babies which are still featured by high quality and functionality, there is one more model frequently chosen by many parents. It is Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier which can be purchased for around 43 USD.

Just like all other carriers for small children in this chapter of my shopping guide, Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier also has a small weight capacity of 25 pounds as it is designed exclusively for the first year after the birth. Of course, if your baby happens to be quite petite, you might be able to use this carrier for a longer time. The minimum weight requirement for this model is slightly greater as it is 7.5 pounds.

As you can see, this carrier is a way cheaper than the models offered by BABYBJORN and Ergobaby, however, it is more expensive than the Evenflo and Infantino carriers. So, this is an optimum price of a product of such a category for parents who do not want to invest too much money into a carrier which can be used for a rather short time and, at the same time, have second thoughts about the cheapest models on the market.

Still, Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier is quite similar to the Evenflo and Infantino newborn baby carriers. For example, it is also made of polyester. Thus, this carrier is a better choice for families living in the areas not featured by too hot weather. This model has mesh panels on the sides which are improving the airflow though, however, it might not be enough for particularly hot weather.

Another similar feature of these carriers is a removable bib which is added with a view to protecting your clothes from any possible dirt. This is a very useful feature which is somehow not available in many expensive and more exclusive newborn baby carriers. Pay your attention to the fact the carrier itself can be washed and dried automatically which is definitely making the usage of this product more convenient.

Furthermore, Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier also provides two carry options. The carrier is absolutely ergonomic for children right after the birth. Both of the carry options will keep the legs of your baby in the safest frog position which is actually the only proper way for carrying a small baby for keeping his or her hips healthy and protecting from the development of dysplasia. The exact ways of carrying a child supported by this carrier are front with the first one facing a parent and the other one facing the world.

Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier also has a unique element which you will not find in other carriers. On its front side, there is a so-called cuddle pocket where you can keep your hand feeling closer to your baby. Of course, you can keep your hand on the back of your child without any special pockets, however this one proves to be more convenient during strolls.

Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier is also ergonomic for parents with its well-padded straps and a possibility to adjust the carrier to different sizes depending on your personal needs.

Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier is also available in several colour versions all of which are quite plane and practical, yet, at the same time,  modern and stylish. The basic colour you will find on the market is black, however, there is also a blue one and a black model with a grey panel. The style of these carriers is quite similar to the design of the strollers and infant car seats offered by this manufacturer.

The most important features of Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier

Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier is an inexpensive carrier for newborn babies of a great quality. Yet, you should be aware of the fact some of its features might not meet your personal requirements just like it is possible with any other product. That is why you should check this list of the most important features of this carrier.


  • an affordable price;
  • designed specifically for newbron babies;
  • ergonomic carry unit with two possibilities of carrying both of which will keep your baby in the safest M-shape position healthy for the development of hips;
  • mesh panels for better air circulation;
  • a removable bib protecting your clothes from getting dirty;
  • includes mesh pockets for storage;
  • adjustable straps with generous padding.


  • might be too hot for summers;
  • artificial material.

Do you need Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier?

Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier is a great affordable carrier for newborn babies which offers parents ergonomic carry positions and will keep the legs of your baby in the safest position approved by the doctors as healthy for hips. You will be able to use a convenient removable bib protecting your clothes as well as a special cuddle pocket located on the front side of the carrier. There are also side mesh pockets for better air ventilation.

Still, you should be aware of the fact this carrier is made of an artificial material. No matter how soft it is and how many mesh panels there are on the sides of this carrier, your baby might still feel hot during the summer while being carried in Chicco UltraSoft 2-in-1 Infant Carrier. Even the thickest natural materials manage better with high temperatures than polyester.

If the place you are living in is not prone to hot weather, you can easily get this product without second thoughts.

The best newborn baby carriers which can be used during toddlerhood as well

Even though purchasing a newborn baby carrier designed specifically for this age group is a sensible approach, getting a carrier which can be used from birth up to toddlerhood is reasonable idea as well. If you are looking for such a carrier, you should pay attention to this selection of accessories. Pay your attention to the maximum weight capacity as in many cases it is around 30-35 pounds. Of course, whether you will be able to use such a carrier when your baby becomes a toddler depends on his or her weight. Some babies do not exceed the weight of 15 pounds while being already 3 years old whereas other weigh a lot more at this age.

That is why you should take into consideration the weight your baby was born with, however, if you are still expecting a child, this task might be more complex. In such a case, pay your attention to the models featured with a larger weight capacity of 45 pounds.

