Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller Review

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller
TypeAn affordable jogging stroller convertible into a travel system
Weight24.7 lbs
Dimensions while folded23″H x35″W x15″D
Maximum weight capacity35 lbs
Main advantagesA jogging stroller suitable for using on all type of terrains available for a very affordable price. The stroller can be used from the very birth of your child due to the fact it is a convertible one compatible with infant car seats of the most popular brands. Includes a variety of crucial safety features such as a wrist strap, reflective elements and a five-point harness. Equipped into three wheels with air-filled tires and suspension which are making the ride really smooth.

Jogging with your baby or strolling together off-road is a great way to spend time in an active way. Unfortunately, you will not be able to do it without a special jogging stroller which is not just a fancy accessory. A jogging stroller is an absolute must for any parent who is going to explore natural sights with bumpy surfaces with one’s baby since a little one has to be absolutely safe. Such safety can’t be provided by regular daily strollers which are lacking some crucial features.

Jogging strollers are designed specifically for travelling beyond smooth pavements of cities, yet, such design comes for a pretty high price. On the one hand, you definitely shouldn’t save money while purchasing a jogging stroller which will provide your baby with a safe ride. On the other hand, there are a couple of models on the market which will provide your child with a sufficient level of security and will not cost you millions. One of the best examples of this group of joggers is Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller. If you are interested in getting a product of a high quality for a moderate price, check my review which is filled with details about this model!


What is Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller?

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is a model of a stroller which can be used for jogging or walking off-road on all types of terrains in a safe way. Its weight is 24.7 lbs whereas the weight capacity is equal to 35 lbs. The weight capacity is not particularly large if you compare this model to other jogging strollers, however, for many parents it is enough for experiencing a couple of years of outdoors adventures with their children before they become too heavy for this stroller.

Even though this stroller is designed specifically for having an active time with your child, you should be aware of the fact it is not recommended to start jogging with your baby unless he or she is six months old. Actually, some doctors even recommend to refrain from such activities until the child reaches the age of eight months.

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is a convertible stroller which means you can easily use it with an infant car seat. This feature makes this stroller appropriate for newborn babies, although you should still be aware of the fact you can’t use the travel system based on Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller for jogging. It is safe for such an activity only in its original configuration and exclusively with elder children.

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller dimensions and fold

Like many other jogging strollers, Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is somewhat bulky and has a rather large fold. The initial dimensions of this stroller are 41.1″H x 44.9″W x 24.4″D. Folding the stroller will give you the following dimensions: 23″H x35″W x15″D.

The folding mechanism of this jogger is very simple. All you need to do is pulling grey latches which are located on each side of the stroller right under the handle bar. Lift the stroller and it will be folded. Although you need both hands for this task, it is really easy. There is nothing complicated in unfolding the stroller as well.

You will see that the fold of this stroller has a very peculiar shape which allows it to stand on its own in horizontal position. The child’s tray and handlebar are getting into a position giving the fold such a shape which prevents it from touching the ground. Thus, on the one hand the fold appears to be lying, it is actually standing on its own not touching the ground and thus not being able to get dirty or scratched by the surface.

If you want to reduce the size of the fold even more, you can easily remove its wheels which are quite large. this is absolutely typical for a jogging stroller though as it guarantees a smooth ride over different surfaces.

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller – the major components

Now, it’s time to check the most crucial components of Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller. I recommend you to pay particular attention to all the safety features mentioned in my review as well as the quality of the wheels and suspension which is a very serious issue when it comes to jogging strollers.

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller’s seating options

I have already mentioned the fact there are two seating options available to the children using Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller. The stroller is sold with its basic seat whereas parents can use their infant car seats for converting the stroller into a travel system. This is a great opportunity for saving your money since you will not need any additional stroller for your child.

Major seat

The major seat of Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is quite large and comfortable due to its soft padding. You can easily recline the backrest choosing a position which will be the most suitable one for your baby. The recline offers several levels with the lowest one flat enough for providing your child with a comfortable position for sleeping.

The seat is equipped into a five-point harness which will keep your baby safe during the ride. Your baby will enjoy the rid even more due to a child’s tray which is attached to the seat. Of course, you can use this tray for keeping all the yummy snacks for your child within reach. This tray can be easily swung away if you somehow find it difficult to put your baby into the stroller or take him or her out of the seat.

Travel system

As I have already mentioned, you can use Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller as a travel system after purchasing an adapter. You should check the type of an adapter you need since different models of infant car seats require different adapters.

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is compatible with a variety of popular infant car seats of the top brands. Here are some of the infant car seats you can use with the frame of Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller:

  • Graco SnugRide Click Connect – models 30, 35, 40;
  • Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seat;
  • Evenflo Embrace and Evenflo Nurture;
  • Chicco KeyFIt 30 Car Seat.

Note that a special adapter is also needed for the seats produced by Jeep. For this model of a stroller, you can get Jeep Brand Jogger Car Seat Adapter.

In order to use your stroller as a travel system, you will not have to remove a major seat. Both seats are attached to the frame at the same time so you will be able to use both of the canopies for providing your baby with better protection.


