BOB Revolution SE – a professional approach to jogging with babies

BOB Revolution SE
TypeAn advanced jogging stroller convertible into a travel system
Weight25 lbs
Dimensions while folded39″L x 25.5″W x 16″H
Maximum weight capacity70 lbs
Main advantagesOne of the safest joggers available on the market right now. Jogging and hiking with your baby will be particularly convenient due to large air-filled wheels and the advanced suspension system of this stroller which allows you to adjust it to the weight of the child. Do not worry about the price of this stroller – if you are really into jogging, you can easily make do with this single model since the birth of your baby as it is convertible into a travel system.

There are several brands on the market which have made an attempt to create jogging strollers, so, currently, there are a couple of model you can choose from. Yet, it turns out that getting a good jogging stroller is not a simple task at all. There are so many things you have to pay your attention to that you might get really confused.

I personally have had a chance to use some of the jogging models and have my own list of favourite strollers perfect for active parents. BOB Revolution SE is definitely one of such models. It was designed exactly for jogging with your baby and strolling off-road. It can handle absolutely different types of terrains keeping your baby safe. Moreover, the stroller is convertible into a travel system, so you can make do with this single model during the first years of life of your child without a need to purchase any additional stroller.

If you are interested in checking all the details about BOB Revolution SE, you will find a lot of interesting information in this article.


Weight, dimensions and fold

The weight of BOB Revolution SE is 25 lbs which means this stroller is not a lightweight one. Yet, this is absolutely normal for a jogging model which has to be really stable. Of course, this is not possible if a stroller is really lightweight. Furthermore, the larger wheels are, the more a stroller weighs and BOB Revolution SE is equipped in really large wheels which are described in the part on wheels and suspension. Still, if you have to carry a stroller in your hands on a regular basis, this might be not particularly pleasant with such a weight of BOB Revolution SE.

The folding mechanism used in BOB Revolution SE is pretty simple, but it requires both of your hands which can make it somewhat complicated if you have to deal with a small child and the stroller on your own. Unfortunately, once you fold the stroller, it will ne be locked automatically. Furthermore, you can not leave it standing on its own.

Once the stroller is folded, its dimensions will be 39” x 25.5” x 16”. Just like with some of the other BOB’s jogging strollers, you will be able to remove the wheels of SE in order to make the fold more compact. Unfortunately, the fold of this stroller might be too large for the trunks of small cars.

Seating options of BOB Revolution SE

Undeniably, BOB Revolution SE has been specifically designed for jogging with your baby, however, it does not mean you will not be able to convert this stroller into a travelling system. If only you find strolling with BOB Revolution SE comfortable, you will be able to use it as a daily stroller for a newborn child as well. Just bear in mind the following measures of precaution described for each type of a seat available for this model of a jogging stroller.

The major seat of BOB Revolution SE

Just like in the case of some of its other jogging strollers, the manufacturer claims BOB Revolution SE is suitable for children who are at least two months old instead of a typical age of six months. Actually, you should consider the exact physical condition of your child. Even if you decide to use this stroller with a baby below six months  without an infant car seat, you should never jog or hike with such a young child. Actually, the manufacturer recommends going in for sports with children who are at least eight months old.

The seat of BOB Revolution SE is pretty large, however, somewhat short as it is reported by some parents. The height of the backrest measured from the bottom part of the seat to the top of the stroller’s canopy is 23” whereas the width is 14.5”. Yet, I do not think it should be a great issue since it was concerned transporting children who are around four years old. Of course, it also depends on the height of your child, since some children who are even older can find the backrest of this model sufficient. Just not that the maximum weight capacity for this stroller is 70 lbs which is pretty much, albeit this capacity includes the storage options as well and not just a seat.

There are several positions for recline, although you will not find here a completely flat position. The maximum reclined position of BOB Revolution SE is comfortable enough for napping, yet, you should be aware of the fact you should not jog while your baby is using the maximum recline deposition since it can be harmful for his or her health. Jogging is recommended exclusively with the backrest of the seat in its seating position.

The backrest can be reclined with the help of two special straps each of which is located on the sides of the backrest. I am not particularly pleased by this solution since each of the straps has to be adjusted in a separate way so it will require somewhat more practice and time for you to recline this seat.

Undeniably, BOB Revolution SE is equipped into five-point harness which is absolutely essential for this type of stroller. In the case of BOB Revolution SE, the padding of the safety belts is rich and soft with a possibility to be adjusted to the height of your child. I found the use of this harness system quite simple.