1. Boba X Baby Carrier

Boba X Baby CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
 A soft structured newborn baby/toddler carrier suitable45 lbsAn exclusive model of a newborn carrier which will literally grow with your baby due to a possibility of adjusrting almost of its dimensions to the height and weight of your child. As a wearer, you will also enjoy a possibility of adjusting the carrier exactly to your body even if you are a very plus-size person or particularly petite one. Amazing fashion styles and a pocket with a purse strap will make the use of this carrier even more enjoyable.

One of the best newborn baby carriers with the most exclusive design available on the current market is Boba X Baby Carrier. You might have already come across this brand as it is well-known for its amazing products for babies which include soft structured baby carriers of the highest quality as well as wrap baby carriers. Some of the carriers of this brand are quite budget-friendly. Unfortunately, the model I am going to introduce to you is not thus inexpensive. Boba X Baby Carrier is offered for more than 150 USD which is quite a lot. Yet, its design and functionality are absolutely outstanding and this price is not a mere result of a beautiful fashion design offered by a popular brand.

Boba X Baby Carrier is a newborn baby carrier which will be suitable for toddlers as well. Do not mistake this model for a more budget-friendly Boba carrier of the 4Gs type which is also a great one. Boba X Baby Carrier does not require using any baby insert unlike the 4Gs model. Needless to say, this means the design of this carrier is more successful.

The possibility of using Boba X Baby Carrier with a newborn baby without any additional elements is the direct result of the unique design of this carrier which can be adjusted to any height and weight of a baby as well as to the height and weight of one’s parent. Different dimensions of this carrier can be adjust exactly to your needs and the needs of your child. For instance, you can set the width of the carry unit just as you prefer it choosing from the range of levels starting from 8 inches up to 21 inches.

Another example of a customisable part of this carrier is a body panel. Changing the size of this unit is particularly essential for adjusting the carrier to the height of your child. Thus, you can set it to the level between 12 and 16 inches. Furthermore, the manufacturer added some special elements for the carrier extension for big toddlers called wings. On top of that, you will also be able to change the distance between you and the baby which is an amazing feature. Of course, while your child is still a newborn baby, he or she will need to be as close as possible to you, however, becoming a toddler, the child will need more space in the carrier. Thus, this function will come really handy to you.

Do not worry about such an amount of adjustable elements. The quality of the carry unit has already been approved by The International Dysplasia Institute which official regards this carrier as a hip-healthy product. Thus, any of the carry options supported by this model are absolutely safe for your baby.

Boba X Baby Carrier is also extremely ergonomic for parents. First of all, it has a really generous padding in its straps and waist belt which help to distribute the weight of the baby evenly and protect your body. Secondly, this carrier is also equipped into the elements called by the manufacturer as Perfect Fit Adjusters which will allow you to change the length of the straps easily making the carrier suitable not only for plus-size parents but also really petite wearers.

Pay your attention to the fact, this carrier is also a very fashionable accessory. You will be able to easily find a model with the design matching your own style so that you will enjoy using this carrier up to the maximum level. No matter which style of this carrier you prefer, you will find all of them are made of pure cotton. It is possible to purchase some of the versions of Boba X Baby Carrier with a large discount.

The most important features of Boba X Baby Carrier

Boba X Baby Carrier is a rather expensive carrier even if you happen to purchase it with a discount. For that reason, you should be really aware of the functionality you will get if you decide to make a purchase.


  • suitable for newborn babies without any baby insert;
  • can be used during toddlerhood as well;
  • the seat unit width is adjustable;
  • the height of the body panel can be changed;
  • the overall space within the carrier can be adjusted;
  • well-padded straps and waist belt;
  • the straps can be used crossed;
  • you can adjust the straps and belt to parents with a very small size as well as with a very big one;
  • includes two options for storage;
  • has a special strap for holding a purse;
  • beautiful colour versions some of which can be purchased even 30 USD cheaper;
  • natural material;
  • can be washed and dried automatically.


  • rather expensive;
  • is not available in a mesh version.

Do you need Boba X Baby Carrier?

The design of Boba X Baby Carrier is very-well thought. There are many elements and functions of this carrier which you will not find in any carrier available on the market no matter how expensive it is.

If only the high price of this model is not repelling your from the purchase, I will certainly recommend it to you. This is a great model for any parent who wants to buy a newborn carrier of the highest quality which will also be perfectly suitable for the child during toddlerhood. Furthermore, this is one of the best model for very petite or plus-size parents. Since the carrier has a function of easy adjustment of the size to your body, it does not only means you will be able to do it easily for yourself. Certainly, it also means, you will be able to swap this carrier with another wearer without any complications.

Since it is possible to purchase this carrier with a discount, you should also pay your attention to this product even if your budget is more limited. Yet, you might be interested in looking for something else if you are living in a location with rather hot summers as Boba X Baby Carrier is not available in any mesh version.

2. Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier

Ergobaby Adapt Baby CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
 A structured baby carrier suitable for babies right after the birth up to the toddlerhood45 lbsOne of the top models of newborn baby carriers suitable for children even during toddlerhood. The carrier is available in two versions with a view to different weather conditions. It will provide you and your child with three ergonomic and absolutely safe carry positions based on the most ergonomic leg position known as a frog one.

Boba X Baby Carrier is a relatively new invention of the brand which is definitely worth your attention if you are looking for a very special product. Yet, there is also another new product on the market which has already become one of the most favourite baby carriers of any parents. This one is Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier.

Unlike in the case of Boba X Baby Carrier which is a totally innovative product not similar to any of the brand’s previous products and not even close to other models of newborn carriers available on the market, Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier is based on the previous carriers designed by Ergobaby. This manufacturer has a strategy of regular analyzing of all the reports of parents and taking them into consideration while upgrading the models of carriers which have already been released on the market. In such a way, the new products are created in which parents and children can enjoy all of the best features of the previous carriers combined with useful improvements.

Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier has a quite large weight capacity similar to the Boba model. You will be able to start using this carrier without any infant insert up to the moment when your child reaches the weight of 45 pounds. This makes this carrier a good investment even though it is pretty expensive. Depending on the colour version, the price for this model of a newborn baby carrier can reach up to 140 USD. In some cases, a discount is possible when you will be able to purchase this carrier for just a hundred of dollars. Still, the variety of colour versions of this carrier is pretty limited including only a black model and a pearl grey model.

Pay your attention to the fact Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier is available in two versions. The first one is made of pure cotton whereas the other one is made of a special mesh material featured with an improved air circulation perfect for hot days. This version is available on the market under the name of Ergobaby Adapt Cool Air Mesh and it can also be purchased in one of two colours which are the same for the model made of cotton.

Note that Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier is officially regarded as a hip-healthy product by The International Institute of Dysplasia. With a newborn baby, you will be able to use this carrier in the typical positions such as a front inward facing one as well as a front outward facing one. Yet, there are many more possibilities for older babies which you will be able to enjoy while your baby will be growing and developing his or her physical abilities.

As a parent, you will also like the rich padding of this carrier as well as extra support in the lumbar spine area. Since this carrier is designed not only for newborn babies but can also be used with quite big kids, the manufacturer created it in such a way as to give you maximum comfort with perfect weight distribution and particularly generous padding. The easily adjustable straps of this carrier can be worn in a straight position or, if you prefer the crossed, you will also be able to set them into such a configuration.

The only issue many parents report is the fact this carrier does not have any pocket just like all of the previous carriers of Ergobaby. Of course, it is not the most crucial feature when it comes to the quality of a newborn baby carrier, however, since the carrier is thus expensive, it could have had such a useful element.

The most important features of Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier

Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier is one of the top carriers on the market designed for newborn babies with a possibility of using the carrier for a quite long time due to a large weight capacity. Since the price of this accessory is pretty high, you should check whether it is really adequate to its quality. My list of the most crucial details about this carrier is available below.


  • a large weight capacity allowing you to use this carrier during the toddlerhood;
  • no infant insert is needed for using it with newborn babies;
  • two versions of the product are available including the one made of a special 3D mesh material with increased air circulation;
  • all of the positions offered by this carrier will keep your baby with an M shape of legs which is essential for the appropriate development of hips;
  • officially regarded as a hip-healthy product by The International Institute of Dysplasia;
  • three ways of carrying two of which can be used with newborn babies;
  • two possibilities of wearing the straps including a crossed position;
  • extra padding on straps and waist belt.


  • rather expensive;
  • no storage pocket.

Do you need Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier?

Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier is an amazing model of newborn baby carrier which can be used for a long time as it is featured with a large weight capacity. This product is completely ergonomic for both children and parents and can be adjusted to wearers of different sizes.

As you have noticed, a regular price for this product is a bit smaller than it is in the case of the Boba carrier. The Boba carrier has a somewhat more extended functionality with its advanced adjustment technology, storage options, a purse strap and fashionable colour versions. Still, Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier will be certainly a better option if you need a product perfect for a summer season. As you now know, Boba X Baby Carrier is not available in a mesh version, at least so far. Yet, you can easily get such a model if you want to purchase Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier.

3. LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier

LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
 A structured newborn baby carrier suitable which can be used up to the toddlerhood45 lbsOne of the best carriers for parents with lower back issues since it has a particularly ergonomic and well-padded waist belt with a unique pillow for extra protection of the lumbar area. The carrier is one of the most versatile on the market offering six different carry positions. An exclusive design of its mesh fabric make sit perfect for hot summer days.