The canopy of this stroller is quite large providing sufficient shade, however, some of other joggers available on the market are offering larger canopies.

The canopy of Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is made of the material which is featured by UPF 50+. There is also an extendible sun visor in this stroller.

Wheels and suspension

Wheels are one of the most crucial parts of any stroller, let alone the one earmarked for the use on all the types of surfaces including the most demanding one such as sand, rock or snow.

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is using a three-wheel design which is popular among jogging stroller since it makes a stroller very solid and, at the same time, allows parents to manoeuvre it easily.

The front wheel of this model is 12” whereas the rear wheels are 16” each. The front wheel is equipped into a swivelling mechanism which is great for manoeuvring. For a more stable position, you should use a lock which will allow you to prevent the wheel from pivoting. I will recommend you to block the wheel once you are getting onto a more demanding surface such as snow or gravel.

The wheels of Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller are air-inflated which is actually a great thing even though such wheels demand regular maintenance.

The suspension built into the wheels of Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is also responsible for the smooth ride you will be able to enjoy with your child.

There is a convenient parking brake in this model, however, I personally believe a hand brake is also a necessary element of a jogging stroller since in some situations it proves to be safer for usage.

Storage options

As you have already understood from the information I mentioned above, Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller has a child’s tray which can be removed or swung if you experience any difficulties with getting your baby into the stroller. The tray is a perfect place for keeping the snacks within the reach of your child.

Parents will be able to use two bottle holders which are included into the price. The holders are located on each side of the handlebar. You can use one for your own bottle and another one for a cup of your baby.

Of course, there is also a large basket under the seat with sufficient space for your things as well as the things of your child.

Additional safety measures

The manufacturer has added a couple of extra elements which will provide your baby with extra protection. One of them is a wrist strap which is undeniably useful for jogging with your baby. Holding the strap in your hand will give you more control over the stroller. Still, you should be careful since falling down while keeping the stroller with a strap might make it fall as well.

Another great addition to Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller are reflective parts which are very much needed during adventures to the sights with not sufficient lightening around the roads.


As for me, the only real issue of concern in this stroller is its handlebar as it is covered with foam. Although such a material is very soft and pleasant to touch, it is also rather fragile and prone to damages. In addition to it, there is no possibility of changing the height of a handlebar which can be a serious issue for too short or too high parents.

The colour versions of Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller has a stylish sport appearance. The design is quite simple, yet, very attractive. You can choose from two colour versions which are Classic Red and Grey.

Actually, both of these models are black. Only some elements such as canopy are made of the material in a different colour. There is also a decorative line on the seat in the colour of the canopy. I personally love the red stroller a lot since the colour is rich and elegant.

Accessories for Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller

There is no large variety of accessories available for Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller. As I have already mentioned, for each type of an infant car seat compatible with this stroller, you can get a special adapter. Without this one, you will not be able to convert the stroller into a travel system.

You can also purchase additional handlebar cover grips if you want some extra protection for the cover of the handlebar.

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller – pros and cons

As you have possibly noticed from my review, Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is a great jogging stroller which is absolutely affordable. Yet, as its price is really lower than the prices of many other joggers, its functionality is somewhat reduced. I have created lists of advantages and disadvantages of this model so as you will be able to understand whether the characteristics of this product suit you.


  • a very affordable jogging stroller;
  • not as heavy as many other joggers;
  • convertible into a travel system and compatible with a variety of infant car seats of other manufacturers;
  • has all the necessary safety elements including a wrist strap, reflective parts, parking brake, a large canopy with sun ray filter as well as a five-point harness;
  • includes a variety of storage options such as two bottle holders, a child’s snack tray and a large basket;
  • the quality of wheels and suspension will provide your baby with a smooth and safe ride. A swivelling front wheel with a lock will let you adjust the stroller to a particular terrain;
  • self-standing fold;
  • stylish design.


  • a handlebar can’t be adjusted;
  • lacks a handbrake;
  • the weight capacity is somewhat too limited.

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller – my conclusions

Providing you are looking for an all-terrain or jogging stroller which can be used right from the birth, it might be difficult for you to find an option which combines high quality and an affordable price. Yet, Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is exactly such a stroller.

Actually, I can recommend Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller to any parent under the condition they feel comfortable with the exact height of this stroller. If this height is convenient, then I don’t see any reason not to get Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller which has all the functionality needed for a convenient ride far from a city.

Certainly, safety comes first, and that is what you can count on when it comes to Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller. Starting from the design of its wheels, brakes and suspension up to the harness, canopy with sun ray filter up to additional safety elements such as a wrist strap and reflective parts, Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is an absolutely safe transport for your child even on particularly bumpy terrains. The

Certainly, a variety of storage options is also a great feature of this stroller. I am really pleased to see a child’s tray as well as two cup holders included into the price of the stroller so as you will not to pay for them additionally.

Even though Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller doesn’t have thus extended functionality as the most expensive alternatives, this stroller is absolutely sufficient for the majority of parents. Thus, even if your budget is pretty tight, you can still enjoy jogging with your baby.

Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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