Mountain Buggy Nano Duo – a truly lightweight stroller for two babies

Mountain Buggy Nano Duo
TypeA lightweight double stroller convertible into a pram
Weight20 lbs
Dimensions while folded20″ x 28.7″ x 11″
Maximum weight capacity33 lbs for each seat
Main advantagesA truly lightweight double stroller which can be used as a pram if you need it for transporting babies below 6 month of age. Convenient and completely safe carrycots which are sold separately will help you to provide your children with the best seating options. the separate canopies, reclining mechanisms and calf rests of this stroller will make it easier for you to adjust the seats specifically for the needs of each of the children. The stroller is perfect for urban use.

If you are a parent of twins or of two small children with a little difference in age, you are especially aware of the importance of having a lightweight stroller which will allow you to navigate through the city without any difficulties. This is particularly crucial for the parents who tend to travel a lot and travel by plane.

No matter how lightweight a double model of a stroller is, it is still a way bulkier than the one designed for only one child. Yet, fortunately, there are a couple of really compact double strollers with small weight.  Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is exactly such a stroller. Its manufacturer has made one’s best to reduce the size and weight of this stroller while keeping its functionality on a satisfying level. As a result, parents can enjoy strolls and trips with two young kids at a time while not being bothered about a huge and heavy stroller.

Are you interested in learning more about the opportunities offered by this stroller? Then, let’s examine every bit of it together!


What Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is?

It is quite possible that you have already come around the Mountain Buggy Nano stroller which is one of the top lightweight strollers widely known for its small size and the fact it is suitable for carrying newborn babies. Of course. many parents are interested in getting a stroller which will be suitable for the use from the very first day of life of their children and yet, will not be thus heavy as typical prams or 2-in-one strollers.

Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is a double version of this popular umbrella model. As you can guess, it was designed for carrying two children and, since its seat are identical, it can be used for twins. Yet, you can also purchase this stroller for siblings of different age since you will be able to use a special bassinet with this stroller called Newborn Cocoon by the manufacturer.

This means, the stroller can be converted into a pram if only your children have such a need.

Weight, dimensions and fold

The weight of Mountain Buggy Nano Duo I sonly 20 lbs which is extremely small for double strollers. At the same time, its seats will allow you to transport two children who weigh less than 33 lbs.

Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is also a highly compact stroller especially taking into consideration the fact it is a twin stroller. Even though there are two seats installed in this stroller side by side, the total width of the stroller is 28.7”. Thus, the stroller fits through the elevators, standard doorways and narrow alleys of supermarkets.

The folding mechanism of this stroller will require using both of your hands, however, folding itself is very simple. Once the stroller is folded, it will stand on its own. I am glad the design of the fold prevents wheels from touching the fabric of the canopy and seat so it will not get dirty during transportation. The dimensions of this fold are 20″ x 28.7″ x 11″. As you can imagine, this fold is very flat, so you will be able to store it in your car trunk without any problems.

Pay your attention to a shoulder strap and a special carry handle which are featuring Mountain Buggy Nano Duo. With their help, you will be able to carry the stroller even when your hands are busy with other luggage.

Mountain Buggy Nano Duo – basic elements

This stroller really looks a lot like a single version of Mountain Buggy Nano. Yet, if you do not know anything about the original model, this part of the review might turn out to be very useful for you. Pay particular attention to the seating options of this stroller as well as the elements which are making it possible for this stroller to offer the functionality of a double model.

Seating options

Unfortunately, Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is not convertible into a travel system, however, you can still use it with newborn babies. For this purpose, you will need to buy a special carrycot which is installed directly on the original toddler seat. Of course, another seating option is a toddler seat itself.

I will recommend you to read the following description of the seating options of this stroller quite carefully.

Toddler seats

There are two toddler seats available for your children in Mountain Buggy Nano Duo. Although they are connected with each other, they have two separate canopies and two separate reclining mechanisms which is a great feature of this stroller. Certainly, your children might have different needs and it will be better for them to have seats which can be adjusted exactly to their individual preferences.