Another amazing model of a newborn baby carrier which can be used during toddlerhood as well is LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier. If you compare it to the two previous models, you will see it has the same weight capacity of 45 pounds whereas the minimum weight requirements for this model is 7 pounds too.

Just like the models described above, this carrier can be used right from the birth of your child without any infant insert. This is extremely crucial for the families living in the locations featured with hot summers. Yet, even if hot weather is not typical for your place of residence, you will still be able to benefit from the design without the use of an insert as such carriers are simply not thus bulky as the models using inserts.

LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier costs around 120 USD which is certainly quite a lot. Yet, this carrier is one of the favourite models of so many parents due to its versatility. Some experts are even claiming this carrier is the most versatile one available on the market right now.

You can guess from the name of this carrier, LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier is versatile mainly due to six positions for carrying it is offering to parents. Of course, since you are looking for a carrier for newborn babies, you are interested in the positions offered by this age group. In this case, there is nothing special to be honest. There are two carry options which are typical for other types of newborn baby carriers since there are not too many options for carrying newborn babies in the first place. As you now know, there are very stringent requirements when it comes to the carry position for the smallest babies. With LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier, you will be able to carry your newborn child either in a so-called foetal position or in the infant inward position. Actually these positions are quite similar, however, in the foetal one, the hands and legs of your baby will be hidden inside the carrier. Such a position is perfect for making your baby feel safe and comfortable as it is quite similar to the womb-like carry units available in classic wrap carriers.

The rest of the carry positions of this carrier are suitable for older babies who have already gained appropriate muscle control. There are two front carrying options for older babies such as an ergonomic facing position as well as a forward facing hip position. There is also a front inward facing position available in LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier. On top of that, you will be able to carry your baby in the position resembling a backpack as well. Yet, as you can imagine, this one is suitable only for older children.

As you can see, there are really many options for carrying your baby offered by LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier. Of course, as a parent of a newborn baby, the choice will not be thus large, however, in the near future, will be able to switch from one position to another. This makes LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier a great investment even though it is pretty pricey.

Pay your attention to the fact all of the positions offered by this carrier are absolutely safe for babies as they have been designed according to the recommendations for protecting developing hips from dysplasia. Thus, your baby’s legs will be in the most ergonomic M shape while you will be carrying him or her in LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier.

The most important features of LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier

There are many positive features of LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier which are making this carrier absolutely worth of its price of 120 USD. Yet, you should consider whether this will be a good option exactly for you and your baby.


  • can be used with newborn babies without any infant insert;
  • has a large weight capacity;
  • offers six different carry positions;
  • all of the positions will keep your child in the frong position recommended by doctors;
  • can be used with crossed straps;
  • easily adjustable to wearers of all sizes;
  • has special lumbar support;
  • includes a pillow for back protection;
  • a unique design of buckles for easy breastfeeding;
  • made of a material based on 3D mesh for increased air-circulation;
  • can be washed and dried automatically;
  • has a zippered pocket.


  • some parents wish the carrier has a more delicate material;
  • even though the carrier is suitable for plus-size parents, some people found it a bit too complicated to adjust it to their needs.

Do you need LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier?

You have already seen two amazing carriers which offer excellent quality and increased functionality for a rather high price. LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier is one of such carriers as well, however, it has some features unavailable in other carriers which are making this product outstanding.

Of course, the first thing you think about the phrase Complete Airflow which is in the name of this carrier. Indeed, this accessory is just perfect for hot summers as it does not require any infant insert and it is also made of a unique 3D mesh material with great air circulation.

Certainly, the carrier is also an amazing choice for everyone who is looking for a particularly versatile accessory. Just as the name suggests, LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier has six carry positions for babies of different ages.

Still, you should pay your attention to a really exclusive feature of this carrier which is a special design of a waist belt including an additional pillow for extra protection of your back. Thus, this model is actually one of the best for parents with lower back issues.

4. Moby Wrap Baby Carrier

Moby Wrap Baby CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
 A wrap newborn baby carrier suitable for early toddlerhood as well35 lbsA wrap carrier which is designed for babies right after the birth up to the early toddlerhood which is available in two versions. The first one is made of a very soft and stretchy cotton whereas the second one is a perfect choice for hot summers due to its blend of cooling viscose and natural cotton. The carrier is available in beautiful colour versions.

Now, when you have looked at a great variety of the best soft structured newborn baby carriers, it is time to check some other options available on the market, for instance, a baby wrap carrier. Of course, I have already mentioned a hybrid model such as Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Baby Wrap Carrier, however, it is not the end. There are also classic wrap models absolutely perfect for your small child.

One of the best baby carriers of a wrap model on the market is Moby Wrap Baby Carrier. This carrier is loved by so many parents around the world for its amazing features and great quality. Now its your turn to check the features of this accessory for newborn babies.