Pay your attention to the fact the fabrics of the seat is not machine washable, so you will have to clean it manually with mild soap and water.

BOB Revolution SE travel system

As I have already mentioned above, it is possible to convert BOB Revolution SE into a travel system. For this purpose, you will need to purchase a special adapter which is made specifically for a particular type of an infant car seat.

There is quite a large number of infant car seats compatible with BOB Revolution SE including the baby carriers of some of the most popular brands such as BRITAX/BOB, Peg Perego, Chicco and Graco. Attaching such an infant car seat to the frame doesn’t require removing the major seat and you will be able to use the canopy of the major seat as well as the canopy of the infant car seat simultaneously for extra protection.

Note that using your stroller as a travel system still does not allow you to jog or hike with a newborn baby. A travel system is a great way to avoid purchasing several strollers, however, jogging or strolling off-road is recommended exclusively with a baby who is at least eight months old sitting in the major seat.


BOB Revolution SE is using a three-wheel design which is regarded to be the most suitable for jogging strollers. There is one front wheel which is 12.5” and two rear wheels of 16”. The wheels are large and they also have air-filled tires which are increasing the comfort of using this stroller a lot. Believe me, this will help you to handle the stroller over rather harsh terrains in such a way as your baby will not feel almost any discomfort since the wheels are highly shock-resistant. Due to this fact you can take your baby in this stroller over rocky surfaces and even to a sandy beach.

Another advantage of such large wheels is the fact it increases the distance between you and the stroller giving you more space for your legs which brings extra comfort.

The downfall of air-filled tires is the possibility of getting them punctured. Fortunately, you will be able to fix a puncture easily by replacing an inner tube available in any bike shop. The tires can be inflated with air with the use of an ordinary bike pump.

The front wheel of BOB Revolution SE is featured with a swiveling mechanism which can be locked if you do not need it. Let the wheel pivot if you need to increase maneuverability of the stroller or lock it if the situation needs more stability in the stroller.

The suspension system in this stroller is also of an excellent quality which is extremely important for a safe ride over various types of terrains. Due to this suspension, you will be able to use the stroller over absolutely different surfaces such as gravel, snow, sand, grass, roads with cracks or broken sidewalks. One of the greatest advantages of the suspension of BOB Revolution SE which makes all of it possible is a feature which allows you to adjust the suspension to the terrain as well as the weight of your baby. Thus, the spine of your baby will always stay protected during your jogging sessions.

On the one hand, I like the fact the parking brake system of BOB Revolution SE is based only on one pedal and it is located between the rear wheels of the stroller. This is definitely a way more convenient than the strollers with two separate brakes attached to each of the rear wheels. The brakes mechanism of BOB Revolution SE blocks both of the wheels simultaneously.

On the other hand, it is still might be somewhat difficult to use this brake while you are running downhill with this stroller. I believe it would be more comfortable to use the brake if there were a handbrake. The only way you will be able to stop the stroller is to grab its safety strap while the stroller will be running away from you.

That is why I find this stroller not particularly suitable for hilly areas, although it is great for rough terrains.


The manufacturer has made one’s best to make the canopy really large so as it is capable of providing your baby with full protection against wind, rain and sun.

Actually, you can unfold or fold the canopy of BOB Revolution SE to one of five positions with 125° range giving your baby sufficient shielding.

The canopy of this model is also equipped into a peek-a-boo window which will allow you to keep an eye on your baby during a ride. The only thing I am not particularly happy about is the Velcro closure which can be somewhat noisy. I personally prefer magnetic closures more.


The handlebar of BOB Revolution SE is pretty convenient, however, you will not have an opportunity to change its position from the 40” above the ground. This can be a downfall if you are a particularly tall or short person.

The handlebar itself is covered with soft padding which makes it convenient and pleasant to hold. There is also a safety wrist strap on the handlebar, which I personally find a crucial item since it will help you to keep better control over the stroller.

Storage options

BOB Revolution SE has a variety of storage options which will let you keep lot of necessary things inside the stroller. The only thing you should pay your attention to is the fact that the maximum weight capacity of this stroller includes not only the capacity of the seat but also the capacity of its storage options.

The major space where you can keep large and heavy items in this stroller is undeniably its storage basket which is pretty large.

Inside the seat of this stroller, you will find two extra pockets which can be used for snacks and a sippy cup. On the back of the seat, there is a big pocket which is particularly convenient for keeping valuable items.

