The best toddler carriers

Any parent knows how much babies love to stay close to their mothers and fathers and especially being carried. Although different children have different needs when it comes to the time spent in the arms of their parents, you will hardly find a baby who does not enjoy this time.

Thinking about baby carriers, many parents think about the models of carriers dedicated to newborn babies and infants. There is nothing strange in it since the youngest babies need being carried most of all. This is especially true with anxious or colicky babies who sometimes cannot be soothed while being outside the arms of their parents at all. Of course, every parent wants to comfort one’s child, however, it is impossible to go on like this during entire day even if you have many assistants doing other work at home for you. At this point, a baby carrier can be of a great help for you.

Still, baby carriers can be extremely useful for older children as well. If you have already got some experience with toddlers, you might have noticed they tend to have some phases in their lives when they want to be carried by their parents more than ever. Even if it is not a case with your child, there are plenty of situations in which having a carrier for an older child can be of great help. For example, shopping, travelling or time spent in the natural sights can be more enjoyable, if you can just put your baby in a baby carrier rather than keep him or her in your arms once the child gets tired. Needless to say, small children can get drained by going around pretty quickly.

Sometimes, you do not want to bring a stroller with you or may be you even do not have a stroller suitable for the age of your child and it is too late to buy one. A toddler carrier can be a useful accessory for any caregiver.

If you are looking for one for your baby, you are in the right place. I have collected the best models of toddler carriers in this shopping guide as well as some recommendations on purchasing a carrier in the first place.

The basic differences between baby carriers and toddler carriers

Despite the fact the models of carriers which can be used right form the birth up to the age of around three years are the most popular ones on the market as they allow parents to invest in a carrier just once, there are many more age-specific accessories. They can be divided into a group of baby carriers dedicated to smaller children and toddler carriers which are usually suitable even for carrying pre-schoolers.

Certainly, the major difference between these two categories of accessories and the most obvious one is their size. Still, it is not the only thing.

Infants and toddlers have different needs. While smaller babies want to be cradled, older children need more space for movement and they basically do not like being too restricted. That is why toddler carriers have to be more spacious which is not exclusively the result of a bigger size of toddlers.

Another particularly crucial difference between these types of carriers is support. Newborn babies and infants need more support than toddlers since their physical skills are not well-developed yet. At the same time, parents wearing a carrier with a toddler need more support than the parents carrying an infant. As toddlers are a way heavier than small babies, parents can become tired more easily and all poorly designed straps and belts can cause skin damage and real pain in joints. For that reason, all the top manufacturers of baby accessories are producing their toddler carriers with extra support.

Types of toddler carriers available on the market

First of all, let’s look at the types of carriers designed for toddlers which can be found on the modern market.

Generally speaking, the basic types of baby carriers you can find today are structured soft carriers, wrap carriers, ring sling carriers as well as babywearing T-shirts. The latter one has the smallest weight capacity as it is usually dedicated to the babies of a maximum age of three months while the models of this type with the maximum weight capacity can hold babies whose weight does not exceed 20 pounds.

The models of baby wraps and ring sling carriers with the highest weight capacity can be good for infants, however, they are not enough for toddlers. The greatest weight capacity of these types of baby carriers is usually not more than 35 pounds. Furthermore, your child even might not be willing to be carried in a wrap baby carrier as its design is rather restrictive when it comes to movements.

For that reason, the major type of baby carriers suitable for big kids is a soft baby carrier. Certainly, you should be aware of the fact there are hundreds of models available on the market and choosing the best one is a very personal issue. These carriers can differ a lot when it comes to their parameters so it is impossible to just claim one is the best model ever.

When it comes to choosing a toddler carrier, you should decide when you would like to start using it and when you are planning to stop doing it. This is crucial since you can find many models of baby carriers with a large weight capacity of 45 pounds which can be used from the very birth of your baby with or without an infant insert. At the same time, you might be willing to get a larger baby carrier, for example the one which will allow you to carry a baby weighing up to 60 pounds. Such models of baby carriers are usually not suitable for the smallest babies, so you should be prepared to this fact.

Pay your attention to the fact, it is possible to find great models of toddler carriers among hiking carriers, especially if you are looking for a model with an extended weight capacity. They are particularly preferable if you are really looking for a toddler carrier suitable for hiking. This is so since such carriers have a very specific design with extra support, storage options and, as a rule, a possibility of using such a carrier as seating unit during your picnics in the forest.

Yet, if you are looking for a simple toddler carrier for a daily usage, such advanced models are simply not needed as they are rather bulky and certainly more expensive than basic carriers.

The best toddler carriers which can be used from the birth of your child

Are you looking for a toddler carrier which can be used right from the very beginning? Fortunately, there are many such models available on the market. One of the major things you should take into consideration when it comes to such carriers is the fact they are mainly of a structured type. Moreover, as I have already mentioned it, a large number of such carriers should be used with an infant carrier at the beginning.

In case you are living in a place featured with hot summers, it will be a better idea for you to find a structured carrier which does not require using any infant inserts. Such models are not thus bulky as their alternatives with inserts and they are also less hot.

  1. GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons
GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All SeasonsTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A structured baby carrier suitable for babies right from the birth up to the preschool age65 lbsAn affordable baby carrier with a super large weight capacity, nine carry positions and extra lumbar support made of a soft mesh material for better breathability. There is also a special removable cover for sun protection as well as a convenient bag with zippered pockets handy for keeping small items at hand.

One of the most multifunctional baby carriers you might come across on the market today is GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons. As you are reading this article implies the maximum weight capacity for you is a paramount criterion for choosing a carrier, you will certainly like GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons which can be used with the children who weigh even 65 pounds! At the same time, unlike many toddler carriers, this model is actually suitable for newborn babies as well as its minimum weight requirement is only 8 pounds. As you can see the range of the age of your child this carrier is suitable for is gigantic. Yet, this is not the only positive feature of this carrier.

First of all, it offers nine different carrying positions! Of course, you should choose one according to the age of your baby since not all of them are recommended for newborn babies as well as infants. Yet, the variety of options is really impressive including such positions as a back carry position, a front looking out position, a front looking in position and even a horizontal position which is similar to a typical position in which your child will be if you want to carry him or her in your arms during a nap.

Secondly, this carrier has a special hip seat which can be adjusted to the exact position your child needs. You can change its angle from 0 degrees to 180 degrees easily. This is a more advanced element used for creating a perfect seating position of an ergonomic M-shape which doesn’t interfere with the development of the hips of your baby.

As the name of GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons it is a model suitable for all seasons. Actually, it is made of a special 3D mesh material featured with extra breathability which is very much needed during hot days. There are extra pieces of fabric included into the set which can be used according to the season. On top of that, GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons even has its own removable UV protection.

What I really like about this carrier is the fact it was designed for the comfort of a wearer as well. there are several features about this carrier you will certainly like.

For instance, this model is extremely ergonomic for parents as it has an extended lumber support which can save wearers with backpain. The distribution of weight as well as extra support makes this carrier perfect for mother after a C-section too.