First of all, this wrap carrier has a large weight capacity of 35 pounds. Although it has a smaller capacity than the soft structured carriers described above which are featured by the capacity of 45 pounds, it is still quite a lot and definitely more than the capacity of the carriers designed exclusively for the first year of life of a baby.

Secondly, Moby Wrap Baby Carrier is a perfect accessory for parents who love natural materials as it is made of pure cotton. This cotton has been made according to a special technology which makes the material durable and stretchy at the same time. Some experts even claim that this wrap baby carrier is one of the most stretchy on the market. If you are not well-aware of the features of wrap baby carriers, you might be wondering what the purpose of a stretchy material is. Actually, due to this property, a carrier can be easily adjusted to the shape and size of your body as well as to the body of your baby. This is one of the most amazing things about wrap baby carriers, as you can use it with different babies and swap it with other wearers without spending a lot of time on readjusting all of the dimensions of the accessory. They will just change automatically getting into the most optimum shape for you and your baby.

Some parents find pure cotton somewhat too thick and warm especially during hot summer days. You should consider this feature as wrap newborn baby carriers themselves tend to be warmer than other carrier because of their tight carry units. Yet, if you need a wrap carrier for hot summers, you do not have to search for a new one as you can just choose another version of Moby Wrap Baby Carrier which is known as Moby Evolution. This carrier was made of a different material for better air-circulation and breathability. This material is a blend of 70% of viscose and 30% of cotton. Viscose is widely known for its cooling properties and very soft and delicate touch which is making it a frequent choice of clothes manufacturers during the creation of summer collections.

Undeniably, just any other wrap carriers, Moby Wrap Baby Carrier will also require some time from you to learn how to fold it. Even though this can be rather time-consuming at the beginning, this will help you in the long run as you ill save a lot of time on readjusting the carrier to the needs of your baby or a different wearer. If you find it too complicated to fold this carrier, you should visit the official website of the manufacturer where you will find a “Let us help your programme” which is particularly helpful for learning how to use your Moby Wrap Baby Carrier.

Note that the length of this wrap carrier is 18 feet which is quite a lot. Due to this fact you can easily use this wrap even if you are a plus-size parent.

The most important features of Moby Wrap Baby Carrier

Let’s look at the crucial parameters and functions of Moby Wrap Baby Carrier which I have listed below. This will help you to understand the quality of this carrier better.


  • an extended weight capacity which will allow you to use the carrier during the early toddlerhood of your baby or even longer depending on the weight of your child;
  • a very pleasant-to-touch stretchy and durable natural material;
  • a version with improved air-circulation for summer days is also available (Moby Evolution made of viscose and cotton);
  • three carry positions each of which is ergonomic keeping your baby’s legs in a an M shape;
  • perfect distribution of weight;
  • simple instructions for putting it on and off;
  • a variety of beautiful styles;
  • an affordable price.


  • some parents find it too long;
  • a cotton version might be too hot if you are living in the location featured by hot climate.

Do you need Moby Wrap Baby Carrier?

I will certainly recommend you Moby Wrap Baby Carrier if you would like to use a wrap carrier with your baby. Generally a wrap carrier is a great choice for newborn babies since it offers them a special womb-like feeling since the carry unit is quite tight and cosy. Moby Wrap Baby Carrier is particularly successful in this task since it is very soft and delicate no matter whether it is the version made of pure cotton or the one produced of cotton and viscose.

Do not be too concerned about this wrap carrier being too hot as choosing the MOBY Evolution version of this accessory will be enough for you during hot summers.

Do not forget about all of the beautiful styles this carr8ier is offering to parents!

5. Hip Baby Wrap Ring Sling

Hip Baby Wrap Ring SlingTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
 A sling ring newborn baby carrier offering multiple carrying positions, can be washed and dried automatically35 lbsA hand-made ring sling newbvorn baby carrier which can be used with toddlers as well. The carrier is offered in the variety of models made of natural material some of which are pretty exclusive such as a blend of linen and bamboo as well as natural cotton. The choice of fashion style of these carriers includes dozens of colour and patterns some of which are genuinely outstanding.

You might also be interested in carrying your newborn baby in a ring sling carrier. Some parents are not particularly interested in this type of carriers, whereas others find them the best newborn baby carriers which can also be used up to the early toddlerhood just like it is in the case of many wrap baby carriers. Again, this is a very individual aspect.

For those parents, who would like to give a ring sling a shot right after the birth of their baby, I would like to recommend Hip Baby Wrap Ring Sling. Actually, there are many similar features in the majority of ring sling carriers as there are actually not many elements with which these model sca change. Yet, I have chosen this particular model for my review because of a large variety of materials it is available in.