As I have already mentioned, the maximum weight capacity of this stroller is 33 lbs which is a typical weight for children around 3 years. At the same time, the seats are featured by a quite long backrest with the length of about 26”. This makes the stroller suitable for tall toddlers. Unfortunately, this will not allow you to use Mountain Buggy Nano Duo with pre-schoolers or even somewhat older toddlers, although this is a normal result of the fact this stroller is so lightweight.

The minimum age required from your baby to be able to use this stroller safely is six months.

The reclining mechanism of the seats of Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is based on the straps and a buckle. The stroller doesn’t provide babies with a flat recline, however, the most recline position is very comfortable for napping.

I am very pleased with the design of the seats as each of them has a part connecting the top of the backrest and the canopy made of mesh. In fact, this mesh part which is quite large creates a kind of a window which will be amazing during hot summer days making the seats well-ventilated. At the same time, you can cover these ventilated areas with an extension of fabric which is definitely a better option for cold days.

Pay your attention to the fact the calf rests of this stroller are also adjustable individually.

Each of the seats is equipped into a five-point harness, so they are completely safe. For the comfort of your babies the manufacturer also made the fabric of the seats particularly soft.


Even though the stroller is not convertible into a travel system and you can’t use its seats with babies below six months of age, there is a solution which will allow you to transport your children in this stroller right from the very first day. Of course, for that purpose you should use special carrycots which are sold separately.

These carrycots were cold Newborn Cocoons by the manufacturer and they can be attached to the stroller once you recline the toddler seats up to the flattest possible position. The carrycots should be installed in the parent-facing mode, which is definitely good for your babies who will be able to observe you all the time while you will be able to keep an eye on them. Of course, you can use just one Newborn Cocoon in case your babies are not twins and the second child doesn’t need any carrycot.


You already know that Mountain Buggy Nano Duo has two separate canopies which will allow you to adjust them individually to the neds of each child.

A canopy of the Mountain Buggy Nano Duo toddler seat has three panels allowing you to change the size of the shade. In fact, the canopies of this stroller are sufficient, however, they could have been larger since their size is enough for covering the face of the child however the shade doesn’t reach lower.

I am definitely not happy about the fact the canopies are not equipped into any peek-a-boos windows which actually was the problem of the original single model of this stroller. At some point, you may try using the mesh windows located above the backrest of the backrests of the stroller for checking the child, although it would be possible exclusively during the hot days and under the condition the seats are reclined flat enough. Anyway, it is not a solution and the canopies of Mountain Buggy Nano Duo really should be upgraded.

Wheels, suspension and brakes

The design of the wheels in Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is somewhat mixed. On the one hand, all of the wheels have the same size which is 4 inches. Yet, the wheels on the rear axle are dual which means instead of one wheel on the each side of the axle, you will find two wheels attached to each other which makes a total of four wheels.

The front part of the stroller resembles of the three-wheeled design of the jogging models as the front part of the chassis is divided into two parts which are a way narrower than the rear axle. The front wheels have a single design.

As you can imagine, 4 inches is a rather small size of wheels, however, it is absolutely typical for umbrella strollers. Undeniably, with such wheels you will not be able to take this stroller to the off-road strolls. Yet, the material of the wheels as well as good suspension make the ride smooth and pleasant over the even surfaces of city pavements.

At the same time, this stroller is featured by a great weight distribution. This makes it possible to lift the front part of the stroller in case you need to overcome some obstacles on the road.

Fortunately, unlike many umbrella strollers, Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is featured by a single-action brake which is, in my opinion, is more convenient than a brake based on two pedals. The brake pedal is located in the middle of the right dual wheels of the rear axle. For your comfort, the manufacturer has also added colour indicators which will tell you whether the brake is activated or not.


Unfortunately, the handlebar of Mountain Buggy Nano Duo can’t be adjusted. It is not equipped in either a rotating mechanism or a telescopic one, so you will not be able to change the height of the handlebar.

In fact, its height is quite convenient for short people as well as the people of a medium height, however very tall parents might experience some discomfort while using this stroller.

Storage options

Even though Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is a lightweight stroller, its storage basket is quite large and is featured with a great weight capacity of almost 18 lbs which is untypical for strollers of this type. Due to this spacious storage basket, you will be able to keep everything you need for a day trip.