Moreover, you will certainly like the rich padding and soft material which is extremely crucial for any carrier let alone the one used with big kids. There is also a small storage bag available in this carrier which will be of a great use for carrying small items within easy reach.

Fortunately, you will not have any difficulties with clean9ing this accessory either.

Do not forget about the fact GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons is a highly affordable product with a price below 45 USD. There are so many features to enjoy in this product which are not available even in some more expensive toddler carriers.

The most popular colour version of GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons is a practical light-grey colour which will suit any baby and any parent and will not get dirty too fast. Some mesh elements of this carrier are also white which adds a beautiful accent to the design of this accessory.

The most important features of GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons?

GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons is an amazing product available for a very modest price, however, purchasing a carrier is very individual issue and you should check all of the features of this product thoroughly before making your final decision.


  • an affordable price;
  • nine carry positions all of which are ergonomic and safe for babies;
  • a large weight capacity;
  • suitable from the birth;
  • an adjustable hip seat;
  • removable fabric elements for adjusting the carrier to the weather including a sun protection cover;
  • made of a breathable mesh material;
  • well-padded stripes and belts;
  • enlarged lumber area support;
  • a bag with a zipper.


  • some parents find the design of this carrier a bit too complex;
  • some parents preferred using this carrier without a hip seat.

Do you need GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons?

Providing your budget is rather limited but you still want to find a safe and convenient carrier which can be used with large kids, GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons is one of the best options for you. It is especially recommended to the parents who would like to use this carrier right after the birth of their children. The maximum weight capacity of this model is really impressive as it is 65 pounds.

The number of possible carry positions, an adjustable hip seat, a generous padding, a breathable mesh material as well as extra lumbar support are some of the great features you will be able to enjoy while using GROWNY Ergonomic Baby Carrier All Seasons. Do not forget this model was designed for using during all seasons, so it has extra fabric elements for adjusting the carrier better to the temperature of the surroundings and provide UV protection.

2. Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier

Ergobaby Adapt Baby CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A structured baby/toddler carrier suitable for babies right after the birth up to the toddlerhood45 lbsA top carrier suitable for at least the first three years of the life of your baby or even longer depending on his or her weight. The carrier is regarded as a hip-healthy product by a specialised international institution and is also perfect for parents with lower back issues. It can be easily adjusted to parents wearing different sizes of clothes.

As I have already mentioned, the choice of carriers suitable for babies right from the birth and up to the age of a preschooler are rather rare and it is rather difficult to find models with a satisfying quality among them. Actually, many experts recommend using a baby carrier which will be suitable from the birth up to the toddlerhood or the one which can be used with infants up to the pre-school age if you want to get a product suitable for toddlers. When it comes to the first category of carriers, Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier is regarded to be one of the leading products on the current market even though it is relatively new and not particularly cheap.

With its weight capacity of 45 pounds, this soft structured carrier can be used right from the birth without nay infant insert which is a great feature unavailable in the majority of baby carriers of this type. This means the carrier is not thus bulky and prone to overheating your baby. In case you are particularly concerned about the possibility of making your child rather hot during summer days, you can also purchase an Ergobaby Adapt Baby Cool Air Mesh Carrier. This particular version of the carrier was designed specifically for improving the air-flow so as it can be used even in rather hot locations. The rest of the carrier is made of natural cotton which is also a good choice for such a kind of a product.

Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier offers three carry positions all of which are ergonomic as they keep the legs of your baby in the most natural frog position. Of course, not all of them will be suitable for your baby right after the birth, however, toddlers can be carried in all of them including a backpack position. You should also be aware of the fact Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier is officially regarded as a hip-healthy product by The International Hip Dysplasia Institute. Although this is more relevant for infants, you should also pay attention to such features especially if you are willing to purchase a carrier with a perspective of using it with older babies in the future when the needs of your child will be changing.

The parents using Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier will be able to adjust the size of this carrier exactly to the size of their bodies. The parents using this carrier can count of a great support for the lower back area which is particularly essential for the wearers carrying heavy toddlers. Actually, Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier is one of the models of carriers recommended to parents with lower back issues. In addition to it, you will be able to choose whether you want to wear the straps of this carrier straight or crossed. By the way, the straps in this model are particularly well-padded and are very soft which is extremely crucial once you will be carrying a large baby either in a front position or a back position.

Note that this baby carrier can be machine-washed and dried automatically. Yet, the colour versions of this carrier are pretty practical and not prone to getting dirty easily no matter whether you will pick a dark-coloured model such as Onyx Black or a light-coloured option such as Pearl Grey. Pay your attention to the fact the prices for different colour versions of this carrier can differ.

Pay your attention to the fact there are no pockets or other storage options in Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier which could have been pretty useful. Still, it is definitely not the most important element in a toddler carrier.

The most important features of Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier

Let’s look at all of the major properties and functions of Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier. The minimum price for some colour versions of this carrier is around 110 USD which makes this product quite pricey while some of the variations cost even around 140 USD. For that reason, you should think carefully about the perspective of getting this carrier for your child.


  • can be used right from the birth and is suitable for toddlers;
  • you will not need any baby inserts for this model;
  • all of the three carry positions are absolutely ergonomic and safe and approved by The International Hip Dysplasia Institute;
  • can be adjusted to parents of different sizes;
  • the richly padded wide straps can be worn straight and crossed;
  • a large supportive belt;
  • made of pure cotton;
  • can be purchased in a version made of a special mesh material for improved air-circulation.


  • pricey;
  • has no pockets.

Do you need Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier?

As far as you will see in my shopping guide, Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier is one of the least expensive carriers of the category of more exclusive carriers which can be used with toddlers while they are also suitable for newborns. It is expensive indeed, but there are many other models of a similar quality which cost a lot more.

Thus, if you are interested in getting a multifunctional carrier which will work for your baby right from the birth, Ergobaby Adapt Baby Carrier is a fantastic choi8ce as it is also extremely convenient and safe for parents. The only disadvantage which, albeit not a serious one, but is still unpleasant taking into consideration the price of this product is the lack of any storage options. Yet, this fact does not have any impact on the safety and convenience of you and your baby.

  1. LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier
LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A structured baby/toddler carrier suitable for newborns as well as toddlers45 lbsOne of the greatest models of carriers for toddlers as it provides wearers with advanced low back area support due to an especially large waist belt with rich padding and an exclusive pillow. The carrier is made of especially breathable material perfect for hot summers. For your convenience, there is pocket with a zipper.


Another top carrier which can be used not only with toddlers but also with newborn babies is LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier. Its price is comparable to the Ergobaby Adapt carriers as it is around 120 USD which is certainly quite a lot. Yet, the parents who have had at least a chance of checking this product in the reality will tell you no cheap carriers will ever give you the softest delicate touch of the materials used in the best carriers of the higher price category. If this is exactly what you are looking for, LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier can be a great choice for you since it is also known for its particular versatility and functionality.