Depending on the material this ring sling is made of, it can be really affordable and it can be rather expensive. When it comes to the cheapest models of Hip Baby Wrap Ring Sling, they are made of pure cotton. Still, you should pay your attention to the different prices for different styles of cotton slings offered by Hip Baby Wrap. For instance, the basic collection of these carriers is available for 40 USD, whereas there is also an exclusive Honeycomb collection with unique patterns created by the manufacturer in which the prices start with 78 USD. Note that the prices for different colour versions within one collection of this manufacturer can differ a lot. Thus, you might come across the ring sling carriers available even for as small as 20 pounds.

There is also a linen collection which costs 10 USD more than an average cotton ring sling newborn baby carrier of this brand. Certainly, linen carriers can be a better choice for a hot summer, however, Hip Baby Wrap also has some other options for warm weather. For instance, there is also a more expensive and advanced collection of ring sling carriers made of a blend of bamboo and linen. These carrier are featured with even better air circulation while bamboo adds sun reflective properties to the material which will protect your child from sun rays.

The most expensive and exclusive collection of Hip Baby Wrap Ring Slings is the one made of natural silk. This one is perfect if you looking for some truly unique product. The colours of the ring sling carriers in this series of products are absolutely amazing just like anything made of this pricey and durable natural material. The models of silk ring slings have a shining effect which makes them particularly stylish and outstanding. The manufacturer created a collection of plane colours without any ornaments which are really not needed for such beautiful products called by the names of jewel rocks such as Topaz or Rose Quartz. Needless to say, a silk ring sling will be ideal for hot days as well.

A crucial feature of all of these newborn baby ring slings is the fact they can be washed and dried automatically. Of course, you should choose a delicate mode and do not use any bleachers while washing them. For drying a low temperature should be used. Still, you can do it which is really crucial for keeping the slings clean at any moment you need them without spending so much time on hand washing and even more time on getting them dried with air.

As you can see, Hip Baby Wrap has a very rich offer of carriers made of different materials and styles which are available for different prices. No matter what your current state of budget is, you will be able to find a suitable product for your family among the carriers of Hip Baby Wrap.

The most important features of Hip Baby Wrap Ring Sling

If you want to have a chance of choosing from dozens of stylish ring sling newborn baby carriers as well as different materials all of which are coming straight from the nature, you should certainly pay your attention to the collections of accessories offered by Hip Baby Wrap. Here, you will find more of its most crucial features.


  • a large choice of natural materials available for different prices including natural cotton, pure linen, a blend of linen and bamboo as well as natural silk;
  • a large variety of amazing fashion styles of ring slings including absolutely exclusive models;
  • all of the models are featured by large weight capacity;
  • all of the models will provide you with three carry options;
  • regardless of the material, you will be able to wash and dry these carriers automatically;
  • each model is hand-made.


  • some models of the slings are really pricey overcoming the price of any carrier on this list;
  • some parents do not like the texture of the fabric in the beautiful Honeycomb collection of the brand.

Do you need Hip Baby Wrap Ring Sling?

First of all, if you are looking for a ring sling newborn baby carrier made of some unpopular material, Hip Baby Wrap Ring Sling will be the best choice for you. While finding a linen or a bamboo carrier is difficult as the majority of the products of this type are made of cotton, the search for a silk one can be an impossible task. Yet, such models are available in a special collection of Hip Baby Wrap.

Secondly, you should choose this product if you want to have a model which will not cause any trouble during a cleaning process. You might have already come across the information that in the case of the majority of ring sling baby carriers, machine washing and automatic drying is forbidden. Yet, all of the slings produced by Hip Baby Wrap can be treated in such a way under the condition of not using any harsh chemicals or modes.

Finally, this ring sling carrier will be perfect one for you if you just want to get one totally matching your own fashion style.

What should you expect from a baby carrier designed for newborn babies?

Needless to say, the design of newborn baby carriers differs from the models earmarked for older children. In my shopping guide, I have provided you with an entire list of baby carriers which can be used with newborn babies as well as older kids. Depending on the weight and height of your child, some of these models can be used even during a preschool age. Yet, right now, I would like to focus exactly on the models created specifically for newborn babies. What is a typical design of such carriers and what should you expect them to be?

First of all, regardless of all the variety of models you have come across in my article, you should be aware of the fact the majority of newborn baby carriers designed specifically for this age group are soft structured carriers. Such carriers are usually suitable for using only during the first year of life as their typical weight limit is 25 pounds.

As you can imagine, such carriers are small and well padded. Yet, the padding of the straps and waist belt if there is one at all in a carrier, are not featured with such generous padding and support as the ones typical for carriers used with older children. There is nothing strange about it since older children have a large weight creating greater pressure on the body of the wearer. This requires more cushioning in the shoulder area as well as the lower back area.