BOB Revolution SE – colour versions

Actually, there used to be several colour versions available for BOB Revolution SE, however, their variety is constantly changing and, for the time being, you can come across one major colour version which is Black.

In fact, this model is not entirely black, although the majority of the fabrics of the seat and the canopy are really black, the stroller also has grey elements. Furthermore, the frame of the stroller itself is grey.

This colour option is quite attractive, although somewhat simple, as BOB strollers are featured with an appealing sport design which looks even more stylish in this black version. Needless to say, black and grey colours are also highly practical, especially in the case of a jogger which can easily get dirty.

Accessories for BOB Revolution SE

You can get a variety of useful items for your BOB Revolution SE which are currently available on the market. Of course, it would be better if some of them were included into the price of the stroller, but you will have to pay for them separately.

I have already mentioned adapters for infant car seats. This accessory has different versions according to the model of an infant car seat you are going to use with BOB Revolution SE.

Extra storage space

BOB Revolution SE is compatible with BOB Single Snack Tray as well as BOB Stroller Handlebar Console. As you can imagine these are extra storage options which will help you to organise items in the stroller in a convenient way.

BOB Single Snack Tray will hold a sippy cup and provide your baby with a tray for snacks. The Handlebar Console has two cup or bottle holders and a pocket between there which can be closed, so as you will be able to keep your valuable possessions in a safe way. Note that BOB Stroller Handlebar Console is sold with a tire pump, so it is definitely a good idea to have one.

Protection for your baby

Certainly, the parents who are interested in buying a jogging stroller, a going to spend a lot of time outside with their babies, thus a sun shield and a rain cover are absolutely necessary pieces of equipment for them. BOB Sun Shield is great for protecting your baby not only from excessive sun, but also from annoying insects.

BOB Weather Shield for Single Revolution is an amazing rain cover of the highest quality which has a large window allowing your baby to observe the entire world and also allowing you to keep an eye on your child.

Advantages and disadvantages of BOB Revolution SE

BOB Revolution SE is definitely one of the best jogging strollers available on the market, however, it is not perfect for everyone. Check the following lists of pros and cons of this model to understand better whether it will be good for you.


  • a model designed specifically for jogging which can still be used as a travel system for a newborn baby, so you can make do with just this stroller;
  • extra large wheels of this model are making it particularly good for the usage on different types of terrains;
  • an advanced suspension system which can be adjusted to the weight of your child for better experience;
  • a particularly large canopy which is absolutely necessary for a jogging stroller;
  • a deep recline for a comfortable sleeping position;
  • a wrist wrap for additional safety;
  • a spacious storage basket as well as additional storage options.


  • lacks a handbrake which is useful for using a stroller in a hilly area;
  • somewhat uncomfortable folding mechanism which requires the use of the both hands and doesn’t locks the stroller automatically and doesn’t let the fold stands on its own;
  • a not adjustable handlebar.

BOB Revolution SE – my conclusions

There are no doubts that BOB Revolution SE is one of the best jogging models of strollers available on the market right now. This jogger is featured with the highest quality and will really provide you and your baby with a great experience during your walks.

One of the greatest advantage of this stroller is the design of its wheels and suspension system. There are three wheels which are air-filled and particularly large which is especially useful for using the stroller over absolutely different kinds of terrains. At the same time, BOB Revolution SE has a unique suspension system which allows you to adjust the suspension to the weight and age of your child which makes the stroller even more effective.

The stroller is also equipped into a generous canopy with a sun filter. The material of the canopy also makes it water resistant which will let you make do without a rain cover in some situations.

Certainly, you shouldn’t forget about the fact this stroller is convertible into a travel system. Although you shouldn’t use a travel system for jogging with a young baby even though it is based on a jogging stroller, it is still an amazing feature as it makes it possible to buy a single stroller and use it from the very birth of your child.

Just like any other stroller, BOB Revolution SE, has a couple of downfalls which you should take into consideration before deciding to purchase this model. I recommend you to pay your attention to the fact this stroller has a handlebar which cannot be adjusted so the best thing you can do is checking whether its height is good for you before purchasing this stroller. You should also bear in mind this stroller is somewhat bulky and it has a rather large fold which can’t stand on its own.

If the issues I have mentioned above do not seem serious to you, you will be able to enjoy all the pros of BOB Revolution SE which is undeniably a great jogger.

Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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