Just like the Ergobaby Adapt, LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Carrier can be used as a toddler carrier up to the moment he or she reaches the weight of 45 pounds. At the same time the minimum weight requirement for this model is only 7 pounds. For the babies of this age range, the carrier offers six different positions. As a parent of a toddler, you will not be able to use all of them. A foetal forward position which is the most cuddling one providing the least amount of space for movement and it is suitable only for newborns. Another position, which a toddler cannot use is an infant forward position which is quite similar to the previous one with the difference of the arms and legs position which are located outside of the carrier in this case. Toddlers can use a similar position appropriate for their age which is actually suitable for children starting from six months. It is called a toddler inward position respectively by the manufacturer.

There is also one more position offered by LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier which should not be used with babies older than 18 months. It is called an Ergonomic Outward position in the instruction. With your toddler, you will be able to use a Hip carry position as well as a Back carry position apart from a Toddler Inward one.

If you choose a carry position appropriately for the age of your child, it will be absolutely safe since all of them are ergonomic.

LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby is ergonomic for parents as well. With this carrier, you will be able to feel a great relief while transporting a heavy toddler due to its rich padding and a large waist belt. The straps in this model can be easily adjusted to your size. For extra comfort during breasfeeding, the manufacturer added special buckles to this model.

As you can guess from the name of this carrier, LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby is made of a special material based on 3D mesh. This is great for hot summer days. Not only does the technology used in this carrier protect you from overheating, but it also has a special system for reducing moisture, so that you and your baby will not be all covered with sweat while using this carrier.

Fortunately, you will be able to keep LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby clean all the time since it can be washed and dried automatically. For your convenience, the designers of the brand also added a pocket with a zipper which will allow you to carry some small possessions.

A choice of colour versions of this carrier is somewhat limited although it will not influence the performance of the carrier in any way. So far, you can choose from such models as Black, Charcoal with Silver, Charcoal and Mist.

The most important features of LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby Carrier

As I have already mentioned, the price of this carrier is around 120 USD. Below, you will find the description of the features and functions you can get for such a price.


  • a large weight capacity while the carrier itself is suitable right from the birth;
  • no need to use any infant insert for carrying the smallest babies;
  • six various ergonomic carry positions;
  • two ways of wearing well-padded straps: a straight one and a crossed one;
  • the straps can be adjusted to different sizes easily;
  • buckles with a special design for making breastfeeding easier;
  • a specifically designed 3D mesh material for advanced air circulation;
  • a large generously padded waist belt;
  • an extra pillow for lumbar support;
  • a zippered pocket;
  • machine-washable;
  • can be dried automatically.


  • expensive;
  • a small choice of colour versions.

Do you need LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby?

As for me, LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby is really one of the best carriers for both infants and toddlers. As a person looking for a carrier for toddlers, you should pay you attention to this accessory for many reasons and its comfort is the major one.

While the majority of the top carriers of the higher price category will provide you with a large supportive waist belt, this one goes beyond a simple belt. The manufacturer has added a specially designed pillow for extra lumbar support which will be perfect not just for carrying heavy toddlers but also for carrying such heavy toddlers when you already have some back problems. When it comes to this point, LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow Six-Position Baby is probably the best product on the market.

At the same time, it has six different carry options for children of different age, an extra breathable material as well as a convenient pocket with a zipper.

4. Baby Tula Explore Carrier

Baby Tula Explore CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A structured baby/toddler carrier suitable for newborn babies up to the toddlerhood45 lbsA carrier suitable for newborns, infants and toddlers which is available in three different versions including a cotton one, a cotton one with a large mesh panel and a linen one. Dozens of beautiful patterns and styles will allow you to use this carrier even as a fashionable accessory. The carrier is absolutely safe and ergonomic both for parents and their children and offer three carry positions.

Both Ergobaby Adapt and LÍLLÉbaby Complete Airflow carriers are great options for parents who need a carrier suitable for their babies right from the start up to the toddlerhood. Both of these carriers are of the highest quality and are pretty expensive. Yet, there is one more crucial feature which is present in both of them which is a rather modest variety of colour options. Of course, on the one hand, there are many more essential features to take into consideration while choosing a carrier than its fashion. On the other hand, a carrier is not even a stroller as this accessory will be worn by you. Thus, there is nothing wrong in wishing this item to be fashionable, especially, since you are going to use it for a couple of years.

In case you are willing to get all of the great features of the previously described models (except for a unique pillow for the lumbar back area support) offered with a sophisticated style, you should pay your attention to the legendary Baby Tula Explore Carriers which are well-known for their amazing patterns and colours.

In point of fact, there are three versions of this carrier when it comes to the material it is made of. An original model is made of pure cotton. Baby Tula Explore Carriers made of cotton are available in tens of fashion styles. You can find here absolutely anything starting from the model with a pattern of the views of the outer space up to the geometric patterns, flowers and even swans. French Marigold, Totally Rad!, Tempo, Rosy Posy and Pride and Joy are just some of the examples.

It might be better to purchase Baby Tula Explore Carrier of the Coast collection for hot summer days. These carriers are also made of cotton, however, they have a large mesh panel which will help your baby to feel cool when the weather is really hot. Actually, this is a different approach to the models designed for hot weather than the ones used in the two previously described carriers of the high price group of accessories. As you have noticed, those ones are entirely made of a 3D mesh material whereas this one is using mesh panels in the otherwise cotton carrier. It depends on your personal preferences which one is more convenient for you.

Pay your to another series of Baby Tula Explore Carrier models which are made of linen. They are featured with delicate light colours such as beige, cream, blue and grey with the model names Mesa, Sand, Rain and Ash respectively.

As you can see, the variety of styles and materials is really large so you will be able to choose the one which really goes along with your preferences. And you certainly should do it, since you will be able to use this carrier right after the birth of your baby up to the toddlerhood. The positions for carrying a toddler offered by this accessory include both a front option and a back one. All of these positions are ergonomic and approved by The International Hip Dysplasia Institution as healthy for hips of small children.

The carrier is safe and convenient for parents with its rich padding and wide stripes which can be customized according to the size of your body. This is especially convenient if you need to swap the carrier with another adult.

The manufacturer also added a removable hood which will give you and your baby privacy during breastfeeding or while the baby will be having a nap.

The most important features of Baby Tula Explore Carrier

Baby Tula Explore Carrier is a beautiful carrier which is also rather expensive. In point of fact, it is the most expensive model of all the ones I have described so far. Its basic price is around 180 USD, however, depending on the colour version, you might have a chance to purchase this carriers for a smaller price. Some models are available with a discount of only 10 USD, whereas others can be cheaper even by 50 USD. Still, even for such a price, Baby Tula Explore Carrier is pretty expensive, so you definitely should check its features before making your final decision about purchase.


  • suitable for the children with the weight between 7 pounds and 45 pounds;
  • available in three versions when it comes to the material, including a standard cotton one, a cotton one with a large mesh panel for extra breathability known as a Coast model as well as a linen one;
  • tens of patterns and colour versions some of which can be a way more cheaper than others;
  • provides a parent and a child with a removable hood for more privacy;
  • can be used with three ergonomic carry positions;
  • officially regarded to be as a hip-healthy product by The International Hip Dysplasia Institution;
  • can be easily cleaned;
  • has a small pocket;
  • has rich padding and wide straps comfortable for a wearer.


  • rather expensive;
  • no hip carry position.