At the same time, newborn baby carriers are equipped into additional head support which is crucial for keeping their heads in an appropriate position. Some of these supporting elements can also be used as a hood for protecting the child against harsh weather conditions and give him or her more privacy during nursing or having a nap.

Some models are also equipped into a removable bib which is used for protecting your clothes as small babies can be rather messy.

Certainly, newborn baby carriers are more lightweight than the models dedicated for a larger age range.

All of the newborn baby carriers of good quality offer two positions for carrying which are suitable for babies after the birth. Both of them are front positions since the backpack-like carry option should be used exclusively with the older children. The first one is an inward-facing position which is actually the best for the youngest children. An outward facing position is also good for them, however, you should wait until your child gains full control over the neck before using it.

Newborn babies as well as infants have to be carried exclusively in a frog or M-shape position which keeps their legs in appropriate way so that there is no risk of developing hip dysplasia. In addition to it, a carrier should support the natural curve of the spine of your child.

These are typical features of the top newborn baby carriers. Actually, almost all of them or, at least those impacting the safety of your child, have to be present in any newborn baby carrier regardless of its price or design. If you cannot see them in a model you should immediately resign from purchasing it, no matter whether it is an exclusive and expensive carrier or the cheapest one on the market.

How to choose the best newborn baby carrier?

Now, when you have a basic idea about the most crucial details which have to be present in a newborn baby carrier, it will be easier for you to pick a great one. Yet, it is not enough for choosing the best one. For this purpose, you should analyse your personal needs and preferences in the first place. Here, you will find question which will help you to understand your own expectations from a newborn baby carrier and navigate through the variety of products on the market with a greater understanding of their true value.

What is your maximum budget for a purchase?

Newborn baby carriers are available in absolutely different models and price categories. This can make it somewhat difficult for a parent to decide how much money should be actually paid for this accessory. If you are already confused, try the following.

First of all, decide whether you have to limit your budget on this purchase or not. May be your budget is really flexible and you can pay as much as you want for this accessory. Then, you should just explore the variety of carriers on the market. If it is not your case, you should also take into consideration some of the aspects of choosing the best newborn baby carrier I am going to discuss further in this article.

For instance, it might be that you are not ready to pay a lot of money for an expensive newborn baby carrier which can be used for just a year, however, you are ready to invest a larger amount of money into a more multifunctional accessory which will be suitable for older children as well. It might also be that you are willing to purchase a carrier exactly for newborn babies, however you want to pay a modest amount of money for this carrier. There is also a possibility of getting a cheap carrier for an extremely large range of age starting from the very birth even up to the preschool age.

The final decision should depend on your personal needs.

How long would you like to use your baby carrier?

If you have read at least the introduction to this shopping guide, you should have learnt about the maximum weight capacity for the carriers which can be used with newborn babies.

As you might have noticed, there are models with a super large weight capacity reaching even 60 or 65 pounds. On the one hand, this means you will be able to use a single baby carrier for the entire time during which your baby will need such an accessory. On the other hand, you should be aware of all the adjustments and customisable elements such products usually have. You will have to adjust and readjust the product on a regular babies dealing with all these accessories which some parents find too complex.

Furthermore, some experts believe it is better to purchase such products as baby carriers suitable for a particular age rather than for the entire infancy and toddlerhood. The products dedicated to the smallest babies are designed specifically for them and they might be the safest ones for them. Of course, you can buy a carrier with a large weight capacity, however getting a one which can be used with  both a newborn and a pre-schooler might be somewhat messy.

Still, it depends on your budget as well as your patience for dealing with some complex products. There are many parents who have bought exactly such types of carriers for their newborn babies and they are really happy of such an investment.

Pay your attention to the fact the design of a carrier means a lot. Some of the carriers are featured with a large weight capacity, however, in the reality they are rather small and many children outgrown them quickly without having a chance of using them for the period of time declared by the manufacturer even though they still have not reached the weight limit. For that reason, if you want to invest into a carrier suitable not only for newborn babies, you should choose a model with customisable dimensions if only you can afford such one.

Furthermore, you should be aware of a possibility of babies not being willing to use a particular carrier even though it is still good for them. For instance, as a rule, wrap baby carriers are featured with quite a large weight capacity of 35 pounds. This makes them suitable for toddlers, however, many toddlers do not like wrap carriers as they are rather tight and tend to restrict movements. Yet, newborn babies feel particularly comfortable in such carriers.

Is a carrier convenient and safe for your baby?

Undeniably, a carrier has to be absolutely convenient and safe for your child and, as far as you know, newborn babies have more requirements than older children since their muscles are not well-developed and they can get some injuries because of a poor posture rather easily.