Yet, there is one small con of this basket which is somewhat difficult access as the bars of the chassis on the sides of the stroller are located exactly where you would be trying to access the storage space.

Colour versions of Mountain Buggy Nano Duo

As for me, the fashion design of Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is one of its advantages since this stroller is available in very bright and lively colours.

Currently, you can purchase this stroller in the following colour versions: Black, Cyber, Nautical, Ruby and Silver.

In fact, all of these strollers are black and only their canopies have different colours which are actually very attractive. Of course, the Black model is totally black whereas Ruby is red. Silver is a very attractive shade of light grey whereas Cyber is a very light yellow colour. The Nautical model has a very bright blue canopy.

Pay your attention to the prices of different colour versions as they might vary.

Mountain Buggy Nano Duo – accessories

There is a variety of useful accessories which you can purchase for your Mountain Buggy Nano Duo depending on the needs of your child.

First of all, if you are going to use this stroller with babies below six months, you should purchase a Newborn Cocoon carrycot which is completely safe for the youngest passengers. The position it will be providing your child is fully flat, so the baby will have appropriate support during the stroll.

I will recommend parents to buy Nano Duo Storm Cover which is a large shield great for protecting your baby from strong wind, rain and snow. It is useful to have such a cover in your back whenever you are going out.

Nano Duo Grab Bar is an extra safety feature for protecting your children from falling out of the stroller.

There is also a special diaper bag which can be attached to Mountain Buggy Nano Duo. This Double Satchel has a number of external and internal pockets which will make organising your possessions really easy.

Mountain Buggy Nano Duo – pros and cons

Needless to say, Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is a very appealing option for parents of twins or siblings with a small difference in age since it is extremely compact and lightweight especially when compared to other strollers. Yet, you should be aware of some cons coming with this stroller as well.

For your convenience, I have created lists of advantages and disadvantages of Mountain Buggy Nano Duo which will help you to get better understanding of this stroller.


  • a very small weight for a double stroller;
  • can be used as a pram with special carrycots;
  • the seats are equipped into 5-point harness;
  • the seats are featured with separate recline mechanism as well as with calf rests which can be adjusted separately;
  • a part of the seat can be uncovered revealing a window made of mesh which is great for additional air flow;
  • the canopies of the seats are adjusted separately as well;
  • a very compact stroller fitting all the standard doorways and elevators;
  • featured by an effective weight distribution which will allow you to lift the front wheels easily for omitting obstacles;
  • a large storage basket;
  • a flat fold which can be carried on your shoulder leaving your hands free;
  • amazing colour versions.


  • suitable exclusively for even surfaces;
  • no peek-a-boo window in the canopies;
  • the handlebar cannot be adjusted.

My conclusions

Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is a great option for daily use and travelling for parents living in the urban area as this stroller can be called a lightweight one taking into consideration the typical weight of the majority of double strollers. At the same time, its wheels are pretty small which will make it not particularly useful for the parents who have to deal with bumpy surfaces, grass or sand regularly. That is why I can recommend this stroller for the parents residing in the cities in the first place.

Undeniably, Mountain Buggy Nano Duo will be a very good investment for parents who would like to purchase a lightweight double stroller which can be used from the first day of the life of your child. Even though the toddler seats of Mountain Buggy Nano Duo shouldn’t be used for babies below 6 months of age, you can get special carrycots for this purpose.

One of the best things about Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is its separate recline of the seats and canopies. As for me this is really important as your babies can have absolutely different needs, so you will need to adjust the seating options appropriately.

Mountain Buggy Nano Duo is also a better choice for short parents as well as parents of a medium height as its handlebar cannot be adjusted to different heights. Furthermore, you should take into consideration the fact this stroller doesn’t have peek-a-boos windows in its canopies which are actually a highly useful option.

Finally, like many other lightweight double strollers, Mountain Buggy Nano Duo has a quite limited weight capacity allowing you to use it for babies who are not heavier than 33 lbs.

Take these facts into consideration and make the best decision!

Lindsey Mitchell

Welcome to my blog, dear moms! I'm Lindsey, happy mother of two, keen blogger, traveller who likes to cook and spend time reading a good book. If you have any questions or find it difficult to make a choice, feel free to message me - I'm here to help!

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