Do you need Baby Tula Explore Carrier?

If you do not find the price of almost 180 USD for a carrier too high, you certainly should purchase it as it will not only provide you with the advantages of the top pricey carriers but will also give you a wonderful a chance to choose a style according to your own preferences. Furthermore, unlike all of the previously described carriers, this one is also available in a cotton version.

If you are ready to buy an expensive carrier for your toddler yet not thus expensive one as Baby Tula Explore Carrier, but you still want to benefit from its stylish colour versions, you can do it by monitoring the prices and picking a model of an old collection for a sufficiently smaller price wghich will be comparable to Ergobaby and LÍLLÉbaby products. This is also a sensible approach, however, if you really need extra support for your back, there is nothing better than the LÍLLÉbaby carrier.

5. Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs

Boba Baby Carrier 4GsTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A structured baby/toddler carrier suitable for babies right after the birth up to the toddlerhood45 lbsA soft structured baby carrier offered for a moderate price featured with extended functionality since it has three carry positions and can be used right from the birth up to the moment when your baby reaches the weight of 45 pounds. The carrier is one of the most spacious on the market so it can hold a really big toddler. For your convenience, the manufacturer added a storage pocket and made the carrier machine-washable.

At the very beginning of this list of the best toddler carriers, I have introduced the carrier offered by GROWNY which is featured by a very modest price. Fortunately, this is not the only toddler carrier of a high quality which will serve you and your baby for a couple of years. If you are looking for a carrier available for a reasonable price, pay your attention to Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs which is one of the favourite models of many parents.

Unlike the GROWNY carrier, this one is more age specific as its maximum weight capacity is 45 pounds. Yet, if your toddler is not an especially big one, this weight limit will be more than enough for your family. Still, you should be aware of the fact, many parents of big toddlers recommend exactly this model since the carrier is particularly spacious. As you know, this is really crucial since the mere weight limit does not tell exactly whether a carrier will be suitable for your child or not. Just like with strollers and infant car seats, a situation in which your child can still grow when it comes to the weight limit, however, there is already no space for him or her in the carrier as it is rather small. When it comes to this aspect, Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs is regarded as one of the most spacious models of this type. The minimum weight requirement for using this carrier is a weight of 7 pounds.

The price of Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs is around 100 USD which is more than the price of the GROWNY carrier, however, it is less than the price of the rest of the carriers mentioned on this list. One of the major features of this carrier which makes it cheaper than other model of the top category is the fact it requires the usage of a baby insert in order to make it possible to use it from the very beginning. Actually, if you are not living in some location with particularly hot summers, this issue might not be a great problem for you. Furthermore, it does not mean that you will need the insert for a rather long time. Once your baby reaches the weight of 15 pounds, you will be able  to stop using this additional accessory.

Right from the birth of your child, you will need to snap the ends of the insert forming it as a ball. It should be used in such a way with the babies whose weight hasn’t reached 10 pounds. Afterwards, you should open the insert and, as I have just mentioned, switch to a regular mode of the carrier, when your baby gains the weight of 15 pounds.

Just like more expensive carriers, Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs will provide your baby with three carry positions, all of which are highly ergonomic as they are based on the natural M-shape of the child’s legs. Thus, you can rest assure your child is completely safe while using this carrier.

Even though Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs is a way cheaper than a fashionable Tula carrier, it is still available in a beautiful collection of patters and styles. Moreover, these styles have been developed by designers and artists who also happen to be mothers. So far, the collection of Boba carriers of this model includes the following variations: Midnight and Navy which are of a classic black and dark blue colour, Carrier Slate and Carrier Dusk which are of a dark graphite shade and a blend of grey and beige colours as well as Universe, Bear Club and Constellation which are amazing patterned carriers.

The most important features of Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs

Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs is a perfect choice for parents who want to use a carrier of the highest quality and do not overpay for it. In order to understand, what exactly you will get for the price of around 100 USD, look at this list of the most important features of Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs.


  • one of the cheapest carriers of the high-price category;
  • can be used right from birth;
  • a large weight limit;
  • the size is suitable for carrying large toddlers;
  • offers three carry positions;
  • all of the positions are completely safe for babies;
  • can be washed and dried automatically;
  • beautiful design and several colour versions;
  • has a storage pocket.


  • a baby insert is required until your baby reaches the weight of 15 pounds;
  • some parents find the padding in the lumbar area not sufficient.

Do you need Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs?

Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs is a fashionable and ergonomic career with a large weight capacity which can be used right from the birth of your child. Even though its price is quite moderate, it is still featured with a very attractive design and is offered in a variety of styles, so that you can choose the best one for yourself.

What possibly can stop you from purchasing this carrier is living in a place featured with rather hot summers since the use of a baby insert can raise the temperature inside the carrier. Furthermore, if you already have some lower back issues, you might wish to have more support for this area while Boba Baby Carrier 4Gs is not providing it. In such a case you should take into consideration other carriers from this list since you are going to use the carrier with a toddler so you should be aware such an experience might be even more draining for your back.

At the same time, do not forget this carrier is one of the most spacious models on the market, so it will be a great choice for you if you are a parent of a big toddler.

6. Boba X Baby Carrier

Boba X Baby CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A structured baby/toddler carrier suitable for babies right from the birth up to the toddlerhood45 lbsA state-of-the art carrier which can be adjusted to your baby and yourself without any difficulties. Almost any dimension of this carrier can be changed whether it is the width of the seat or the height of the body panel. You will be able to wear it regardless of your size as well. For your comfort, the manufacturer added two storage options as well as a strap holder for purse. The removable hood included into the set can be used as a head support.

Boba also has a different carrier suitable for toddlers in its offer which is featured by a higher price than the previous model on my list, however, this is the cost of many improvements and additional functions of this carrier. This model is advanced Boba X Baby Carrier which has a sophisticated design and exclusive features which are not available in other baby and toddler carriers.

The price of Boba X Baby Carrier is around 150-160 USD which depends on the colour version of this accessory. So far, the collection includes nine models with different styles and patterns, albeit all of  them are made of pure cotton. The examples of the models available for 150 USD are Black Beauty which has a classic black colour and Chambray which is made of a fabric with a beautiful colour gradient effect. Yucca, Denim Rain and Whale Rider are examples of more expensive models of Boba X Baby Carrier. Pay your attention to the discounts available for particular models which will give you an opportunity to purchase them for an even 30 USD smaller price.

The sophisticated fashion style of Boba X Baby Carrier is not its major advantage though.

First of all, Boba X Baby Carrier is suitable for babies right from the birth as its minimum weight requirement is only 7 pounds. At the same time, unlike the previous Boba model, this carrier does not require any baby insert! Furthermore, this carrier was created in such a way as to make it especially easily adjustable for parents and children of different height and weight. For instance, it is possible to set the width of the carrier between 8 and 21 inches! Another element which will help you to adjust Boba X Baby Carrier exactly to the needs of your child is a customisable body panel which can be set to a level between 12 and 16 inches. For toddlers, the manufacturer has added so-called “wings” which will be very helpful for extending the carry position making it more spacious. With Boba X Baby Carrier you can even change space between you and your baby which is particularly useful with newborns which want to be as close to their parents as possible.