When it comes to the safety and convenience of your child, you should check the carry position which should be of a frog or M type supporting a natural curve in the spine. Some of the more expensive models also have official recognition of being hip-healthy by The International Institute of Dysplasia. Some of these models are also listed in this shopping guide. Yet, if a carrier does not have such a certificate, it does not necessarily mean it is unsuitable for newborn babies. This is just an additional prove of the quality of the accessory.

Certainly, the material should be soft and pleasant-to-touch. Newborn babies have a particularly delicate skin which can be damaged easily by rough textures.

Pay your attention to the padding of the carrier and, especially the entrances for the legs and arms. These places can give extra pressure on the tissues of your baby and some can even reduce the blood flow making it rather dangerous for babies. These places should be soft and cushioned.

Finally, a great safety element is head and neck support as well as a hood. Sometimes the hood and support are actually two functions of the same element of a carrier. They are really crucial for newborn babies who cannot keep their head upright without any assistance. Of course, the hood will also protect your child against cold wind and burning sun.

Is a carrier convenient for you?

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, a newborn baby carrier has to be convenient for the parent as well. Actually, your comfort is extremely crucial as you are going to carry your baby on your own body.

Certainly, when it comes to the carriers designed specifically for newborn babies. they do not have to be equipped into any particularly advanced support systems for a parent, as such babies do not weigh too much. Yet, the support still has to be there. The straps of the carrier are supposed to have a generous padding and a well-padded waist belt is also welcome. Note that if you are going to purchase a carrier which can be used with toddlers as well, it has to be featured with even richer padding as you will have to carry a larger weight. Some models will also provide you with extra support for the lumbar area of your back.

If you have undergone a C-section surgery, you should also be particularly careful while choosing a newborn baby carrier as you will be using it in a very short time after the medical intervention.

Of course, the fabric of a carrier must be soft and pleasant not only because of the delicate skin of your baby. As a wearer, you do not want your own skin to get rubbed and inflamed which can easily happen especially since all the pressure on your body given by your baby. The same goes to the breathability of this accessory. Your child is not the only person who will suffer from a too hot carrier. You yourself can feel a lot of discomfort if the air circulation in the carrier is not sufficient.

Finally, you should make sure the carrier fits your body size and shape perfectly. If only you feel there is some slight issue with the size of your carrier, you should not continue using it as it can make your body get tired of carrying your child more easily and also lead to some health issues.

Is it easy to use your carrier?

When it comes to the ease of using a newborn baby carrier, there are several aspects you should take into consideration.

First of all, check whether the carrier is machine-washable and can be dried automatically. As you might know, the majority of ring sling carriers as well as wrap models of carriers are not suitable for machine-washing as the material can easily change its properties up to the extent when you will not be able to use the carrier in the way it was initially designed anymore.

Yet, there are also carriers of these types which can be washed and dried automatically which is definitely better for parents of small children who can be rather messy. You might have noticed in my shopping guide a couple of the models which also include a removable bib which is a great accessory for protecting your clothes from getting dirty in the first place. Such bibs can also be washed and dried automatically.

Another aspect of carriers which has an impact on the easiness of their usage is a hood. I have already mentioned it while speaking about the safety of your child. Yet, this accessory is needed not only for the safety of the baby. Breastfeeding mothers will find it very handy during nursing sessions.

Finally, you should also take into consideration the easiness of changing a size of a carrier adjusting it to your own body. Wrap baby carriers as well as ring sling carriers will adjust to any type of body unless they are long enough. Many soft structured carriers can also be adjusted exactly to your body, however, you should check whether they will certainly fit you if you are a very petite or plus-size parent. With some accessories, it might be easier to choose the right size than in the case of others. You should be aware of this fact. If you do not have an opportunity to try a carrier on before purchasing it, you can always look through the reviews left of other parents who have already been using the carrier you are interested in. If there are any issues with choosing a size, parents usually share it with potential customers.

In case you are planning to swap your carrier with another wearer, the accessory should allow you to adjust to a different body shape and size easily, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time on readjusting it any time you will need to wear it yourself. In some situations you might even not have enough time for this readjustment, let alone carriers of poor quality which might have less durable elements for changing the length of the straps and the width of the belt. In the case of such carriers, you might not be able to adjust the accessory to your body after a couple of usages.

Now, taking into consideration all of the aspects I have mentioned, you should have a clearer image of a newborn baby carrier you really need. The crucial thing here is to choose a product which will be safe and convenient for both you and your baby, not only for the child. Keep these recommendation in mind, look through the list of the best newborn baby carriers I have created for you and choose the most suitable one for you. Even if you do not like any of them, you will still be able to apply this information while picking the perfect model. I wish you to get the one which will let you enjoy a lot of time spent with your baby!

Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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