All of the carry positions of this carrier are absolutely safe for your baby whereas the carrier itself is regarded officially as a hip-healthy product by The *International Dysplasia Institute.

Boba X Baby Carrier is also a way more convenient than The Boba 4Gs carrier. This accessory has specially designed contoured straps for shoulders using Perfect Fit Adjusters allowing to shorten them or lengthening particularly easily. Due to this feature, you can make the carrier suitable for both petite parents and plus-size parents. These straps can also be worn crossed if you find it more suitable for you. In addition to it, the manufacturer has made the chest strap of this model particularly elastic and easily adjustable to your body as well. The padding of the straps and belt is really generoud in this Boba carrier.

For more comfort, the carrier has a removable hood which can be detached and hidden in a special zippered pocket. The hood also has a function of extra neck support. Boba X Baby Carrier also has a zippered pocket which can be used for carrying your phone and other small essentials. You will find it on the belt of the carrier. Pay your attention to a special strap holder for a purse which can be very handy as well.

All of the variations of Boba X Baby Carrier are machine-washable and can be dried automatically which is undeniably crucial for maintaining this accessory in a good condition.

The most important features of Boba X Baby Carrier

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Boba X Baby Carrier is an expensive carrier for babies and toddlers, yet, its functionality goes far beyond the functionality of some other pricey carriers such as, for instance, Baby Tula Explore. Here, you will find all of the major points about this carrier.


  • can be used right from the birth without a baby insert;
  • has a large weight capacity;
  • the width of the seat is adjustable;
  • the body panel is adjustable;
  • the space between the baby and the wearer can be adjusted;
  • easily adjustable straps which make this product suitable even for very petite or plus-size users;
  • generous padding of the straps and waist belt;
  • straps can be worn in a crossed position;
  • two storage options;
  • a strap holder for a purse;
  • a removable hood which can be used as head support;
  • amazing colour versions;
  • made of pure cotton;
  • machine-washable;
  • can be dried automatically.


  • rather expensive;
  • no mesh version.

Do you need Boba X Baby Carrier?

To be honest, Boba X Baby Carrier is one of the most noteworthy models of carriers designed for children right from the birth up to the toddlerhood. If you have read this short review attentively, you have noticed a lot of features which are unavailable in any other carrier no matter how expensive it is. Generally speaking, Boba X Baby Carrier is the most versatile and customisable career you can find out there, however, it is also the most expensive one as well.

If only the price of 160 USD is not an obstacle for you, I will definitely recommend this career to you. Unlike the Ergobaby careers which are basically based on the same design with new models being upgraded versions of the previous ones, Boba X Baby Carrier differs from the 4Gs model dramatically. The entire technology used for creating this carrier is totally different and it makes it extremely flexible.

The only situation in which this carrier might not be enough is in the case of families living in the locations with hot weather as Boba X Baby Carrier is made of pure cotton without any mesh panels.

7. Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier

Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier Baby Hip CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A structured baby/toddler carrier with an adjustable an dremovable hip seat suitable for babies right from the birth up to the toddlerhood66 lbsA very budget-friendly carrier which offers a variety of useful functions for babies starting from the birth up to the moment they reach the weight of 66 pounds. The carrier can hold pretty big kids due to its removable body panel useful for adjusting the height. Includes safety buckles for your baby, a hood for protection against weather as well as a handy pocket for your essentials.

If you are willing to find some particularly inexpensive carrier which is designed for children starting from their birth up to the preschool age, I have an option for you which is even cheaper than The GROWNY carrier described at the beginning of this list of the best carriers. This accessory is Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier or, speaking precisely, Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier Baby Hip Carrier since it has three functions including a hip carrier. The Unichart carrier can be purchased for as small amount of money as mere 29 USD and it can be used right from the birth of your baby without any minimum weight requirements up to the moment when he or she reaches the weight of 66 pounds. As you can imagine, this product is really multifunctional.

Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier is made of natural cotton, albeit some of its elements are made of polyester and have a special silicone surface. For instance, the hip seat has such a design as the manufacturer wanted to protect your baby against slipping which is particularly crucial if you are going to use the carrier as a hip seat.

All in all, the carrier offers twelve carry options, however, you should be aware of the fact some of them are based on the use of a hip seat separated from the carrier itself. Actually, such an element as a hip seat is really a useful accessory since babies are supposed to be carried in a frog position regardless whether you are using a carrier or not. Yet, for some parents, especially inexperienced parents, it might be bit complicated. A hip carrier will keep an appropriate posture for your baby itself. As I have already mentioned, this seat is covered with an ant slippery material. In addition to it, you can set it to different angles adjusting to the needs of your baby. The levels available start from 5 degrees up to 35 degrees.

Pay your attention to the buckles which the manufacturer added to this model for increasing the safety of your child. On top of that, there is also a special hood for protection against wind and sun rays.

Apart from traditional front carry positions facing inward and outward as well as a back carry position, Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier will provide you with an opportunity of carrying your child in a horizontal lying position.

Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier is also equipped into a removable hood. Furthermore, you can also remove the body panel which will let you use this carrier with higher babies. This is definitely a great feature since there is nothing more frustrating than having an accessory suitable to the weight of your child which is actually too small when it comes to the dimensions.

As a parent, you will certainly enjoy the wide straps of this carrier and a large waist belt which will help you to get optimum weight distribution and reduce any possible strain.

Even though Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier is thus cheap, you can choose your model out of several options which are actually very attractive. Except for the Black model, all of the versions of this carrier are made of fabrics in very delicate light shades. Even though their names such as Green or Pink can give you an impression of more intensive colours, they are very much blended with a white colour making them particularly suitable for babies. Two other models are Grey and Light Grey, however Grey itself is pretty light.

The most important features of Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier

As you can see, Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier is one of the rare products featured with a particularly small price and large functionality. Of course, some parents might notice the difference in the quality of materials or design comparing it to the top-notch products offered by Boba, Tula or other manufacturers mentioned in this article, however, many parents who really wanted to save some money on a purchase of a carrier found this accessory a great investment. Here you can find the exact features of Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier.


  • a very small price;
  • can be used as a carrier or a separate hip seat;
  • suitable for very small newborn babies as well as pretty big toddlers or even children of a preschool age;
  • all in all, there are twelve carry positions;
  • a hip seat allow you to adjust the angle;
  • the surface of the hip seat will protect your child against slipping;
  • a body panel can be removed for adjusting the carrier to particularly high children;
  • safety buckles for your child;
  • made of breathable cotton;
  • a hood for protection against weather conditions;
  • wide well-padded straps and a waist belt;
  • a handy pocket for small essentials;
  • available in several beautiful colour versions.


  • some parents found the design of this carrier too complicated and requiring more time for adjusting a baby and taking him or her out of the carrier;
  • some parents wish the quality of the material were better.

Do you need Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier?

If you are looking for a multifunctional carrier for your child which can be used for a long time especially during toddlerhood due to its high weight limit and, at the same time, you really want to pay for your purchase as little as possible, Unichart 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier can be a good option for you. This carrier is definitely cheap and you will pay several times lees for it than in the case of some of the carriers mentioned in my shopping guide.

Generally, this carrier is highly praised by customers who like its functionality and price. Yet, as with any products, and especially very cheap ones, some parents are less lucky and their carriers turn out to be somewhat disappointing as it turned out that this model really needs some skills in order to be adjusted to you and your baby. Thus, even though many of its dimensions can be changed according to your needs and the needs of your baby, this can’t be done thus smoothly and easily so this carrier might not be a good choice for parents who wish to swap it with another wearer on a regular basis. Yet, if you have enough patience for practicing putting it on and taking it off, you can give this carrier a try!

The best toddler carriers for bigger kids

There are also some special models of carriers which are dedicated exactly to big kids. As a rule, they cannot be used with newborns as they are earmarked for a larger weight. At the same time, their weight capacity is greater than the capacity of the baby carriers which can be used since infancy to toddlerhood.

Some of these models can really hold quite heavy babies, so, depending on your needs, you have a chance of getting a model suitable for carrying even pre-schoolers. Unfortunately, the variety of such products is not particularly impressive, however, below you will find the top options under the category.

1. LÍLLÉbaby CarryOn Airflow 3-in-1 Ergonomic Toddler and Child Carrier

LÍLLÉbaby CarryOn Airflow 3-in-1 Ergonomic Toddler and Child CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A structured toddler carrier60 lbsA toddler carrier dedicated specifically to toddlers and pre-schoolers providing them with extra comfort with its breathable material and three ergonomic carrying positions as well as a removable hood. Two pockets, adjustable well-padded straps which can be worn in there different ways as well as extra lumbar support will make the carrying process even more convenient for parents.

When it comes to the quality of a carrier designed for toddlers, LÍLLÉbaby CarryOn Airflow 3-in-1 Ergonomic Toddler and Child Carrier is regarded to be one of the best models by the experts of baby accessories. Yet, the exceptional quality of this product comes with a rather high price which is around 150 USD. If this is not an obstacle for you, you might be interested in learning more about the sophisticated design of this toddler carrier.

LÍLLÉbaby CarryOn Airflow 3-in-1 Ergonomic Toddler and Child Carrier is exactly a toddler carrier which means it cannot be used with infants even with an insert. The minimum requirement for using this product is the weight of 20 pounds. The maximum weight it can hold is 60 pounds. For some parents this can be an issue especially if they are ready to pay thus much for a baby carrier under the condition it can be used right from the birth. Yet, many experts believe it is better to purchase accessories dedicated to more specific age groups as then they have a better design meeting the requirements and needs of particular age. If you also have such an approach to purchasing items for your baby or you have just found out a carrier is needed however your baby is already not an infant, LÍLLÉbaby CarryOn Airflow 3-in-1 Ergonomic Toddler and Child Carrier will be a great option for you.

This toddler carrier is featured by a spacious carry unit which has lots of room for a growing child who might not be willing to sit still. The carrier also has special side panels which can be adjusted to the width of the hips of your child. You can simply widen or narrow them depending on the needs of your child.

There are three carry positions offered by this carrier all of which will be suitable for your child since the carrier is designed for older babies. These are classic front carry, back carry and hip carry positions all of which are regarded natural and ergonomic and completely safe for the development of hips of your baby.

LÍLLÉbaby CarryOn Airflow 3-in-1 Ergonomic Toddler and Child Carrier is a model made of breathable mesh, however, you might also find a version known as All Seasons. This one has a special panel for temperature control made of cotton. Once it is zipped up, your baby will feel warmer. Yet, during hot days, you can unzip it for a cooling effect. Underneath, the carrier is made of a mesh material.

For the comfort of a wearer, the manufacturer has added two handy pockets which will allow you to get out with your child with your hands completely free of any luggage. There is also advanced lumbar support perfect for parents with back issues as well as for any other parents since carrying big kids requires a lot of strength. In addition to it, there is also a removable hood which is a great accessory for nursing your baby or letting him or her to sleep in privacy.

In order to make the carrier more ergonomic, the manufacturer has also added well-padded straps which can be adjusted in three ways.

Certainly, you will like the fact this baby carrier can be washed and dried automatically. Although big babies tend to have better control, they can still be quite messy so you might need to clean a carrier on a regular basis.

As you can see, the price of 150 USD is not too high for such a multifunctional accessory!

The most important features of LÍLLÉbaby CarryOn Airflow 3-in-1 Ergonomic Toddler and Child Carrier

CarryOn is one of the best models of toddler carriers available on the current market. Still, this carrier is pretty expensive that is why you should check all of its crucial properties before purchasing it.


  • offers three safe and comfortable carry positions;
  • suitable for really big kids;
  • available in two versions, the first one is designed for hot climate and the second one can be adjusted to different weather conditions;
  • generous padding;
  • extra lumbar support;
  • straps can be worn in three ways;
  • two handy pockets;
  • a removable hood;
  • machine-washable;
  • can be dried automatically;
  • the size of the carrier can be easily adjusted to your baby.


  • expensive;
  • cannot be used with newborns.

Do you need LÍLLÉbaby CarryOn Airflow 3-in-1 Ergonomic Toddler and Child Carrier?

Providing you are looking for an age-specific product and you are not particularly concerned about the price of a carrier, LÍLLÉbaby CarryOn Airflow 3-in-1 Ergonomic Toddler and Child Carrier will be an amazing choice for you.

Choose an appropriate version of this carrier according to the weather conditions of the place you are living in and enjoy safety and comfort while carrying your baby in one of three ergonomic positions. Use a removable hood for nursing or giving your baby privacy during napping. Adjust this carrier to your body with its well-padded straps which can be worn in three different ways. A large lumbar support will help you to feel back relief while carrying even the biggest baby. Rest assure LÍLLÉbaby CarryOn Airflow 3-in-1 Ergonomic Toddler and Child Carrier is suitable for carrying even the pre-schoolers.

2. Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler Carrier

Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A structured toddler carrier60 lbsA toddler carrier available in a variety of amazing stylish colour versions which can be used even with pre-schoolers. This carrier offers two carry positions with the most ergonomic posture for your baby. It is possible to choose an all-season version or the one designed specifically for hot weather. Both versions are machine-washable and can be dried automatically.

Baby Tula is widely known as one of the top manufacturers of carriers for babies of different ages. The accessories of this brand are of the highest quality and are featured but beautiful modern styles of appearance. Yet, the major disadvantage of them is the fact they are rather expensive. If it is not a big deal for you, you can pay attention to Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler Carrier which is one of the most favourite models of toddler carriers of the families living in locations featured with hot summers.

First of all, you should know the age range this carrier is dedicated to. It is quite similar to the CarryOn model described above with a small difference of the minimum weight requirement which is 25 pounds. The maximum capacity is the same being equal to 60 pounds. When it comes to the age, such a weight range is related to the babies starting from two years up to six years.

This toddler carrier will provide your baby exclusively with ergonomic carry positions, however, you should note there are only two of them unlike in the CarryOn carrier. Actually, you will not be able to carry your child forward-facing. This can be a problem for some babies for example, for particularly anxious ones who really need to have the closest possible contact with their parent most of the time. Yet, for the majority of children it is not thus crucial since they prefer a position which will make it possible for them to observe the world.

No matter which position you are going to choose, it will keep the legs of your baby in the most natural and safest M-position which is regarded as a hip-healthy one.

Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler Carrier is a version of the Tula Toddler Carrier designed specifically for the use in locations with hot weather. This model has an exclusive structure with a frame made of pure cotton and a large ventilating panel made of a mesh material. Needless to say, it is a great option for4 increased air circulation. Bear in mind that the Tula’s offer also includes a standard model without a mesh panel which can be used in the locations with colder weather.

In order to provide the wearer with particular comfort, the manufacturer added shoulder straps with generous padding which can be easily adjusted to your body. This is crucial if you want to share this carrier with another person and will need to change the size of the straps regularly and quickly. This model is also featured by a particularly large belt which is great for lumbar supports as well as even weight distribution.

As I have already mentioned, Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler Carrier is a rather expensive carrier. In fact, it is even more expensive than the CarryOn model of a baby carrier. The average price of this product is around 170 USD, however, the price may vary according to a colour version, so you might have a chance of purchasing it cheaper.

In case you have already seen Tula’s accessories, you should know they are also extremely fashionable and the choice of colour versions is really impressive. Note the fact that even though the Coast Mesh version of the Tula Toddler Carrier is actually a variation of the original Tula carrier, the colour versions of them are different. For instance, so far, Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler Carrier is available in eight amazing colour versions including such models as Urbanista, Leopard, Fin-Flourescence, Rosy Posy and Jimi. You can choose either a monocoloured model or a model decorated with a sophisticated pattern.

The most important features of Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler Carrier

Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler Carrier is a pricey toddler carrier featured with the highest quality. Still, just like any accessory, it should satisfy your personal needs in the first place. Check this list of the most important features of this carrier in order to understand better whether it will be good for your family or not.


  • a large weight capacity;
  • the openings for legs have extra padding for skin protection;
  • generous padding in the straps;
  • straps are easily adjustable to the wearer;
  • extra large belt for back support and better weight distribution;
  • available in two versions, the current one has a mesh panel for better air circulation;
  • the carrier itself is made of pure cotton;
  • amazing appearance and wide choice of patterns;
  • ergonomic carry positions.


  • expensive;
  • has only two carry options.

Do you need Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler Carrier?

I will recommend Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler Carrier to any parents who are looking for a toddler carrier with a large weight capacity perfect for the use in locations with hot weather. Its mesh panel and natural cotton fabric will make both you and your baby feel cool during hot days.

This carrier is quite age specific and it has even a higher weight requirement than the CarryOn model described before. You should also consider it before choosing this carrier. Also, note this carrier offers only two carry positions. Since there is no forward carry position, you should think about the way your baby will feel in such a carrier especially whether he or she needs a close contact with you most of the time.

If this is not the case and you are not concerned about the high price of this carrier, feel free to pick one of the amazing colour versions of Baby Tula Coast Mesh Toddler Carrier. You can also pay your attention to the versions of this carrier without a mesh panel if you are living in the place with a moderate climate.

3. Beco Toddler Carrier

Beco Toddler CarrierTypeWeight capacityMain advantages
A structured toddler carrier60 lbsA toddler carrier of the highest quality which can be used for carrying rather heavy kids in there different ways. The carrier is extremely convenient for both a wearer and a baby since it has reach padding, a large belt, a head supporting element, a foldable hood and even two storage options including a removable clutch with a zipper. It can be purchased in a Mesh version as well.

There is one more great option for parents looking for a carrier for toddlers and pre-schoolers, albeit, it is also rather pricey. This model is Beco Toddler Carrier.

Just like the CarryOn toddler carrier, this one can be used with the babies whose weight is equal to at least 20 pounds. This is approximately the age of 18 months, however, it can differ depending on the height of your child. The maximum weight capacity of this accessory is 60 pounds. This means you can use this carrier with really big kids which makes it perfect for any situation in which you need your hands for carrying some objects while dealing with your child.

There are two versions of Beco Toddler Carrier offered by the manufacturer. The first one is a standard option made of cotton without any mesh panels. The second one has a cotton frame and a large panel made of a special 3D mesh material. This option is absolutely perfect for families living in the areas with hot weather. Certainly, if you are going to travel to one of such places with your baby and do not want to carry an entire stroller abroad, you can easily make do with Beco Toddler Carrier.

This toddler carrier has a very convenient design for both a parent and a child. Unlike in the Baby Tula toddler carrier, the Beco model offers three carry positions. You will be able to carry your child in the backpack mode as well as in the front mode. Furthermore, your baby can stay in this carrier while facing you or the world. All of these positions are completely safe for your child. No matter how you are going to carry him or her, the legs will be in the most ergonomic position which is a hip-healthy frog position.

Beco Toddler Carrier is featured with generous padding and soft material which make the carrying process enjoyable both for you and your child. There is a large waist belt in this model which is excellent for back support. The shoulder straps of this model can distribute the weight evenly on your body reducing any possible discomfort which can occur after a long period of carrying your child. The straps can be worn in two ways including a straight position as well as a crossed one. The webbing in this model of a toddler carrier can be adjusted easily and quickly. The manufacturer also added a sternum strap for extended comfort.

For the comfort of your child, the manufacturer also included a special sleeping hood which can be snapped on whenever your baby needs some privacy. You can use it conveniently while your child is sleeping as well as during nursing.

Other great features making this baby carrier easy-t-use are its storage options. Unlike all those carriers of the highest quality which unfortunately do not have storage options, this carrier has two options. The first one is a small pocket located on the waist belt. Another one is a zipper clutch which you can attach on the front part of the Beco carrier. Fortunately, you can also wash this accessory automatically and dry it automatically as well. This is very helpful for parents. Yet, the colour versions of these carriers are pretty practical as they will not get dirty too easily.

Actually, there are three options for choice offered by the manufacturer which are Dark Grey, Cool Navy and Metro Black. Note that the first two ones are the models with mesh panels.

The most important features of Beco Toddler Carrier

The average price for Beco Toddler Carrier is 160 USD which is quite a lot, however, similar to the two previously described toddler carriers. It is also possible to purchase such a carrier with a discount and sometimes these discounts can be quite large. Still, you should be aware of all of the major parameters of this carrier in order to make a right decision about your purchase.


  • a large weight capacity up to 60 pounds;
  • available in two versions including a mode completely made of natural cotton as well as a cotton model with a large panel made of a 3D mesh material;
  • three ergonomic carry positions;
  • generous padding;
  • straps can be worn crossed;
  • a large waist bend;
  • a foldable hood for your baby’s privacy;
  • machine-washable;
  • a convenient pocket on the waist belt;
  • a removable zipper clutch;
  • can be dried automatically.


  • rather expensive;
  • a small choice of colour versions.

Do you need Beco Toddler Carrier?

Needless to say, Beco Toddler Carrier is a rather expensive toddler carrier. On the one hand, it cannot be used right from the start with its minimum weight requirement of 20 pounds. On the other hand, it has a large weight capacity allowing you to carry a quite big kid which makes it a real toddler carrier suitable for being used for a couple of years.

For a quite large sum of money, you can get a really convenient and completely safe baby carrier with several storage options and a possibility of adjusting it to wearers with different sizes. According to the manufacturer, the range of sizes supported by this product starts from XS. The maximum one is XXL. It is also possible to purchase a version of this carrier with a large 3D mesh panel which has exactly the same price unless it is available with a discount.

As for me, the only unpleasant surprise regarding this product was a rather limited choice of colour versions. You will not find here those amazing designs featuring Tula carriers. Yet, if you have a more practical approach to your purchases, you will definitely be satisfied by Beco Toddler Carrier.

How to choose the best toddler carrier?

When we are speaking about a toddler carrier, we mean the carrier which will be used with bigger kids in the first place. Yet, if you have read my entire shopping guide or at least a part of it, you have definitely noticed the variety of products offered by manufacturers which includes less age specific products. Actually, it is easier to find carriers dedicated to babies or babies and infants only rather than carriers earmarked only for toddlers. Hence, you can see that the list of toddler carriers for bigger kids is pretty small comparing to the list of the carriers which can be used starting from the birth of a child.

As I always repeat, there is no single perfect accessory for everyone. It is the same with toddler carriers. There are so many variables some of which are more important for some parents whereas others do not find them thus crucial. The mere price category appropriate for each of us can differ a lot. That is why you cannot see one single recommendation for everyone in my articles.

Now, when you can at least imagine the offer of carriers suitable for toddlers, you can understand which models you can really get. These short shopping recommendations will help you to choose the best carrier for your toddler. Here you can find exact steps for setting the parameters of your ideal carrier.

Make up your mind about the exact age of a child you want your carrier to be suitable for

Start with the age of babies for whom a carrier was designed. If you are an expecting parent who is looking for a toddler carrier because you want your carrier to work with toddlers as well as with newborn babies, you should check the options which can be suitable for babies right from birth with a maximum weight capacity of at least 40 pounds. Yet, if you have already delivered your baby and can see she or he has a mass which is greater than an average one, you should choose a model with a larger weight capacity. There are no too many of them, but you can find the ones with weight capacity between 45 pounds and 66 pounds as well. The letter ones can also be used with pre-schoolers in case you want to invest in one single carrier for the entire period of life of your child during which the one can need your support.

It might also have happened that you are already a parent of a toddler and you can see the child either have a specific period in one’s life when he or she wants you to carry one or the child still needs your support especially during long-distance walks. At the same time, you might be planning to travel with your baby and wish to do it with a carrier rather than a bulky stroller which even cannot be used in some locations. In such a case, you should refer to the choice of carriers dedicated to toddlers and pre-schoolers, albeit they can be even used from infancy depending on the weight of your child as the minimum weight requirement in their case usually starts from 20 or 25 pounds.

The purpose of purchasing a toddler carrier

It is also crucial to decide why are do you need a toddler carrier in the first place. If you are looking for it as you want some support while dealing with your baby on your own while doing your daily tasks, you can purchase one of the models described in this article. At the same time, the easiness of readjusting the carrier to the wearer might not be thus crucial for you as you it is quite possible you are going to use it on your own.

If you are planning to share your carrier with someone else, you might appreciate the convenience of changing its size.

You might also need a toddler carrier for a more specific use such as hiking in the mountains. Although the carriers of the highest quality mentioned on my list can be of good use for you, you can find more multifunctional models among real hiking carriers. I have not included them on my list since they deserve a separate review and a dedicated shopping guide. Yet, you should keep in mind a possibility of getting a special hiking carrier for your toddler as well.

The season and weather

Even if you think you will be wearing a carrier just like a backpack or a bag so it is just an accessory, it is never like this for your baby whose greater part of the body will be inside a carrier. If the weather is pretty hot, he or she will get really sweaty and for younger babies it can even lead to a dangerous state of overheating. Of course, you yourself will get all sweaty feeling not only the high temperature of the surrounding but also the heat coming from your poor baby.

Fortunately, you can easily avoid it by getting a carrier dedicated to hot season which is usually either made entirely of a 3D mesh material or has large mesh panels. You can also pay your attention to the models made of natural linen. What you should really avoid is artificial material unless it is 3D mesh mentioned before.

A hood protecting against weather conditions can be also a great addition to a carrier.

The comfort and safety of your baby

The comfort and safety of the child depends on the design and material of the carrier. Needless to say, the comfort of your baby depends on the temperature inside the carrier as well as the temperature outside. Yet, this is not the only thing you should pay your attention to.

I have already mentioned a hood which sometimes added to a carrier by manufacturers. This one will not only protect your child against unpleasant weather conditions but also provide one with privacy during a nap or breastfeeding which is particularly necessary for younger babies.

The quality of the fabric should combine softness with durability. Of course, the carry position should keep the legs of your baby in the optimum M-shape which is the most ergonomic one especially if you are going to use the carrier with a newborn or an infant as well.

Be particularly careful while checking the opening of the carrier since some poorly designed models can squeeze the skin of your baby too much in these areas.

Remember, the carrier has to be absolutely convenient for your child no matter whether you are going to use just for a moment or for several hours in a row.

Your comfort and safety

You should never neglect your own safety and comfort and choosing a toddler carrier is not an exception. Even if you are not purchasing a carrier which will first be used with a newborn after you having a C-section and you are not suffering from any back pain, you should be aware of the fact carrying a toddler is a way more demanding than carrying a newborn or an infant especially if you are planning to do it during a prolonged time without any breaks. Be attentive to your own needs and choose a carrier adjustable exactly to your size.

It should also offer two ways of wearing straps. Of course, the padding of the carrier as well as its straps and a waist belt should be generous enough for your back and shoulders to feel even weight distribution and also not get your skin damaged.

Pay your attention to the models with extra lumbar area protection in case you are suffering from some back issues.

Be particularly careful while choosing a carrier when it comes to the size. Unfortunately, even though the majority of soft structured carriers are claimed to be suitable for all sizes, in the reality many parents experience problems with picking a right product especially if you are a very petite parent or a plus-size one. You should check the reviews of other parents especially when it comes to cheap carriers which tend to be either smaller or larger than it is declared by a manufacturer.

The easiness of using a product

Undeniably, you want your toddler carrier to be machine-washable with a possibility of drying it automatically. These features are very useful for any parents as they small children tend to be messy. Using a carrier during a summer will require washing more frequently.

It will also be useful for you to have at least one pocket in your toddler carrier. Sometimes you will go out just with this carrier without any other luggage so you will need some space to put your phone and keys.

Of course, the adjustability of the size as well as a hood which you can use while breastfeeding are extra elements for the usage of your carrier.

Do not forget about such a simple thing as putting your baby inside a carrier, taking him or her out and also putting it on yourself and taking it off. These things are obvious but some models will require more skills and time to do it and in some cases, it can be a real inconvenience for you.

These are some basic recommendations on choosing the best toddler carrier. I hope my shopping guide was useful for you and you were able to pick a model which will give you lots of joy during the moments you are going to spend together with your toddler!

Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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